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MP Board Class 12th General English Composition Based on Verbal Input
Some Examples
Based on the verbal inputs given below, write a paragraph.
1. With the help of the words given below, produce a write-up on ‘Grow More Trees’ : [2013, 16]
Importance of trees, the usefulness of trees in life, to survive in life trees are necessary, useful for animals and birds shelter, protect and development of our trees.
Write an article on “Importance of Trees/Forests with the help of the following input:
Useful for Human lives/causes for rain/usefulness for all creatures/ other importance/Need and value/celebration of Van Mahotsava.
Grow More Trees
Trees existed on Earth before man. They are the refuge for birds, animals and even many tribals. They give us wood for fuel and furniture.
Fruits like apple, banana, mango grow on trees. Besides, they provide many herbs haying medicinal value. They bring rains and help to maintain ecological balance. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis. They provide shade to animals, birds, human beings and protect them from sun and rain. They holdjsoil firmly, reduce soil erosion and thus prevent flood and draught. There are different kinds of trees like neem, mango, walnut, oak, bamboo, sesame, teak, eucalyptus etc.
It is very unfortunate that man has indulged in deforestation for his greed. This has disturbed ecological balance and resulted in extinction of rare species of birds, animals, plants, herbs. Thus, the need of hour is adoption of afforestation programme like Van Mahotsava coupled with environmental awareness drive. Judicious and eco-friendly strategies of industrialisation, mining, construction and other development-oriented activities should be adopted.
2. With the help of the words given below, produce a write-up on the ‘Corruption—A Fast-Growing Malady’. [2012, 18]
A little bit always existed, increased during licence, permit raj, now growing very fast, officials and politicians making easy money, have assets beyond their own source of income, easy to take action against them.
Corruption—A Fast-Growing Malady
The country is facing the biggest problem these days in the form of corruption. In fact corruption is not a new phenomenon. It existed in ancient times also. There are examples of corruption after that also. It is unfortunate that corruption increased during licence system. The facility for the people was misused by some people of vested interest. Permit raj met the same fate. Instead of extending facilities to the people, it became a tool of earning money with some people. The situation today is very grim. Corruption is growing very fast these days. No department on section of life is untouched by it. Even officials and politicians are making easy money. They are misusing their authority and making money from all sides. As a result of this, the officials and politicians have assets beyond their own source of income. They have shot into prosperity overnight-through illegal means. It is not difficult to take action against corrupt people. But the government lacks will power. Thus the evil of corruption is fastly growing and is unstoppable.
3. With the help of the words given below, produce a write-up on the Advantages of Small Family : [2011]
Population growth, Problems of a large family, One or two children, Better facilities, Enjoy life.
Advantages of a Small Family
As per the recent demographic figures, India’s current population is 121 crores and it is estimated that by 2050 India will be most populated country. This clearly indicates that India is over populated. It affects the economy and living standard adversely. It causes poverty and unemployment. Contrary to the belief of uneducated multitude, large families are burden. On the earning hands of a family. It is the moral and social responsibility of parents to provide good life, food, health, education and other facilities to their children and an increase in the number of family members means an increase in the cost of living and responsibilities.
With high cost of living, rising prices and unemployment it is advisable to have small family with one or two children. China too was faced with a similar problem but she was alarmed in time and resorted to preventive measures. People should understand that in a small family they can give better opportunities, care and attention to each child. They can fulfil their duty towards their family properly and lead a blissful life. And all this can happen if people are educated enough to plan ‘a small and happy family-’
4. Man—good, bad qualities/anger—bad quality/causes of anger/ evils of anger/anger to be avoided.
Dangers from Anger [2009]
Man is made up of many qualities, both good and bad, and among the latter is anger. The nature of every human being is such that anything that gives offence to his sentiments or goes against his principles, excites his anger. The evils which result from anger are many. Under its influence a man loses his power of reasoning and judgement. Not being able to retain control over himself when angry, he does not know what he is doing or saying. Under its influence a man puts off his balance so much that he forgets his duty towards his superiors and may even go to the extent of saying things which are extremely insulting to them.
5. 26th of January/students assembled/headmaster and other/National Anthem/speeches/games and sports/sweets [2009]
The Republic Day Celebrations
We celebrate the Republic Day every year on 26th of January. This year we were asked to reach the school at 7.30 in the morning. All the students assembled on the school playground. We were asked to stand in rows in froni pf the flag post. Soon the headmaster, and other members of the staff arrived there. The P.T.I. gave a caution to stand at attention. The headmaster hoists^ the National Flag. We all sang the National Anthem. Then there was a short speech by the headmaster. He explained the importance of the day^All the members of the staff and the students took a vow to serve our motherland.
Then there were games and sports. In the evening there was a cultural programme. Some students sang patriotic songs and recited other poems. There were monoactings and a one act play also. Then the headmaster distributed sweet and we all dispersed.
6. Write an article on ‘Man, Computer and Mobile’ for your school magazine. You are Rakesh Shukla, a student of Government Higher Secondary School, Barwani. You can take help of following hints : [2015, 18]
So many technical devices, computer a great invention, stores large data, a reliable device, mobile: a basic necessity, wonderful, various purposes, internet: a home of knowledge.
Man, Computer and Mobile
Modem age is the age of technology. It touches all aspects of human life. It has made life fast and comfortable. Nowadays, life seems impossible without gadgets like computer and mobile. Computers save time, money and energy. The official work that was one manually is now done with computer. Computer is capable of processing the data efficiently in no time. It can keep the data safe for a long time. Computer can also be used to make voice and video calls, play music, edit photos, calculate, predict weather, treatment and diagnosis of patients, prepare maps, operate planes & missiles, control traffic, broadcast programmes and what not.
Invention of Internet has proved to be a boon for it provides much information at a click. No doubt, the reliability of the information is questionable at times. Computers are followed by laptops, notebooks, palmtops, tablets and now mobiles. The mobiles now available in their new incarnation of Smart Phones are in no way less than a mini-computer. Besides performing the basic function of a phone making or receiving calls and sending or receiving messages it is a digital camera, radio, calculator, alarm clock, calendar, torch, photo editor, music player too. There are various apps adding to its utility.
The invention of mobile has made the internet portable too. The mobiles once considered to be the possession of the privileged few has now become the necessity of a common man. The mobile is a mini-computer. Computer and mobile have revolutionised the world of communication.
Rakesh Shukla Govt. H. S. School, Barwani
Exercises For Practice
Write an article in about 100 words on the following topics.
- Good Citizens
Good citizens essential in good country/characteristics of a good citizen/beginning from school days/spread to larger areas. - Uses of Wealth.
ManifoldJproper use of money/food and clothing for the poor/ orphanages for the helpless children/wastage should be avoided.
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