MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 2 The Primitive Man
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 2 Text Book Exercise
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Question (a)
How did the primitive man made their tools?
1. In the Paleolithic Age tools were made by simply breaking the stones. In the Mesolithic Age, the tools became lighter and sharper. Hard and strong stones were used in making these tools. The speciality of these stones were that they could be easily chipped and given desired shape.
2. In the beginning tools were made of such stones which were easy to hold in hands. Gradually man learnt the art of making handles of the tools. The power of the tools were increased by fixing wooden butts as handles.
Question (b)
What different uses of stone tools were made by primitive man?
Primitive man used stone tools to hunt animals, to chop meat, to cut wood and to dig up tubers and roots.
Question (c)
Where are rock – paintings found in Madhya Pradesh?
In Madhya Pradesh rock-paintings are found in the districts of Raisen, Hoshangabad and Mandsaur.
Question (d)
How did the primitive man protect themselves from animals?
The primitive man protected themselves from animals by burning the fire at the entrance of the caves.
Question (e)
How was fire discovered? How did the primitive man benefit from it?
It is assumed that the discovery of fire was by accident. When two flint stones were struck against each other, it created sparks which caused leaves to burn. In this way man learnt to light a fire. Fire was very useful to them for light, roasting meat and protection from wild animals.
Question 2.
Give detailed answer to the following:
Question (a)
Explain the evolution of the primitive man?
1. The early human beings could not talk clearly, so they might have used different sounds to convey information. When they saw fruits high up on the trees, they balanced their bodies and stretched their front limbs to pluck the fruits.
2. This way their front limbs became independent which they started using for digging, holding and picking. They started using the back limbs to walk. In this manner they had hands and legs.
3. In this way, changes gradually occurred in the body of human beings. For example, when they stood on their feet, they were able to see far, and to see nearby they turned their neck instead of the whole body.
4. They used their hands to pluck fruits, collect food and eat it. At this time they started sleeping on their back. The ability of thinking was also rapidly developed with the changes in the body. Also, at this time the sounds of laughter and cry became clear.
5. With the continuous changes occurring in human beings, he started thinking about the basic needs like food, protection and shelter.
Evolution of man:
Question (b)
How did primitive man learn agriculture and animal husbandary? Elaborate.
1. In India cultivation started 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, growing plants and grain was an important discovery. Now, man had learnt that by putting seeds into the soil and watering the soil, plants would grow. This was the beginning of agriculture. He could grow his own food. So, he started living at one place and settled him as an agriculturist.
2. Along with cultivation man also learnt animal husbandary. He began rearing a number of useful animals. He used them for different tasks:
- Use of dogs in hunting.
- Use of bullocks in farming.
- Cows, goats and buffaloes for milk.
- Sheep, bulls and goats for meat.
- Horses for riding.
Question 3
Write notes:
Question (a)
Discovery of fire?
1. In the Paleolithic Age tools were made by simply breaking the stones. In the Mesolithic Age, the tools became lighter and sharper. Hard and strong stones were used in making these tools. The speciality of these stones were that they could be easily chipped and given desired shape.
2. In the beginning tools were made of such stones which were easy to hold in hands. Gradually man learnt the art of making handles of the tools. The power of the tools were increased by fixing wooden butts as handles.
Question (b)
Discovery and uses of wheel?
Wheel was a very important discovery of the early man. It led to a big advance in the pattern of man’s living. Its discovery made life very much easy in a number of ways. Man now discovered carts which were drawn by animals. People now could travel easily from one place to other. It also helped in movement of objects. It improved the making of pottery.