Students get through the MP Board Class 10th English Important Questions Special English Chapter 6 Two Gentlemen of Verona which are most likely to be asked in the exam.
MP Board Class 10th Special English Important Questions Chapter 6 Two Gentlemen of Verona
I. Answer the following questions in about 25 words:
Question 1.
What were the two boys doing when the author met them for the first time? (Imp.)
Two small boys stopped the author’s car. They were selling wild strawberries when the author met them for the first time.
Question 2.
Why did Luigi, the driver, try to stop the author from buying the fruit from the two boys?
Luigi was the speaker’s driver. He tried to stop the author from buying the fruit from the two boys. There were two reasons behind it. They could get fruit much better in Verona. They wore dirty clothes and had shabby appearance.
Question 3.
Why were the author and his companion strangely attracted to the boys? (MP 2014)
The two boys were wearing worn out and ill-sized clothes. The author and his companion gazed at their little figures. They had brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes. Therefore, they felt strangely attracted to them.
Question 4.
Why did the boys make a visit to the country every Sunday?
The boys had a sister named Lucia. She was suffering form tuberculosis of the spine. She was admitted in a hospital at Poleta in the country. Both the boys made a visit to see her condition and make payments every Sunday.
Question 5.
What did the author see when he looked through the glass partition? (MP 2015)
The nurse made the author look through the glass partition. The author saw the boys seated at the bedside of a girl of about twenty and chatting with her.
Question 6.
Why did the author refuse to go into Lucia’s room? (MP 2009)
The author felt that he should not interfere with the happy family party. Both the brothers were sitting at the bedside of the girl. She was listening to their chattering with sisterly love. Therefore, he refused to go into Lucia’s room.
Question 7.
What was the secret that the author knew but the boys preferred to keep safely?
The two boys had gone to the hospital to see their sister who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. The boys preferred to keep this secret safely. The author had seen everything with his own eyes. He knew the secret to the letter.
Question 8.
How did the war effect the family of the two boys? (M.P. 2015)
The war effected them badly. Their father, a well known singer had been killed in the war. A bomb destroyed their home. It had thrown the two boys and their sister into the streets. They suffered starvation and bitter cold weather.
II. Answer the following questions in about 50 words:
Question 1.
What works did the boys do to earn some money? Why did they do so? (Imp.)
The boys did various works Jo earn some money. They sold strawberries at the outskirts of Verona. They shined shoes outside hotels. They showed visitors through the town to show them places of interest. They ran errands (for reservation of seats etc.) They also sold newspapers even after midnight. They did so in order to make payment for their sister’s treatment. She was suffering from the Tuberculosis of the spine and was admitted in a grand hospital.
Question 2.
How did the two boys look after their sister? (Imp.)
The two boys found that their sister was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They took her to the hospital to Poleta. It was 30 kilometres from their place. They worked day and night to pay for her treatment. Every Sunday they went to the hospital to see her. Usually, they hired bicycles to reach the hospital. In this way, they looked after their sister.
Question 3.
Write the story of ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ in 70-80 words. (MP 2013)
Nicola, Jacopo and their sister belonged to a cultured family. War took their father’s life. Their sister was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They get her admitted to a hospital 30 kilometers away. They worked day and night. They earned quite little. They spent least money over food and clothing. They saved money for their sister’s treatment. They hired bicycles and went every Sunday to see and look after their sister in the hospital.
The author felt strange attraction for the boys and helped them in all possible ways. The author, even after knowing about their secret, did not reveal anything or make any enquiry from the boys but was moved by their action and humanity.