MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

Students get through the MP Board Class 10th English Important Questions General English Note Making and Summarising Writing which are most likely to be asked in the exam.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

I. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

All ants have a varied diet. This is a strong point with struggle for a livelihood, as it enables them to use whatever food is, for the time, abundant and easy to find and collect. In this way a varied diet cushions them against unpredictable changes in food supply. All our species eat some sort of prey, but they will also pick-up crumbs of bread, cheese or fruit that they find lying about near picnic sites, or in parks or gardens.

Ants eat worms, centipedes and spiders; they also eat larvae, and insect adults such as flies moths and spring tails. Such small animals do not all make easy game for ants; they are usually much quicker than the ant itself and they have an extraordinary number of ways of escaping, some jump, some flicks their bodies violently and some give out a pungent repellent substance.

If ants or indeed any hunting animals were too clever at catching their prey, they would eventually destroy the species completely and suffer themselves in turn. That is one reason, why in nature it is usually the weak and disabled that are caught and eaten. The well formed, alert and vigorous ones can escape and survive to keep the species going. The prey avoids destruction in this way and maintains a good breeding stock which provides a regular food supply for its predators. The predators can even be thought of a beneficial agent that prevents overcrowding of the prey by clearing up, neatly and effectively all the superfluous individuals.

Question 1.
Make notes on the contents of the passage and give a title also.
Title: The Ants.
1. The food of the ants:

  • Varied diet.
  • Easy to find
  • Crumbs of bread, cheese, fruit.

2. Ant’s victims:

  • Worms, moth, insects.

3. Might is right:

  • Weak are easy prey, like insects, larvae, spiders.
  • Only the strong species serve themselves.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

Question 2.
Prepare the summary of the passage.
Summary: Ants have varied diet. It enables them to eat whatever they get easily. They eat worms, insects larvae, spiders, flies. The strong worms escape by jumping or by giving pungent smell. If hunting animals are able to catch their prey always they would destroy the whole species completely. The weak are caught and the strong escape to survive to keep their species going. They protect the destruction of their species.

II. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

There are several arts which men and women think themselves to be masters of, without having been at the pains of learning them. Everybody who speaks, thinks himself to be grammarian, though he may be wholly unacquainted with the rules of grammar. Everybody who reasons thinks himself to be expert in logic though he may not know what logic is. Everybody forms to himself the character or fortune of a stranger from the features and lines of his face.

No sooner are we presented to some body we never saw before than we are immediately struck with the idea of a proud, a reserved, a lovable, or a good natured man. Upon our going into a company of strangers, our kindness or dislikes, fear or hatred, rises naturally towards several particular persons. It happens even before we have heard them speak a single word or have seen them do something.

Every passion gives a particular cast to the face. An eye can curse a person for half an hour together. An eyebrow can call a man a scoundrel. We may have some idea of the temperament and circumstances of everyman by his words. A man’s speech is much more easily distinguished than his face. In this case, the air of the whole face is much expressive than the lines of it. Nevertheless it is an injustice we are guilty of towards one another, when we are prejudiced by the looks and features of those whom we do not know.

Question 1.
Make notes on the contents of the passage and give a title also.
Title: Human Nature.
1. Wrong thoughts:

  • Without training, people pretend to be masters of different arts.
  • Pose to be logicians without any knowledge of logic.

2. Judgement of a person:

  • We form our opinions about a stranger from his looks.
  • Fear and hatred, likes and dislikes about strangers.

3. Face is the index of mind:

  • Cursing a person with looks.
  • Label a man from his eye-brows.

4. Words are the expression of one’s mind:

  • Speech is deceptive in most cases.
  • Face betrays the inner feelings.

5. A good advice:
It is injustice to be prejudiced by stranger’s looks.

Question 2.
Prepare the summary of the passage.
Summary: Most people pose to be what they are not. They pretend to be masters of arts without training or education. People try to judge others from their face. We form our opinion about strangers from their looks. We have our likes and dislikes about several persons without judging them by their words or actions. Speech may be deceptive but not features of face. It is injustice to be prejudiced by the looks of an unknown person.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

III. Read the following passage carefully and do as instructed in (a) and (b) below the passage: (M.P. 2014)

It is an admitted fact that union or cooperation is strength, disunion is weakness. A united family, a united community, a united society, a united nation is strong, but those who are disunited or split up into fractions or groups, are all weak. Take the case of a football or hockey team. If the members of the team play together and cooperate with one another, they will form a strong team.

But if each member plays his, own game, they will surely be defeated, however strong the individual players may be. The same is true of an army. To win a battle, an army must work as one man. Napoleon’s motto was, “Divide and conquer”. He tried to split up the armies fighting against him. Then he would overcome them one by one. Divided they were weak. A united team, a united army, a united nation is strong.

Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points using heading and sub-heading.
Title: A United Nation.
1. Union:

  • It is strength.
  • Family, society, community etc.
  • e.g., an army, a football team.

2. Disunion:

  • Splitting of groups.
  • Weakness.
  • Napoleon’s Motto ‘Divide and Conquer’.

Question 2.
Now write a summary looking at the notes.
Summary: Union is strength. Disunion is weakness. A united family, society, community and nation is strong, e.g., a football team, a hockey team. They form a strong team by playing and cooperating one another. Napoleon’s Motto was ‘Divide and Conquer’. To win a battle an army must work as one man.

IV. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow: (M.P. 2011, 12, 16)

Discipline is necessary in life. A man without discipline can achieve nothing worth while in life. Discipline is the very condition of progress, stability and strength. Discipline is necessary in all walks of human life. Without discipline there will be disorders and lawlessness in a civilised society. We cannot live without having some regards for the welfare of others. Respect for authority is the basis of discipline. Children must obey their parents. In schools and colleges, there must be discipline, otherwise education will suffer. We find evidence of discipline all around us even in the world of nature and the world of animal, discipline loses nothing but it wins a lot. Discipline helps us to safeguard our interests and restrains us from missing our liberty.

Question 1.
Make notes on the above passage and give a title.
Title: Discipline.
1. Necessity of discipline:

  • Nothing can be achieved in life.
  • Without discipline society will lawless.

2. Helps others:

  • It creates feeling of respect.
  • It suffers education.

3. Respect for authority.

  • Children respect their parent, teacher and elders.

Question 2.
Prepare a summary of the passage.
Summary: Discipline in every aspect is a must. Without discipline it is difficult to form a society which can be called civilized. It is a must to learn discipline right from childhood.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

V. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Bodily labour is of two kinds; either that which a man submits to for his livelihood or that which he Undergoes for his pleasure. In the latter case, the name of the labour is changed to that of exercise. It differs from ordinary labour as its motive is different.

The body is a system of tubes and glands. The tubes and glands are fitted to one another in so wonderful a manner as to make a proper engine for the soul to work with. This description does not only include bones, veins and nerves and arteries but also every muscle.

This general idea of a human body lets us see how absolutely necessary labour is for the body. There must be frequent motions to mix, digest and separate the juice contained in it. Labour is also necessary for cleaning the tubes and glands and to make their solid parts firm and lasting. Labour or exercise helps nature in secret distribution. Without it the body cannot maintain its strength nor the soul act with cheerfulness.

We might here mention the effects which this has upon the powers of the mind; keeping the understanding clear and imagination untroubled. There is law of union between soul and body. Had not exercise been absolutely necessary for our well-being, nature would have not made the body so proper for it.

Question 1.
Make notes on the contents of the passage and give a title also.
(a) Title: Labour is essential for body and soul.
1. Kinds of labour :

  • For livelihood
  • For pleasure.

2. Difference:

  • Latter called exercise
  • Differs for its motive

3. Body and soul:

  • Tubes and glands of body well-linked for soul to work with.

4. Labour necessary:
(i) To make soul strong to work with cheerfulness through

  • Digestion
  • Cleaning of glands
  • Proper distribution.

5. Effect on mind:

  • Clear understanding
  • Free thoughts

6. Conclusion:

  • Exercise necessary for the union of body and soul.

Question 2.
Prepare the summary of the passage.
Summary: Physical labour is necessary for pleasure and livelihood. The first is called exercise and differs from the latter in its motives. Tubes and glands of body are well- linked for soul to work with. So labour is necessary to have strength through digestion of juice, cleaning of glands and proper distributions for soul to work with cheerfulness. Its effect on mind is clear understanding and flexible imagination. There is union between body and soul. So exercise is essential.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Self-reliance is the pilgrim’s staff the worker’s best tool. It is the master key that unlocks all the difficulties of life. “Help yourself and Heaven will help you” is the maxim which receives daily confirmation. He who begins with crutches will generally end with crutches. Help from within always strengthens but help from without invariably enfeebles the recipient. It is not in the sheltered garden, but in the rugged Alpine cliff, where the storms bent most violently, that the toughest plants are reared.

It is not by the use of corks, bladders and life-buoys that one can best learn to swim but by plunging courageously into the waves and buffeting them. To wait until some charitable man passes by – to stand with arms folded, signing for a helping hand is not the part of any manly mind. The habit of depending upon others should be vigorously resisted since it tends to weaken the intellectual faculties and paralyses the judgment. The struggle against adverse circumstances has, on the contrary, bracing and strengthening effect, like that of the pure mountain air on an enfeebled frame. This is a lesson that nowadays is not taught in educational institutions.

To us it seems the voice of modern system of education that they lay down too many ‘royal roads’ to knowledge. Those impediments which merely compelled the student to think and labour for himself are now most carefully removed and he glides so smoothly along the well-beaten highways that he pauses not to heed the flowers on either side.

Question 1.
Make notes on the contents of the passage and give a title also.
Title: Self-Help.
1. Self-help is:

  • a master-key to success.
  • Helps to overcome all difficulties.


  • Help from within gives strength.
  • Help from outside weakens us.
  • Toughest plants grow on mountain slopes.
  • Swimming is not learnt by use of corks and bladders.

3. Depending on other weaken us:

  • Fear no difficulties.
  • Face them boldly.

4. Main defect of modem education is that it does not compel the student to think and
labour for himself, independently.

Question 2.
Prepare the summary of the passage.
Summary: Self-help is the best help. It gives you strength to solve all your problems. God helps those who help themselves. External help only weakens you. A bold and brave man will not sit idle or wait for a helper. Toughest plants grow on mountain slopes. One should stmggle against odds because it gives strength to the mind and spirit. It is not taught in schools these days. Modem education does not compel or inspire the students to think or labour for themselves.

VII. Read the following passage carefully and do as instructed in (a) and (b) below the passage:

If you make a mistake have the moral courage immediately to acknowledge your error and put it right. Mistakes do veiy little harm if they are acknowledged without delay and corrected before they have had the time to do any damage. Let them remain unattended and they may do untold harm both to the task in hand and to your reputation. Contrary to general belief, nobody despises a person who has the moral courage to admit that he is in the wrong and is immediately prepared to make good errors.

What can you say to a man who admits, “I beg your pardon,” you are quite right and I am quite wrong. Please let me set the matter right now immediately before it has done any harm. “Would you despise a man like that?” Then why not emulate him? But here let me tell you, nobody likes such a fool as a man who is trying to keep his end up by desperate lying when he is in the wrong and everyone knows it.

Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points, using heading and sub-heading.
Title: Acknowledge your mistake: Be happy.
1. Mistake:

  • Have courage to accept it.
  • Acknowledge it without delay.
  • Correct it before they harm.

2. Nobody despises such person:

  • Who accepts the mistake: Without delay.
  • Try to make good error: Soon.

3. Appreciate the person who have the moral courage to accept the mistake soon.

Question 2.
Write a summary of the above passage.
Summary: Acceptance or error and trying to put it right is the best success. One should have the moral courage to acknowledge his error immediately. In the present world, there are very few persons only who admits that they have made a mistake.

But there is also true that nobody like such a fool as a man who is trying to keep his end up by desperate lying when he is in the wrong and everyone know it.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

VIII. Read the following passage carefully and do as instructed in (a) and (b) below the passage: (M.P. 2015)

There are many different kinds of musical instruments. They are divided into three main classes according to the way they are played. For example, some instruments are played by blowing air into them. These are called wind instruments. In some of these the air is made to vibrate inside a wooden tube and these are said to be of the woodwind family. The examples of this family are the flute, the clarinet and the bassoon. Other instruments are made of brass: the trumpet and the horn are the examples. There are also various other wind instruments such as the mouth organ and bagpipes.

Some instruments are played by banging or striking them. One obvious example is the drum, of which there are various kinds. Instruments like this are called percussion instruments.

The last big group of instruments are the ones which have strings. There are two main kinds of stringed instruments: those in which the music is made by plucking the strings and those where the player draws a bow across the strings. Examples of the former are the harp and the guitar and that of the latter are the violin and the cello.

Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it in points using heading and sub-heading.
Title: Instruments.
1. Musical instrument:
1.1 Different kinds.
1.2 Division of three classes.
1.3 Played by blowing air – wind instrument.
1.4 Woodwind family – the flute, clarinet, bassoon.
1.5 Other instrument – made of brass, trumpet, horn.

2. Other instruments:
2.1 Played by banging or striking.
2.2 Example – drum.
2.3 This type called percussion instruments.

3. Last big group of instruments:
3.1 Have strings.
3.2 Two main kinds – music, by picking string drawing across strings.
3.3 First type – the harp and guitar.
3.4 Second type – violin and cello.

Question 2.
Write a summary looking at the notes.
Summary: There are many different kind of musical instruments. They are classified according to the way. They are played into three classes. Wind instrument played by blowing air. Flute, clarinet, bassoon are woodwind family instrument. Other instrument are of brass and trumpt played by striking or banging string called percussion instrument. The harp, guitar, violin, cello are last big group of instrument have strings.

IX. Read the following passage carefully and do as instructed in (a) and (b) below the passage: (M.P. 2017)

The need for money originates from the fact that different people in society produce different things. This means that they depend on each other for goods and services. Let us take the case of a farmer who produces more food than he requires and a carpenter who lives by selling tables and chairs he has made. It will be obvious that unless some means of exchange will be for them to use farmer’s goods, the farmer will not be able to get rid of his surplus food and carpenter will starve.

Clearly the simplest means of exchange will be for them to use barter, in other words to exchange a certain amount of goods (farmer’s grain) for a certain amount of another, (carpenter’s table or chair) obviously barter can work only in a very simple society. In an advanced society, we cannot go around for the things we need. Questions:

Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it and supply a suitable title.
Title: Difference means of exchange.
1. Barter Sysyem:
1.1 Different people – different things.
1.2 Depend on eachother.
1.3 Surplus food.
1.4 Can work – simple society
1.5 Can’t work – advanced society.

2. Medium of exchange:
2.1 Money.
2.2 All people!

3. Simplest means of exchange:
3.1 Use barter.
3.2 Words to exchange.
3.3 A certain amount of goods.

4. Obivously barter:
4.1 Advanced society.
4.2 Around of things.

Question 2.
Now write a summary looking at the notes.
Summary: The need for money originates from the fact that different people in society produce different things. It will be obvious that unless some means of exchange will be for them to use farmer’s goods. In an advanced society, we cannot go around for the things we need.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

X. Write an article on “Importance of trees” with the help of verbal useful inputs provided (in 80 words): (M.P. 2011, Imp.)

(1) Trees-gift of nature
(2) Trees provide-oxygen, timber
(3) Causes-rainfall
(4) Cutting of trees-ecological imbalance
(5) Tree plantation drive-whole nation.
Importance of trees:
Trees are wonderful gifts of nature to us. Trees provide us oxygen which is an essential ingredient to survive. Other things such as timber we get from trees. Trees are mainly used in form of timber such as construction of house roof, doors, furniture. In villages, people use timber as fire wood.

Another important factor is that trees cause rainfall. Where there are forests, percentage of rainfall is greater. Rain provides water for irrigation and through dams we produce electricity.

Deforestation or cutting of trees cause ecological imbalance which is dangerous for mankind. We can control the damage caused by cutting of trees by tree plantation drive. The whole nation should contribute to prevent ecological imbalance.

XI. Write an article on the “Save Water” with the help of the verbal inputs given below (about 80 words): (M.P. 2016, 17)

(1) Collect rain water on roof-top.
(2) Store rain water in underground tanks.
(3) Turn off taps while brushing teeth.
(4) Collect water after washing fruits vegetables and cereals for gardening.
(5) Do not overuse bore-well.
(6) Wash vehicles and floor with water in a bucket.
Save Water
Water is precious. We must try to save each drop of water. Certain tips are as follows to save water:
(i) We should collect water in tank, (ii) We can reuse water after washing vegetables dal, rice etc. in garden, (iii) We can reuse it after washing clothes, (iv) We can learn to use water carefully while bathing, (v) We must turn off tap while brushing teeth, (vi) We should not use pipe to wash our vehicles instead a bucket full of water should be used for this job.

XII. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘Preventing Malaria’ with the help of the verbal inputs given below: (M.P. 2014 Imp.)

(1) Malaria: a dangerous disease.
(2) Anopheles mosquito not eradicated.
(3) Anti-malarial drugs.
(4) Use of long-sleeved shirts and long trousers.
(5) Use of insect repellents and mosquito nets.
(6) Malaria parasites resistant to anti-malarial drugs.
(7) Awareness in the society.
Malaria: A dangerous disease
Malaria is a fatal disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to human and animal hosts by Anopheles mosquito. Efforts made to eradicate Anopheles mosquito but still they exist. It can be prevented by use of long sleeve shirt and trousers to cover as much skin as possible, insect repellent, insecticide impregnated bed nets, indoor residual spraying and draining stagnant water. Anti malarial drugs available e.g., chloroquine,proguine. For aware¬ness in society the role of (SLAM) : Student Leaders Against Malaria and (MFI) Malaria Foundation International and educational approach to promote malaria awareness advocacy and ends.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

XIII. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘Air Pollution’ with the help of the verbal inputs given below: (Imp.)

(1) Pollution.
(2) Air pollution.
(3) The agents.
(4) Results.
(5) Measure to control the problem.
Air Pollution:
The problem of pollution is engaging the attention of sensible people in the developed and developing countries. What do we mean by pollution? It means contaminating the element of the air, water and earth. We are polluting tire air we breathe. The agents of pollution are the chimney smokes and the fumes from cars and trucks. In winter there is thick smoke all over the big cities as a result people don’t get enough oxygen. They develop bronchial problem or breathing problem. Delhi alone has millions of vehicles factories which bum petrol and diesel. Thermal plants and factories bum coal. There is hardly any green area left over. Trees have been felled, public parks turned into slums. We should plant trees, check the pollution by vehicles and mills and factories.

XIV. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on “To Make Clean India” with the help of the verbal inputs given below: (M.P. 2015 Imp.)

(1) Cleanliness is based on our health.
(2) To put the garbage in the dustbin.
(3) To develop the habit of cleanliness.
(4) Cleanliness is a national mission.
(5) Two hours in a week should be given in this mission.
(6) Use of cotton bags only.
(7) Awareness in the society.
(8) Separate toilet for girls in schools.
(9) Water available to maintain the cleanliness.
To Make Clean India:
Health is the most valuable of all earthly possession. Cleanliness is a national mission. This is an awareness mission for the society. Where the people do not care for cleanliness. The waste or garbage should be put in dustbin. Two hours should given to the mission to keep the society surroundings clean. Instead of using plastic bag we must use cotton bag to carry items and household things. For girls separate toilets should be maintain with ample of water facility. It is duty of everyone of us (whether we belong to any society) to maintain sanitation wherever we live, work or stay.

MP Board Class 10th General English Note Making and Summarising Writing Important Questions

XV. Write a paragraph on given heading:

1. Teachers Day
2. Talk less work more should be our Motto
3. Truth always triumphs
4. Hard work is always rewarded and laziness punished
5. Health is real wealth


Teachers Day

Teachers day is celebrated on 5th September everywhere our ex-president Dr. S. Radhakrishnan who himself was a teacher, was bom on this day. Our school also celebrate this day with great joy and enthusiasm. The students organise the programme for teacher. They are honours as guests. The whole school was decorated with banners and posters. All the teacher are garlanded and given present by secretary of our student union. Our teacher are touched by our love and affection.

Talk less work more should be our Motto

Generally there are two kinds of men in the world. Some talk more and some talk less. Those who talk more are often those who work less. We finds many persons who talk more about plenty of thing. But they move away when the time for action comes. There are many people who make high sounding and wonderful speeches about patriotism, morality, sacri¬fice and tolerance. But they themselves lack in many of these qualities. Those who work more talk less. They act and do something. They do not waste their time and energy. Those who do nothing are usually the most talkative.

Truth always triumphs

Truth in the real sense of the term, is a deep passion for beauty. All great souls that were bom on this earth, struggled to find out the truth. This is because truth is the most beautiful thing. A man can go on seeking it without any boredom and tiredness. The search for truth gives purity to a soul. It make the soul great and beautiful. Only a truthful man possessed of a pure heart, can perceive beauty. Beauty clean the human heart of all other ignoble feeling. A false personality cannot reflect beauty.

Hard work is always rewarded and laziness punished

A man can make himself as he wishes. If he put his whole heart into his work and makes the best use of his talent, he is sure to succeed. Only a lazy man think that wealth, fame and power will come to him for the mere asking. A person must work hard. Everyone get the result of his own actions. If he is hard working, he will be rewarded for it. If he is lazy, he will have to suffer for his laziness.

Health is real wealth

God’s best gift to a human being is health. We do not think much about our heart when young. Wealth may be gained or lost in life again and again. But health once lost difficult rather it had greater importance than wealth.