MP Board Class 7th English Chapter 8 The Arrow and the Song Question Answers

Students who feel tough to learn English Chapter 8 The Arrow and the Song concepts can take help from this MP Board Class 7th Special English Solutions PDF and answer all the questions easily in the exams. Check out the links available here and download textbook solutions for MP Board Class 7th English Solutions. MP Board Solutions for Class 7th English Chapter 8 The Arrow and the Song Questions and Answers are given to you after sample research and as per the latest edition textbooks. Clarify all your queries and solve different questions to be familiar with the kind of questions appearing in the exam. Thus, you can increase your speed and accuracy in the final exam.

The Arrow and the Song Class 7 Question Answer English Chapter 8 MP Board

This can be only possible by reading the passages and topics involved in the MP Board solutions for Class 7th English . All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Practice using these MP Board Class 7th English Chapter 8 The Arrow and the Song Questions and Answers PDF and test your preparation level and bridge the knowledge gap accordingly.

Class 7th Supplementary English Chapter 8 MP Board The Arrow and the Song Questions and Answers


A. Answer the following questions.

The Arrow And The Song Poem Questions And Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 1.
Who is the poet of this poem?
H.W. Longfellow is the poet of this poem.

The Poet Shoot An Arrow Into Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 2.
Where does the poet shoot an arrow?
The poet shoots an arrow into the air.

The Arrow And The Song Question Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 3.
Where does the poet breathe a song?
The poet breathe’s a song into the air.

The Arrow And The Song Poem Questions And Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 4.
Where does the poet find the arrow?
The poet finds the arrow in an oak tree.

The Poet Finds The Song In Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 5.
Where does the poet find the song?
The poet finds the song in the heart of a friend. (He had learnt it from the beginning to the end.)

B. Tick the correct option:

(i) The poet shoots an arrow into
(a) The air
(b) an oak
(c) the sky
(d) the sea
(a) The air

(ii) The song fall on
(a) the earth
(b) the table
(c) an oak
(d) chair
(b) the table

Word Power

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:

  1. He is an ………. to his father’s property. (air/heir)
  2. She is very ………… to me. (dear/deer)
  3. He often comes …………… (hear/here)
  4. ………. do you live? (Where/Wear)
  5. He has a very bad eye ……… (site/sight)


  1. heir
  2. dear
  3. here
  4. where
  5. sight

Let’s Write

Complete the poem:

The Arrow And The Song Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 1.
I breathed a song into the air,
It feel to earth, I know not where.

The Arrow And The Song Question Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 2.
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song.

The Arrow And The Song Questions And Answers Pdf Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 3.
Long, long afterward, in an oak.
l found the arrow, still unbroke.

The Arrow And The Song Worksheet Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 4.
And the song, from beginning to end
l found again, in the heart of a friend.

Let’s Talk

Talk to your friend and ask him the questions given below. Then ask your friend to ask similar questions about acting in a play.

  1. Do you know archery?
  2. Where did you learn it?
  3. Do you like shooting?
  4. Are shooting and archery, good games?

Similar questions about play acting.

  1. Do you know how to act in a play?
  2. Where did you learn this art?
  3. Do you like acting in a play?
  4. Is play acting a good hobby?

Let’s Do It

Learn the poem by heart?
Class-room Activity.

The Arrow and the Song Word Meanings 

Page 50: Earth – ground – भूमि, Swiftly – at a fast speed – तेज गति से, Sight – range of eyes – दृष्टि, Follow – chase – पीछा करना, Air – wind – वायु, For – because – क्योंकि, Breathed – puffed out, sang – गया, Afterward – later – बाद में, Still – अभी भी.

The Arrow and the Song Stanzas for Comprehension

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow each:
1. I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where,
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where
For, who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Arrow And The Song Question Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 1.

  1. Who shot an arrow?
  2. Where did he shoot the arrow?
  3. Where did it fall?
  4. What could the sight not follow?
  5. Who breathed the song and where?
  6. Where did the song fall?
  7. Could the sight follow the song?
  8. Why could the sight not follow it (the song)?


  1. The poet shot an arrow.
  2. He shot the arrow into the air.
  3. It (The arrow) fell somewhere on the earth.
  4. The sight could not follow it (the arrow)
  5. The poet breathed the song into the air.
  6. The song fell somewhere on earth.
  7. No. the sight could not follow the song.
  8. The sight could not follow the song because it (the sight) was neither keen not strong.

2. Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, front beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

The Arrow And The Song Poem Questions And Answers Class 7 Chapter 8 MP Board Question 1.

  1. Where and when did the poet find the arrow?
  2. Who had learnt the poet’s song?
  3. How was the arrow when the poet found it?
  4. Use the word ‘heart in a sentence.


  1. The poet found the arrow in an oak tree after a long time.
  2. The poet’s friend had learnt his song.
  3. The arrow was unbroken when the poet found it.
  4. Never lose heart and patience.

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MP Board Class 7 Supplementary English Question Answer