MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Students get through the MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by natural vegetation? (2017)
Plants, trees, grasses and bushes that grow naturally without man’s interference are called natural vegetation.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of endemic and exotic vegetation?
The vegetation which is basically Indian is known as endemic vegetation but plants which are brought from out of India are called exotic vegetation.

Question 3.
What are Mangrove forests? (2017)
Mangrove is a type of vegetation with submerged roots. This vegetation is found on the coastal areas of India where the tides occur.

Question 4.
Name the animals which are on the verge of extinction.
Rhinoceros, Cheetah, Lion, etc. are on the verge of extinction.

Question 5.
What is a forest? (2014, 16)
A large area covered by plants, trees, shrubs etc., growing naturally is called a forest.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 6.
What is a sanctuary? (2014, 16)
A sanctuary is similar to a national park, but is dedicated to protect wildlife and conserve species without permission hunting is restricted in a sanctuary.

Question 7.
Define ecosystem.
A system, which comprises the physical environment and the organisms, which live therein is called an ecosystem.

Question 8.
What is Bhabhar?
In the foot hills of the Himalayas there is a narrow belt of pebbles parallel to the river stream which is 8 to 16 km wide and is known as Bhabhar.

Question 9.
Write one use of Sagaun, Babool, Khair and Sandal.

  1. Sagaun-Furniture making
  2. Babool-Toothpaste
  3. Khair-Katha
  4. Sandal-Incense-sticks.

Question 10.
Why does India possess a great variety of forest? (2015)
Approximately 47,000 different types of plants found in India. It possess a great variety of forest due to its diverse climate found from the tropical areas to the north polar areas.

Question 11.
What is Bio-reserve? Give two names. (2015)
Biosphere-reserve is a protected area to preserve the biodiversity plants, animals and micro-organisms together. These natural areas are suitable for scientific study. Human interference is not allowed in this area.

The two bio-reserves of India are Sunderban and Gujarat Gir forest.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the vegetation of the Himalayan region of India.
In the Himalayan mountain region due to variation in altitude temperature and rainfall a difference in natural vegetation is seen. Thus following types of vegetation are found in the Himalayas:

  1. Tropical Deciduous Forest: In the Shiwalik ranges, at an altitude of 1000 meters in the foothill region, Bhabar and Tarai tropical deciduous forests are found. Sal is the main species of these forests.
  2. Temperate Moist Evergreen Forest: Temperate moist evergreen forests are found between 1000 and 2000 metres above sea level. Trees of oak, chestnut, apple are common, whereas chir trees dominate.
  3. Coniferous Forests: These are found between 1600 to 3000 metres above sea level pine, cedar, silver fur, spruce trees are commonly found.
  4. Alpine forests: These forests are found at a height of 3300 to 3600 metres. Silver fur, juniper, birches and pine are the main species of these forests.

Question 2.
Distribution of plants and vegetation depends on which factors in India? Explain.
In India, distribution of plants and vegetation depends on the following factors:
(1) Land: Land affects vegetation directly and indirectly. Plains are useful for agriculture. Forests and grasslands are found on rugged and uneven surface, which are the habitat of wildlife.

(2) Soil: Different types of soil are found in different places which is a base for different types of vegetation. Mangrove forests are found in the delta regions of rivers. Whereas conical forests on the slopes of high mountain areas are favourable for agriculture while deciduous forests are found on plateau regions normally.

(3) Temperature: A favourable temperature is required for the germination, growth and reproduction of plants. A variety of plants grow in the tropical zone because of high temperature and humidity. Temperatures are low on high mountains therefore the growth period of the vegetation is short.

(4) Sunlight: Plants grow rapidly in the summer season because in summers the duration of daylight is more. As the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountainous regions receive more sunlight as compared to northern slopes dense vegetation is found here.

(5) Rainfall: In the areas of heavy rainfall the forests are very dense with tall trees. In the areas of low rainfall dwarf trees, grasses and shrubs are found. In desert areas plants have long roots. Vegetation of the Thar desert is thorny due to scanty water.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 3.
Differentiate between evergreen and deciduous forests.
Difference between Evergreen and Deciduous Forests
Evergreen Forests:

  1. These are tropical rainforests.
  2. The trees in these forests are very tall and dense.
  3. These forests are found in regions which receive more than 200 cm rainfall.
  4. There is no mass shedding of trees.
  5. Important trees are ebony, mahogany and rosewood.
  6. These forests are found in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tripura, Manipur.

Deciduous Forests:

  1. These are monsoon forests.
  2. The trees of these forests are not so tall and dense.
  3. These are found in regions which receive rainfall between 70 cm to 200
  4. The trees shed their leaves for about 6 to 8 weeks in summer.
  5. Important trees are sal, teak, bamboo, fur, shisham and sandalwood.
  6. These forests are found in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Eastern Rajasthan.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe various types of vegetation in India.
(1) Tropical Evergreen Forests: These forests are found in areas having annual rainfall above 200 cm. and where dry season is short. These forests are very dense, length of the trees is 60 m or more. These forests are found in the Western Ghat, Meghalaya, and other parts of north eastern India. Important trees are rubber, mahogany, cinchona, rosewood, ebony, bamboo, palm ice wood etc.

(2) Tropical Deciduous Forests: These forests are also known as monsoon forests. They cover 39% of the total forest area. On the basis of availability of water these forests are classified into – (i) Moist deciduous forests, (ii) Dry deciduous forests. Moist deciduous forests are found in the area of 100 to 200 cm rainfall in India, North-east states, foothills of Himalayas, Jharkhand, Western Orissa, Chattisgarh and the eastern slopes of Western Ghats. Teak, sal, bamboo, sheesham, mulberry, peepal, neem, mango are the important trees of these forests. Teak and sal are the prominent species for the economical purposes.

(3) Thorny forests and Shrubs: The areas with less than 70 cm annual rainfall have thorny forests and shrubs. This type of vegetation is found in the north western parts of the country. It includes Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and semi-arid regions of Haryana. Date, palms, babul, cactus are the main vegetation here.

(4) Mangrove forests or Tidal Forests: This type of vegetation is found in the coastal areas of India where the tides occur. Mangrove is a type of vegetation with submerged roots. This vegetation is found in the delta region of the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri rivers. Sundari is a well known mangrove tree found in the delta region of the Ganga-Brahmaputra, coconut, palm and Angar trees are also found in this region.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
State with the minimum forest area in India is: (2009, 11)
(i) Assam
(ii) Rajasthan
(iii) Jharkhand
(iv) Haryana
(iv) Haryana

Question 2.
Which one of the following is not a medicinal plant? (2008)
(i) Tulsi
(iii) Sarpgandha

Question 3.
Sundari trees are found in: (2008, 10)
(i) Tropical forests
(ii) Himalayan forests
(iii) Mangrove forests
(iv) Tropical deciduous forests
(iii) Mangrove forests

Question 4.
Out of 5 lakh animal species of the world, how many are found in India?
(i) About 50,000
(ii) About 5,000
(iii) About 75,000
(iv) About 15,000
(iii) About 75,000

Question 5.
When did the Wild Life Conservation Act pass in India? (2008)
(i) 1971
(ii) 1972
(iii) 1970
(iv) 1975
(ii) 1972

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 6.
When was Crocodile Breeding and Management Project started?
(i) 1970
(ii) 1972
(iii) 1975
(iv) 1974
(iii) 1975

Question 7.
Natural vegetation of Rajasthan is: (2009)
(i) Tropical moist evergreen forests
(ii) Tropical moist semi-evergreen
(iii) Tropical thorny forests
(iv) Alpine forests
(iii) Tropical thorny forests

Question 8.
Natural habitat reserved for Indian lion is: (2008, 09, 12, 15)
(i) Gujarat Gir forest
(ii) Kaziranga forest area of Assam,
(iii) Sunderban of West Bengal
(iv) Nilgiri forest area
(i) Gujarat Gir forest

Question 9.
What percent of the total land is covered with forests in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh?
(i) 50 percent
(ii) 40 percent
(iii) 30 percent
(iv) 20 percent
(iii) 30 percent

Question 10.
Where is the ‘Kanha National Park’ located in Madhya Pradesh? (2008, 09, 17)
(i) Hoshangabad
(ii) Sidhi
(iii) Panna
(iv) Mandla
(iv) Mandla

Question 11.
In which state is the Sunderban Biosphere Reserve situated?
(i) Uttaranchal
(ii) West Bengal
(iii) Tamil Nadu
(iv) Kerala
(ii) West Bengal

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Wild Life Conservation Act was passed in …………. in India. (2009, 11)

Question 2.
The natural habitat of lion in the country is the …………. forest of Gujarat. (2010)

Question 3.
…………. trees are found in Mangrove forest. (2013)

Question 4.
Sundari trees are found in …………. forests. (2009, 16)

Question 5.
Natural vegetation of Rajasthan is …………. (2009, 16)
Tropical thorny forests

Question 6.
Kaziranga National Park is situated in …………. state.

Question 7.
Satpura National Park is in …………. district. (2009, 17)

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 8.
The vegetation which is basically Indian is known as …………. vegetation. (2008, 09)

Question 9.
The vegetation which is brought from out of India is called …………. vegetation. (2008)

Question 10.
The first biosphere reserve in India was established in …………. (2008)

Question 11.
Tigers are not found in …………. national park. (2008)
Madhav (Shivpuri)

Question 12.
…………. plant is useful in boils and Asthma.

Match the Columns

1. Cough and cold (2009)(a) Bhopal
2. Sunderban (2012)(b) Umaria(M.P.)
3. Used as an antibiotic (2009)(c) west Bengal
4. Van vihar (2010)(d) Neem
5. Bandhavgarh (2011, 12)(e) Tulsi
6. Kanha National Park (2014)(f) Mandla

1. (e)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (f)

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life


Question 1.
The vegetation which is basically not Indian is known as endemic vegetation. (2013)

Question 2.
From the point of view of the total forest area, north east India ranks first.

Question 3.
Sundari trees are found in Ganga-Brahmaputra delta. (2008)

Question 4.
45% area is under forest in Madhya Pradesh. (2008)

Question 5.
Tulsi plant is used for cough and cold. (2008)

Question 6.
Human activities are not allowed in sanctuary.

Question 7.
Our country is one of the twelve countries having biodiversity.

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Answer in One Word/Sentence

Question 1.
The birds coming for short period. (2012, 15)
Migratory birds.

Question 2.
The forests, which are neither reserved nor protected. (2008)
Unclassified forests.

Question 3.
Sundari trees are found. (2008)
In the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta.

Question 4.
Heavy trees which shed their leaves during a particular season of the year. (2008, 09, 11)

Question 5.
Wet and marshy area near Bhabar where dense forests and variety of wildlife exists. (2010)

Question 6.
Programme for encouraging afforestation. (2009)

MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Unit 4 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 7.
Which programme was started to conserve the endangered species of lion?
‘Project Tiger’.

Question 8.
How many categories of forest have been made in a view of administrative classification? (2013)

Question 9.
Natural habitat reserve for Indian lions. (2013)
Gujarat Gir forest.

Question 10.
What is the Natural vegetation of Rajasthan? (2014)
Tropical thorny forests.