Students get through the MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Chapter 3 India: Location and Physical Divisions which are most likely to be asked in the exam.
MP Board Class 9th Social Science Important Questions Chapter 3 India: Location and Physical Divisions
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How is the central position of India in the Indian ocean helpful to us? Give three examples in support of your answer.
Write the importance of situation of India.
- India is situated in the centre of eastern hemisphere and at the head of the Indian ocean. This geographical location favours India for the international trade.
- India lies on the air and sea routes from South East Asia, Far East Asia, China, Japan, Korea, etc. Islands of Pacific ocean and Oceania, Western Europe and Africa.
- Suez Canal has reduced the distance by 4800 km between India and Western Europe. It helps India in International trade.
- India has got the facility of many seaports and natural harbours like Cochin, Mumbai, Vishakhapatnam. These give India an important link of the major international sea routes.
- Himalaya ranges protects India from foreign attacks and checks the cold winds of Tibet and do not allow the rain laden winds to go out of it. India is thus rich in monsoon type of vegetation.
Question 2.
Describe three important features of Deccan Plateau. (MP 2009)
The three important features of Deccan Plateau are:
- The Deccan Plateau is triangular in shape. In the north it is bounded by the Satpura hills and its extensions. Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats are the two arms, they meet each other at the Nilgiri.
- The slope of the Deccan Plateau is towards east. So, most of the rivers flow eastwards and form deltas. Only Narmada and Tapti flow westwards and form estuaries in rift valleys.
- The north-western part of the Deccan Plateau is known as Deccan trap. It is formed by the flow of lava. This trap is made up of basalt an igneous rock. The black soil of the trap is ideal for cotton cultivation.
Question 3.
Write the importance of Himalaya. ( MP 2012, 13)
Explain how the Himalayas act as a boon for India. (MP 2015)
The Himalayas act as a boon for India in following ways:
- The Himalayan rivers have formed the great northern plain of India, which is very even and fertile land.
- Himalayan ranges are the main factor that affect the climate of India
- They affect the rainfall on north and central India.
- They prevent cold winds of the north, coming to India.
- Sindhu (Indus), Ganga, Brahmaputra, etc. rivers and their tributaries are the important sources of water for irrigation and electric power.
- Different types of vegetation is found there. we get woods, medicinal plants, grass, etc.
- Many natural spots, tourist centres and religious or pilgrim centres are found there. All these affect our culture and are source of income.
- Minerals are also found there.
Question 4.
Distinguish between Bangar and Khaddar. (MP 2009, 12)
Difference between Banaar and Khaddar:
- Bangar is flat uplands formed by old alluvium.
- Flood water in rainy season do not reach.
- The extent of bangar soil is in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
- Here water level is very low.
- Khaddar is lowlands of the new alluvium.
- Khaddar lowlands are flooded every year in rainy season because they are flat lowlands.
- The extent of khaddar soil is in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and W. Bengal.
- Here water level is very high.
Question 5.
Distinguish between eastern coastal plain and western coastal plain.
Difference between eastern coastal plain and western coastal plain are:
Eastern coastal plain:
- The eastern coastal plain extends along the cost of the Bay of Bengal to Kanya- kumari in the south.
- On the eastern coast delta is formed by the rivers of deccan plateau.
- There are less natural harbours on eastern coast Chennai is an artificial port.
- The rivers of eastern coast are long and slow flowing.
Western coastal plain:
- The western coastal plain extends along the coast of Arabian sea from the Bay of Kutch to Kanyakumari.
- Two main rivers Narmada and Tapti form the estuaries on the west coast.
- There are natural harbours on the western coast. Mumbai, Murma Goa, Cochin are the main ports.
- Rivers of western coast are short and fast flowing.
Question 6.
Write the economic importance of great peninsular plateau.
The great peninsular plateau is important because of the following reasons:
- This plateau is a store house of valuable mineral deposits.
- It is very rich for mineral deposits also.
- There is a possibility of industrial development in future.
- This plateau gives 90% of minerals, 60% of cotton and 70% of cotton clothes.
- Iron ore, industries, chemicals, Engineering, cement are developed here.
- Tourist centre Mahabaleshwar and Pachmarhi are here.
Question 7.
Write the importance of Northern plains.
- The northern fertile plain covers 1/3rd part of Indian land.
- It is densely populated. More than 45% population of India lives here.
- The soil of this zone are very fertile. So, different types of crops were grown here. Hence, it is known as granary of India.
- The rivers of this plain come from high Himalayas. So, these rivers get water throughout the year.
- It is even and flat plain. Slope is very less so all types of transportation have been developed here.
Question 8.
Explan in short the Eastern Coastal Plain.
The East Coastal Plain: This plain extends along the coast of the Bay of Bengal from the mouth of river Swama Rekha in the north to Kanyakumari in the south. It is a broad coastal plain. It includes the deltas of Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri. The soil here is very fertile Chilka, Pullicat lakes are here. Southern part of it is called Coromandal coast.
Question 9.
What do you understand by Gondwana land? (MP 2011, 15)
The southern part of the great precambrian landmass, pargarea. It includes today’s Africa, Australia and Antarctica. Peninsular plateau is also the oldest landmass of the Gondwana land.
Question 10.
Into how many physical divisions India can be divided? Write names of all the divisions. (MP 2011)
India is a country of diverse surface features. Every type of surface features like mountains, plateau, plains, river, valleys, deserts and islands are found in our country. On the basis of these surface features, gifted by the nature.
India can be divided into the following physiographic features:
- The northern mountains.
- The great northern plains.
- The peninsular plateau.
- The coastal region.
- Islands.
Question 11.
Name the countries situated on the north of India. (MP 2010)
The countries situated in the north of India are
- Pakistan and Afganistan in the north west
- China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north and Myanmar in the east.
Question 12.
How many states and union territories are there in India? (MP 2010)
Administratively India is divided into 28 states and 7 union territories. New Delhi is the capital of India.
Question 13.
What is the east-west extent of India?
The east-west extent of India is 2,933 kilometer.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Divide India into five major physiographic divisions and explain the high mountain walls and northern plains.
India is a land of physical diversities. Almost all types of land forms are found here. There are very high mountains, very old plateaus and fertile valleys of rivers. Coastal plains and islands are also there. Therefore, India is divided into the following five physiographic divisions:
- High mountainous lands of the North or the Great mountains of the North Himalayas
- The Great Plains of North India
- Peninsular plateau
- The Coastal plains
- Islands.
(1) Northern mountain walls (The Himalayas): The mountains on the northern frontier of India include the mountain and plateaus of northern Kashmir, the Himalayas and hills of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura. They can be divided into the following five groups:
(i) The Great Himalayas
(ii) The Lesser Himalayas
(iii) The outer or Sub or Shiwalik Himalayas
(iv) Trans or Tibet Himalayas
(v) The Poorvanchal Hills.
(i) The Greater or Inner Himalayas: This is the northern most, largest and highest range of Himalayan ranges. It is also called Himadri. They are 150 to 400 km wide and average height is 6100 m. Mt. Everest is the highest peak of it.
(ii) The Lesser Himalayas: It is also known as Himachal range or lower or middle Himalayas. It lies to the south of Himadri and north of Shiwalik. These are 60 to 80 km wide and the height varies from 2000 to 4500 m. Deep valleys of Srinagar, Kathmandu and Purakha are found in it. Masoori, Chalerata, Nainital, Ranikhet and Almora are the important hill stations.
(iii) The Outer or Sub or Shiwalik Himalayas: It lies in the outer region of Himalayas so they are known as outer Himalayas. The breadth of these ranges 10 to 50 km and average height is 1220 m. The great plain of north India begins from southern Shiwalik.
(iv) Trans or Tibet Himalayas: These are the north-west off shoots of the Himalayas. They are 40 km wide on east and west ends and 225 km wide in the middle. Their extent is 965 km. They are divided into two parts: (a) Zaskar and Ladakh Range (b) Karakoram Range.
(v) The Poorvanchal Hills: These Hills are located in North Eastern part of India. The height of these ranges is 500 to 3000 m. Naga hills, Mizo hills, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia are the major hills of this region.
Longitudinally, Himalayas also divided into 3 parts: (a) Western Himalayas, (b) Central Himalayas and (c) Eastern, Himalayas.
(2) The great Plains of North India: This plain of North India has been formed due to the deposition of debris brought by Himalayas and peninsular rivers. It extends 3,200 km between river Indus and Brahmaputra. It is 150 to 300 km broad. It is more wide in Sutlej and Ganga basin but narroW in Assam Plains. The great plains are divided into four divisions:
- The Indus basin
- The Ganga basin
- The Brahmaputra basin
- The Ganga-Brahmaputra delta.
Importance of northern plain:
- The northern fertile plain covers l/3rd part of Indian land.
- It is densely populated. More than 45% population of India lives here.
- The soil of this zone are very fertile. So, different types of crops were grown here. Hence, it is known as granary of India.
- The rivers of this plain come from high Himalayas. So, these rivers get water throughout the year.
- It is even and flat plain. Slope is very less so all types of transportation have been developed here.
(3) Peninsular Pla teau: It is a part of the oldest landmass the Gondwana land. Its average length is 600 to 900 metres above sea level. It is triangular plateau, bordered by eastern ghats in the east and western ghats in the west and Kanyakumari in the southern tip. It is the largest plateau of the physiographic division of the country. The peninsular plateau is subdivided into two parts the central Highlands and deccan plateau.
(4) Island groups: The origin of the Indian Islands Lakshadweep and Andaman Nicobar is of different type:
- Lakshadweep islands: Lying opposite to the coast of Kerala in Arabian sea they are formed by numerous small islands. These islands are formed by the deposition of the coral polyps, called “Atolls”.
- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands: In Bay of Bengal, are bigger islands and are more in number. They are scattered in a large area and are far away from the main land. These islands are the peaks of submerged hilly ranges. Some of them are of volcanic origin.
I. Choose the correct alternatives:
Question 1.
Standard time of India is calculated from:
(a) 72° E. Longitude
(b) 83° 30′ W. Longitude
(c) 82° 30′ E. Longitude
(d) 85° E. Longitude.
(c) 82° 30′ E. Longitude
Question 2.
Tropic of cancer does not pass through which state of India:
(a) Gujarat
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Chhattisgarh
(d) Orissa
(b) Maharashtra
Question 3.
Largest Union territory of India is:
(a) Andaman Nicobar Islands
(b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(c) Lakshadweep
(d) Pondicherry
(a) Andaman Nicobar Islands
Question 4.
Indian peninsula plateau is made of which type of rocks:
(a) Metamorphic
(b) Sedimentary
(c) Oldest rock
(d) None of the above
(c) Oldest rock
Question 5.
Which of the following gulf seperates India and Sri Lanka: (MP 2010)
(a) Bay of Bengal
(b) Gulf of Cambay
(c) Gulf of Mannar
(d) Rann of Kachchh
(c) Gulf of Mannar
II. Fill in the blanks:
Question 1.
India is situated in ………… hemisphere.
Question 2.
In southern India ………… ocean is there.
Question 3.
In India the number of districts is …………
Question 4.
The islands formed by deposition of coral polyps are known as …………
A lots
Question 5.
The Andaman Nicobar Islands are in …………
Bay of Bengal.
III. Match the following:
A | B |
1. Capital of India | (a) Bay of Bengal |
2. Seven sisters | (b) Annaimmudi |
3. Old alluvium of plains | (c) New Delhi |
4. Andaman and Nicobar | (d) Bangar |
5. Highest peak of southern India | (e) Seven states |
6. Regions of five rivers | (f) Punjab (MP 2010) |
7. Aiyauarta | (g) Northern India (MP 2010) |
1. (c)
2. (e)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (f)
7. (g)
IV. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’:
Question 1.
Western coastal plain is narrow.
Question 2.
Bhaghel Khand is on the east of Kaimur and Bhander range.
Question 3.
Tropic of cancer divides India into three equal parts.
Question 4.
In India the number of Tehsils are 6,38,588.
Question 5.
The southern part of East coast is known as Coromandal coast.
Question 6.
Gulf of Cambay separates India and Sri Lanka.
Question 7.
India has 6,00,000 number of villages today.
V. Give answer in one word:
Question 1.
New alluvium forms flood plain.
Question 2.
Highest mountain peak of the world.
Mount Everest
Question 3.
The oldest land form, a part of Gondwana land.
peninsula plateau
Question 4.
Fine soil brought by the rivers.
Alluvial soil
Question 5.
The foothill region of Himalaya.