For those looking for help on Class 10th English can use the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm Questions and Answers prevailing for free of cost. Download the MP Board Class 10th English Solutions Chapter Wise PDF through the direct links available and take your preparation to the next level. The MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm covers all the topics and subtopics within it. Practice using these MP Board Class 10th English Solutions PDF and test your preparation level and bridge the knowledge gap accordingly.
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm
If you have any queries take the help of the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm and learn all the topics in it effectively. Make use of the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English be it Passages, Meanings, Comprehensions, Sentence Correction, or any other random topic of your choice. We have everything covered and you can Practice them often to score better grades in your exam. By going through the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 20 Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm Questions and Answers you can attempt the actual exam with utmost confidence.
Teaching in the Tolstoy Farm Vocabulary
I. Use the following words in your own sentences:
- Ideal : Kashmir is an ideal spot to visit.
- Idol : Hindus believe in idol worship.
- Idle : Some students are idle and do not pay attention to their studies.
- Education : Education is essential for all.
- Knowledge : Shallow knowledge is of no use.
- Information : The police got information about the terrorists.
- Script : He writes in Devnagari script.
- Scripture : The holy scripture of the Sikhs is Guru GranthSahib.
- Class : Yesterday we had to sit with class IX students.
- Classical : I like classical music.
II. What does the following words mean? Define or explain them.
- Vocational : Professional, related to livelihood.
- Literary : Related to literature.
- Textbook : Book that contains text material.
- Interpreter : One who explains or interprets something.
- Physique : Built
- Culture : One’s way of living.
Listening Skill
Listen to the passage carefully.
See Workbook page 166
Now answer the following questions:
I. (a) How many times is the word ‘I’ used in the passage?
Ten times.
(b) How many times is the word ‘Handwriting’ used in the passage?
Five times.
II. Say whether the following statements are right or wrong.
(a) Later in his life Gandhiji learnt the art of drawing which helped him to improve his writing.
(b) South African lawyers had a better hand writing ^han English lawyers.
(c) Gandhiji’s efforts to improve his handwriting did not succeed.
Speaking Skill
I. In a group prepare a speech of about four minutes on ‘vocational training.’
Do yourself.
II. On ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ you are to deliver a short speech in your school on Mahatma Gandhi. Use the information given below.
See Workbook page 167
Do yourself.
Reading Skill
Read the following passage.
See Workbook-pages 167-168
A. Now, answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Where does the author want to set up a college?
The author wants to set up a college in the wooded ground.
Question 2.
How different would be this college?
It would be different in the sense that all the universities would be housed in a shade.
Question 3.
Why does he need to have little apparatus for scientific work?
It is useful in doing scientific work.
Question 4.
I should need a set of professors’. How would they be?
They would be real ones.
Question 5.
What would these professors should avoid doing?
These professors would avoid giving lectures or fixing at one place.
Question 6.
‘Men of thought have no business in an office’. Explain.
Because it creates an aversion for study.
Question 7.
‘Students should catch the infection for learning from their professors’. Elaborate.
There would be freedom of choice. The students would learn without learning.
B.(i) Find words similar in sound but different in meaning to the following words and then make sentences of the same.
- too : two- It is too late. I bought two pens.
- sum : some – I need some money. The sum of money is not enough.
- one’s : once – One should know one’s duty. Once I had visited Agra.
- no : know – I have no money. I know him well.
- wood : would – I crossed the wood. I would tell you the whole story.
(ii) Make sentences of your own with the following expressions.
- give up : He gave up smoking.
- check up : The doctor checked up the patient.
- make up : I have made up my mind to attend the meeting.
- live upto : He failed to live up to his parents expectations.
- shut up : She kicked the girl under the table to shut up.
- set up : I got habituated in the new set-up.
See Workbook pages 169-170
Rewrite the following sentences using the noun form of the underlined words.
Question 1.
The king treated him kindly.
The king treated him with kindness.
Question 2.
This book differs from that one.
This book has difference from that one.
Question 3.
We succeeded in completing our work.
We got success in completing our work.
Question 4.
Our soldiers fought bravely.
Our soldiers fought with bravery.
I. Determiner is a word that determines or limits the noun that follows it.
See Workbook pages 170-173
Add a, an/ or some where necessary.
1. There is ……….. dirt on this plate and …………. dirty mark on the table cloth.
2. Do you take ………..sugar ………. tea?
3 Australian sheep give us …………. very good wool.
4. Give me …………. ink to write letter.
- some, a,
- some, in
- some, a,
- some, a.
Insert some, any, one, ones, all, where necessary.
1. Are there ………. more books? I have read all these old
2. I want ………. oranges. Give me these big
3. I want ………….. flour, but the grocer hasn’t
4. I asked him for ………… soap, but he hadn’t
5. They say the blue ……. are left. I’ll buy ……… if you have …………. left.
- any, ones
- some, ones
- some, any
- a, any
- ones, some, any.
Insert each, every, all where necessary.
1. You will never get ………. that luggage into the car.
2. …………. player in the team is a first-class footballer.
3. …………. passengers are requested to keep their seat belts fastened.
4. He picked up the letters and examined …………… one carefully.
5. ……….. is well that ends well.
- all
- Every
- All
- energy
- Ail.
Writing Skill
Question 1.
Write a note on ‘Satya and Ahimsa.’ (50 words)
Satya and Ahimsa are the two philosophies propounded by our greatmen. But they became prioress popular since Gandhi explored these and used these against the British. Satya i.e, truth and ahimsa i.e. non-violence are the human virtues. Satya teaches us not to tell a lie while ahimsa teaches us not to use violence for any purpose.
Question 2.
Give an account of Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution to India’s freedom struggle. (150 words)
Mahatma Gandhi is such a great name that can never fade from our memory. He became a world figure. He fought against a powerful empire with no arms and ammunition. He got success. Gandhiji never claimed to be any other than an ordinary man. He criss-crossed his country on foot and in third class carriages to stress his identity with the improvised masses. He had tea at Bukingham Palace with the King- Emperor, dressed in the homespun cotton chaddar and loincloth that were his trademarks. He practised a life of spartan simplicity.
Gandhiji was a person who believed in the degnity of man and left us the legacy of Ahimsa, love and tolerance. He was the ‘Father of the Nation’ (Bapu) a great soul (Mahatma) and the gentle prophet of non-violent revolution all rolled into one. He dedicated himself to the pursuit of truth of our fellowmen and the healing of wounds of nation. Hence he was a leader of the world at large. He was shot dead on the evening of January 30, 1948 by Nathu Ram Godse.
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