MP Board Class 10th Special English Important Questions Chapter 8 What is Culture

Students get through the MP Board Class 10th English Important Questions Special English Chapter 8 What is Culture which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 10th Special English Important Questions Chapter 8 What is Culture

I. Answer the following questions in about 25 words:

Question 1.
What does Nehru find when he looks through the pages of history or current studies? (MP 2014)
Nehru, quite often looks through the pages of history or current studies. He sometimes finds that people who know one another most, quarrel most. Even adjoining countries quarrel with one another over trifles.

Question 2.
Why does the author say that knowledge by itself doesn’t lead to greater co-operation or friendship? (Imp.)
The author has read or seen adjoining countries rubbing one another illegality. They have thorough understanding of one another. Therefore, he says that knowledge by itself doesn’t lead to greater co-operation or friendship.

Question 3.
What makes the author think that the idea of cultural relations is good only in theory?
Every country and every individual seem to have their peculiar idea of culture. Those peculiar ideas come into conflict and lead to estrangement. Therefore, the idea of cultural relations is good only in theory, not in practice.

Question 4.
What are the things that affected the culture of India in the old days? (MP 2016)
Culture is usually affected by geography, climate and soil. The Himalayas, the forests, the great rivers of India and a host of other things affected the culture of India in the old days. It was also affected by architecture, music and literature.

MP Board Class 10th Special English Important Questions Chapter 8 What is Culture?

Question 5.
How does civilization influence culture? (Imp.)
Each separate civilization develops its own culture which has its root in past generations. The impulse that initially starts a civilization is affected by various conceptions. Their action and interaction moulds the culture.

Question 6.
What kind of attitude should a cultured mind develop?
A cultured mind is rooted in itself. It should have its doors and windows open. It should be capable of understanding the other people’s viewpoint fully. The question of agreement or disagreement arises after he understands a thing.

Question 7.
When does a society become static?
Social life is essentially a dynamic, changing and growing thing. If the mind of the society is shut up deliberately or isolated to the influence of others the society becomes static. Then the mind becomes opposed to all ideas of alien culture or outside world.

Question 8.
According to Nehru when is it folly to talk about culture or God, Why?
According to Nehru, it is a folly to talk about culture or God so long as human beings starve and die. He refers to the poverty of the Indian masses who fail to get two square meals a day.

II. Answer the following questions in about 50 words:

Question 1.
How does Nehru compare the growth of culture with the growth of a tree? (MP 2012)
According to Nehru, the individual human being or race or nation must have a certain depth and certain roots somewhere. They have worth because of their roots in the past. It comprises of experience and wisdom. An individual or a group useless without them. However, one cannot live in roots alone.

The roots need the sun and the free air. Then alone can the roots give us sustenance. No branching out or flowering (blossom) is possible without their combination. Only a stout root can sustain leaves, flowers and branches. In the same manner, past experience and wisdom sustain culture.

Question 2.
What is the scientific approach to life’s problems, according to the author? (Imp.)
Nehru points out the scientific approach to life’s problems. Scientific approach is the approach of examining everything. It aims seeking truth by trial and error and by experiment. In scientific approach one never says that this must be so. Rather one should try to understand why it is so.

One should accept it only on being convinced of it. One must have the capacity to change one’s views whenever one finds other proof. A man of scientific approach has an open mind to assimilate truth. It can solve all the global problems.

Question 3.
What does culture mean, according to the author? Describe briefly.
Pt. Nehru tries to probe into the real meaning of culture. He fails to define the word ‘Culture’ appropriately. Each nation and each civilization develops its own culture. However, we cannot find a pure and unaffected culture. The culture of a country is influenced by its geography, climate and soil.

People of every country are proud of their own culture and consider it the best. Culture means inner growth in a man which governs his conduct. A cultured fellow understands others and enables others to understand him.

MP Board Class 10th Special English Important Questions Chapter 8 What is Culture?

Question 4.
Summarise the views expressed by the author on Nationalism. (MP 2012)
According to Pt. Nehru, nationalism is a curious phenomenon. Sometimes, it gives life, growth, strength and unity to the country’s history. It restricts a human being’s thinking to the welfare of his own nation. He excludes the thoughts of all others. The concept of growth fades in his mind. When nationalism becomes aggressive, it becomes dangerous for internationalism.

It turns the noble culture into revengeful and hateful culture. It also breeds conflict. National culture should be balanced so that normal essentials of life are provided to all the human beings. One should rise above narrow nationalism and adopt cosmopolitanism as his way of life.

Question 5.
How did author compare the growth of culture with the growth of a tree? (MP 2017)
The author compares the growth of culture with the growth Of a tree because every individual or nation must have certain depth or roots. The culture is related to experience and wisdom of the past. As the roots of the tree needs Sunshine, fresh air and water to flourish. Similarity, even culture depends on individuals, groups, races and then past experiences and wisdom to flourish.

Question 6.
What does Jawaharlal Nehru want the young people to have in them? (MP 2018)
Jawaharlal Nehru wants the young people to have the pride of youth and the ambition of youth to do something worth while and big. According to him pride should consist in doing your job in best possible manner. If they are scientist, think of becoming an Einstein, not merely a reader in their university.

If they are a medical man, think of some discovery which will bring healing to the human race. If they are an engineer, aim at some new invention. He says they may have had some virtue and some ability, but essentially they become, what they were because they had some ambition and pride. So that they hitched their wagon to a star, because they tried to do big things. There is no magic, but by strong will and hard work they can success.

So Nehru wants the youth to prepare themselves to grow strong in mind and body, to have that inner urge to do big things and have no doubt about it. Then only you will do big things in your life.