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MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 2 The Victory
Students looking for English Chapter 2 Concepts can find them all in one place from our MP Board Class 9th English Solutions. Simply click on the links available to prepare the corresponding topics of English easily. MP Board Solutions for Class 9th English Chapter 2 The Victory Questions and Answers are given to you after ample research and as per the latest edition textbooks. Clarify all your queries and solve different questions to be familiar with the kind of questions appearing in the exam. Thus, you can increase your speed and accuracy in the final exam.
The Victory Vocabulary and Pronunciation
A. All the following sentences have one incorrect spelling. Encircle the incorrect one, write the correct spellings and rewrite the
(i) He ordered his brave jounals.
He ordered his brave soldiers.
(ii) Alexander was very happi.
Alexander was very happy.
(iii) He quietly slipped from the scene.
He quietly slipped from the scene.
(iv) The women were welling.
The women were wailing.
(v) How can a rober be a conqueror and a giver ?
How can a robber be a conqueror and a giver ?
B. Why are the words in bold type more suitable in the context than those in brackets ?
Alexander the great (renoned, talented, big) had won many battles (encounters, fights, quarrels. His desire (wish, fancy, urge) as to conquer (defeat, overpower, capture) the world.
Because the worlds in bold are used in broader sense. These words cover the meaning of all the three words given in bracket;.
2. Compare the meaning of the words :
- riding — climbing
- writhing — twisting, body without stopping
- breading — (of animals) having sex and produce
- breathing — the at of taking in air
- loading — carrying
- loathing — a strong feeling of hatred
- ladder — a piece of equipment for climbing up and down a wall.
- lather — a white mass of small bubbles that is produced by mixing soap with water.
D. Question 1.
Some of the most common English words which contain sound /O/ are three, thin, thank, thick, thing, thirsty, both, cloth etc.
Write some more English words which contain /O/ sound.
Question 2.
Some of the most common English words which contain sound/6/ are the, this, that, these, those, though, smooth, with etc.
Write some more English words which contain /6/ sound.
Question 3.
Say these words and notice the difference in their pronunciation.
day — they
den — then
die — thy
breed — breathe
load — loathe
side — scythe
Now, find some similar examples and write them in the given space.
- bed – bathe
- ladder — leather
- dim — theme
- rod — road
- site — sight
- breath — breathe
- bliss — bless
- sink — think
Listening Skill
1. Listen to the Iranian short story which tells about the Nature’s justification with each and everything.
See workbook page 9.
On the basis of the text you have listed to, complete the following:
Question 1.
When the peasant reached the melon farm he was
tired and thirsty.
Question 2.
The farmer rested under the
shade of a nearby walnut tree.
Question 3.
He enjoyed the
view of the spreading vives of big water melons.
Question 4.
The trees of walnuts were
Now, discuss with your friends :
Question 1.
In the beginning of the story the peasant is not happy with the act of the God because….:
the small walnuts grew on an enormous tree while the big water melons hung from a flat and flimsy vine.
Question 2.
What would have happened if a melon had fallen upon the head of the peasant instead of the walnut ?
If a melon had fallen upon the head of the peasant, he would have been injured seriously.
Question 3.
In the end of the story the peasant was thankful to God because
He was clever not to let melons grow on big trees.
Speaking Skill
See workbook page 10.
For self attempt
Reading Skill
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
See workbook page 10
Question 1.
Choose the correct answer
(i) Who is truly a great man ?
(a) a person whose name figures in history
(b) a person who would warmly welcome some unhappy old woman to put an end to her troubles
(c) a person who has won battles
(b) a person who would warmly welcome some unhappy old woman to put an end to her troubles
(ii) The passage is intended for:
(a) the psychologists.
(b) the parents of school going children.
(c) the young people.
(c) the young people.
(iii) The purpose of the passage is :
(a) to communicate the importance of material possession to the readers..
(b) to instill in the hearts of the young people, a strong desire to become truly noble human beings.
(c) to highlight the advantages of advanced civilization.
(b) to instill in the hearts of the young people, a strong desire to become truly noble human beings.
Question 2.
Go through the passage again and answer the questions briefly:
(i) Give one reason for the unhappiness of human beings.
They are not satisfied with what they have.
(ii) Mention the qualities of noble human beings.
They are willing to embrace sorrows of their neighbour and thereby acts in order to create a truly peaceful and happy society.
(iii) The author tells the people that they have endless occasions to improve themselves. What are they ?
Whether studying or participating in student organisations and extra curricular activities or solving problems that arise with your friends.
Question 3.
Write 2-3 sentences on each of the following subtitles :
(i) A truly great man does not have to be famous.
He does not want to be famous. He wants only to serve the society selflessly. He embraces other’s sorrows and tries to create a peaceful- and loving society.
(ii) A truly noble being embraces the sorrows of others most willingly.
It gives him real joy. He feels satisfied and happy. He wants to see smile on other’s face.
(iii) Various school activities opportunities for self improvement.
Extra curricular activities. Games and sports. Problems that arise with our friends.
Question 4.
Mention the suggestions given by the author to next generation to become noble human beings.
In order to become noble human beings the next generation should do the following
- They should discipline themselves.
- They should absorb knowledge and furnish themselves with the skills they will need for that day.
Question 5.
Mention the suggestions given to improve oneself.
We should positively search out opportunities for improvement to face challenges in life squarely so that we might nature in a outstanding individuals.
Question 6.
What is he result of the superficial prosperity of our age?
The superficial prosperity of our age only increases the fundamental affections which we experience as human beings.
Language Practice (Grammar)
Simple past
A. Study these sentences.
See workbook page 13.
Now, talk to your friends and frame five sentences on what they did yesterday/last week.
- They went On a picnic in a zoological park.
- They played various games there.
- They enjoyed/saw several birds and animals.
- They enjoyed delicious dishes.
- They drank soft drinks
B. Now, study these sentences.
See workbook page 14.
4. Now, talk to your parents or grandparents, and frame five sentences. Where they lived/studied (place) for (time period).
Example : My grandmother lived in Varanasi for a long time.
- My grandfather lived in Allahabad for a long time.
- It is a big city with great religious value.
- It had been a centre of political uplevel.
- It’gave the first Prime Minister of India.
- He was proud to be a part of it.
Simple Past and Past Continuous:
C. Study these sentences.
See workbook page 14.
Now, frame five sentences on this pattern.
- When Raman telephoned me yesterday, I was in bathroom.
- When Mrs. Sharma came to my house last week, my mother was not at home.
- When I reached the city, there was a curfew.
- The baby was sleeping when I came to her.
- The teacher was teaching -when the Principal entered the class. Simple Past and Past Perfect
D. Study these sentences :
See workbook page 15.
Now, put the verbs in brackets into the correct simple past or past perfect tense.
1. They ……………… just (come) from office when they ………… (meet).
2. She hardly (say) this, when Malasha …………. (plump) down her foot.
3. When they …………….. (go) out to play, their mothers ……………… (dress) them both in new frocks.
4. When he ……….. (reach) the railway station the train ……………. already (leave).
- had, came, met
- had, said, plumped
- had, gone, dressed
- reached, had left
Writing Skill
A. You are the student- editor of your school magazine. Write a notice inviting the names of those who like to give articles, stories, cartoons etc. for the school magazine. (50 words)
ABC School
School Magazine Section
Date 25 July 2011
This is a bring to all the students that the school magazine is to be published before winter break. Those who are interested in writing articles, stories, cartoons etc are invited to register their names and wrote-ups till 20 Aug 2011 to the undesigned during office hour between 2 to 4 pm in the Common Room.
Manish Gupta
Student Editor.
B. Narrate the popular encounter of Alexander with the Indian King Puru. (150 words)
Alexander (356-323 B.C) was only 22 years old when he ascended the throne. He was a general. He divided his army into two units to effectively capture India. The first unit invaded India under his personal leadership. He defeated the North Indian States. The other unit was under commander Hephastian. It defeated the kingdoms on the bank of river Indus. The Indian kingdoms were disunited. As such, they did not pose any virtual challenge to any of his units. As a result, the Greek army conquered all kingdoms before uniting at Ohind. Kings like Ambi accepted defeat without even fighting his army. However, Alexander emerged victorious and made Porus a prisoner
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