MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 13 Three Days to See

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MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 13 Three Days to See (Hellen Keller)

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Three Days to See Textbook Exercises

Three Days to See Vocabulary

I. There are different ways of seeing. Use the following in your own sentences.
notice, spot, glimpse, observe, witness, sight

  • Notice—He got into the house without being noticed.
  • Spot—I spotted my uncle in the crowd.
  • Glimpse—She got a glimpse of mine between the half drawn curtains.
  • Observe—She observes keenly but speaks little.
  • Witness—His trade is witnessing a sharp fall these days.
  • Sight—We sighted land after twelve days at sea.

II. Write the meaning of the following and use them in your own sentences:
often, now and then, at times, look into, on the way, awe-inspiring sight, at midnight.

WordMeaningUsage in Sentence
1. OftenfrequentlyShe often comes to Delhi.
2. Now and thenfrom time to timeI like to see the films now and then.
3. At timesoccasionallyAt times, she accuses her neighbour.
4. Look intoto examineHis disappearance is being looked into by the police.
5. On the wayin midwayI visited her house on the way to school.
6. Awe-inspir­ing sightCausing fear and respectThe view from the summit is an awe-inspiring sight.
7. At midnightAround the middle of nightThieves entered his house at midnight.


A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.

Three Days To See Question Answer MP Board Question 1.
“It would be a blessing if each human being was stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.” Says Helen, what makes Helen think so?
Helen thinks it a blessing if each human being was stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Men of sight and hearing often ignore what they should see or hear. If once they lose these powers, then they would realise their importance and make their proper use lifelong.

Chapter 13 English Class 10 Mp Board Question 2.
Mention the things of interest that Helen found through tactile sense.
Helen felt the delicate symmetry of a leaf, the smooth skin of a silver birch or the rough shaggy bark of a pine. She would touch the branches of trees to search for a bud in spring. She would feel the happy quiver of a bird.
She found all these things of interest through tactile sense.

Mp Board Class 10 English Chapter 13 Question 3.
Why does Helen’s heart cry out with longing to see the things in nature?
Helen is blind. Therefore, she gets pleasure from objects of nature from mere touch. She longs in vain to see all the things. She realises that ‘Beauty is to see, not to touch’. She is sure that sight reveals more beauty than touch. Therefore, her heart cries out with longing because she fails to enjoy the divine beauty of nature.

Class 10 English Chapter 13 Question Answers MP Board Question 4.
What sort of people would Helen Keller like to see as soon as her eyesight is restored? .
Helen Keller longs for the restoration of her eye-sight. She pines to see the natural beauty with her own eyes. She would like to see those people who had been kind, gentle and compassionate towards her. They had made her life worthliving.

Mp Board Class 10th English Chapter 13 Question 5.
What would Helen like to see in the eyes of her teacher? (M.P. Board 2017)
Mrs Anne Sullivan Macy was Helen’s teacher. She had opened the outer world for Helen. Helen would like to see the strength of character in her teacher’s eyes. It had enabled her to stand firm during difficulties. She would also view her compassion for humanity.

Chapter 13 English Class 10 MP Board Question 6.
Why would Helen like to let her eyes rest on the face of a baby?
Helen had turned totally blind when she was a baby of only 19 months. She knew that she could get the vision of eagerness and innocent beauty only from the face of a baby. They were the monopolies of the babies alone. A developed person loses them. Therefore, she liked to let her eyes rest on the face of a baby.

Three Days To See Exercise Questions MP Board Question 7.
What according to Helen are the small, simple things, that transform a house into a home?(M.P. Board 2016)
A house is a building made for people to live in. A home is the place where one lives with love, regard and affection with one’s family. The warm colours in the rugs, the pictures on the walls and printed books are small things. However, they transform a house into a home.

Three Days To See Questions And Answers Pdf MP Board Question 8.
What would the author like to intoxicate her eyes with, while walking in the woods?
Helen would like to have a long walk in the woods in the afternoon. She would view the beauties of the world of nature. She would absorb in her heart the vast splendour which constantly unfolds itself. They would intoxicale her eyes with pleasure and make them meaningful.

Three Days To See By Helen Keller Questions Answers MP Board Question 9.
What would the author like to see in a farm?
Answer: .
The author Helen Keller would pass through a farm on her return from the woods. She would like to see the horses or the tractors ploughing the field. She would also see the contented farmers and the colourful sunset.

Three Days To See Summary In Hindi MP Board Question 10.
What is the thrilling miracle that the author would like to witness at the dawn of the second day?
On the second day, Helen would wake up at dawn. Night is transformed into day then. The sun awakens the sleeping earth with the magnificent panorama of light. These are the thrilling miracles for Helen.

English Chapter 13 MP Board Question 11.
What is Helen Keller’s admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight?
Helen admonishes those who would make full use of sight. They should use their sight fully because it is the most delightful of senses. Who knows, tomorrow they would be struck blind.

Class 10 English Chapter 13 Question 12.
Why does Helen say that sight must be the most delightful J of all the senses?
Seeing is believing. One can’t get a true picture of nature without seeing it. Eyes are a great blessing of God. The world is dark without eyes. One realises the importance of eyes only on getting blind. He fails to have the full view of the world around. Sight is therefore, the most delightful of all the senses.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words.

Class 10 English Chapter 13 Mp Board Question 1.
How does Helen Keller remember her teacher, Mrs. Anne Sullivan?
Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy was Hellen Keller’s teacher. She had come to Helen when she was a child. Her kindness, gentleness and companionship had made Helen’s life worth living. She opened the outer world for her. She was sympathetic, tender and patient. She perfected the tough task of educating Helen. She had strength of character. It had enabled Helen to stand firm against all odds. She had an all embracing compassion.

Three Days To See Questions And Answers MP Board Question 2.
Throw light on Helen’s love for nature, citing examples from the lesson.
Helen Keller had a great love and admiration for nature. She enjoyed the beauty of nature not through sight but through touch. She found hundreds of things through mere touch. She felt the delicate symmetry of a leaf. She judged the smoothness of the skin of a silver birch by passing her loving hands on it. She did the same and felt the rough and shaggy bark of a pine. She searched the buds by touching the branches of trees in spring. Sometimes she felt the quiver of a bird by placing her soft hand on a small tree. She enjoyed long walks in the woods and saw the farms around.

Mp Board Class 10 English Workbook Solutions Chapter 13 Question 3.
Summarise the activities Helen would undertake on the second day.
Helen would undertake the following activities on the second day:

  1. She would wake up at dawn. She would view how the night is replaced by the day.
  2. She would view the spread of light awakening the sleepy earth.
  3. She would have a hasty glimpse of the world, i.e. How the past changed and progressed through the ages?
  4. She would try to probe into the soul of man through his art of the ages
  5. She would see all that she knew through touch
  6. She would visit some theatre or movie. She would see the charming figures of the actors with her own eyes.

Question 4.
How would you conclude that Helen Keller was a great lover of art and theatre?
Helen Keller was a great lover of art and theatre. Though she is blind yet she often attends theatrical performances of all sorts. Her companions make her understand the players’ actions. She knows that there is a great deal of rich and meaningful beauty in the art of the ages. A man of eyes must see them. She longed to probe into the soul of man through his art. She also longed to see the charming figures of actors in their colourful costumes, with her own eyes.

Question 5.
What are the things Helen is eager to see in New York?
Helen was eager to see New York. She would see the busy schedule of the people there. People in large groups went there on their works. No other city is full of as many activities and conditions of men as New York. The city looks like heaven. The glittering spires and splendid buildings grant New York a heavenly sight. She would show her emotion towards the people’s smiling, determined and suffering faces.

Question 6.
What is Helen Keller’s advice to those who would make full use of their senses?
Helen Keller is of the view that the world is full of varieties. They can cater to the needs of all the senses. Nature is full of charming sights which provide pleasure to eyes. The people should hear the music of voices, the songs of birds and the mighty strains of orchestra. The world is full of items which the mind longs to be touched by the hands. ‘Touch-me-not’ might be an exception. Don’t be immoral while touching something and smelling the perfume of flowers and various scents. They should taste everything worth tasting. Helen desired that men with senses must make full use of them.

Question 7.
The gift of eyesight is valued more and better by a blind person than by one who has it’. Justify this statement through the reflections expressed in the lesson by Helen Keller.
A blind man can readily exchange his treasures with eyes. Eyes are the uppermost part of the face. A deaf and dumb person may walk around without stumbling. He can record whatever he has seen on paper. He can enjoy the stark beauty of nature. Seeing is believing and a blind man is no judge of colours. Nature manifests itself in various colours. Some men with sight have no sense of observation. A blind man values the gift of eye-sight more and better than a man with eyes.

Three Days to See Grammar

Study the following sentences:

  1. How was it possible to walk for an hour and see nothing worthy of note?
  2. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch.
  3. I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature.
  4. I want to study the face and find in it the living evidence of the sympathetic tenderness.
  5. I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs.
  6. I might see the patient horses ploughing the field.
  7. I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.

In the above sentences we notice that the underlined verb forms work as infinitives, participles or gerunds according to their use in the sentences.

The above underlined verbs are:

S.No.VerbForm walkinfinitive
2.(to) seeinfinitive
4.awakeningparticiple studyinfinitive
6.(to) findinfinitive
7.livingparticiple lookinfinitive

Note the root form of the verb is called infinitive, the -ing form of verb used as a noun is called gerund and the form of verb which has the characteristic of verb as well as an adjective is called the participle.

Now name and underline non-finite verb forms in the following sentences:

Question 1.
I should like to see with my own eyes the fascinating figure of Hamlet.
Like to see (Infinitive), fascinating (Participle).

Question 2.
The following morning, I should again greet the dawn anxious to discover new delights.
Greet (Infinitive), to discover (Infinitive).

Question 3.
I stand at a busy comer, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their lives.
Looking, trying (Gerund)-to understand (Infinitive).

Question 4.
There are many serious pursuits to which I should devote the few remaining hours.
Remaining (Participle).

Speaking Skill

Question 1.
The word quiver appears in the text. Do you know how to pronounce it?
quiver kwiver
The ‘qu’ in a word is generally pronounced as ‘kw’.

(a) Say the following words aloud:
Three Days To See Question Answer MP Board
Chapter 13 English Class 10 Mp Board

(b) Do you need to say ‘kw’ ¡n these ‘qu’ words too? Check it in a dictionary:
queue quay
queue kju: Quay ki:
It shows that we do not need to say ‘kw’ in the above words.

2. Life for the physically challenged is not easy. They want to be Independent but they need community support and special facilities. (Work in groups of three or four and discuss how we can help them to be on their own.)

Think of the facilities that can be provided within school (like differently designed classroom and furniture) and in public places like shops and cinemas.You might want to use some of these expressions when you talk to your partners:

  • I think we should
  • In my view/opinion…
  • Dont you think we should…?
  • I feel we should…
  • I think its absolutely important…
  • I’m not sure I agree.
  • I Perhaps we should.
  • I agree.
  • I think so too.
  • I That’s a great idea!
  • I Excellent suggestion!

I think we should support the physically handicapped in our own way. We should not nickname them. We should rather boost their morals. We should let them join and enjoy our festive occasions. We should develop friendly relations with them. We should learn about their problems and help them in their solutions. We should help them with money and material. We should not let them feel inferior. We should neither look down upon them nor neglect them. We should help them in securing their career.

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Close your eye’s for a while, how do you feel? Write your feelings. (50 words)
God has granted us eyes to see with. Eyes are most important of all senses. I have experienced closing my eyes for a while. I feel that the world is dark. I cannot judge the colours, shape or size of the objects around me. It has filled me with a sense of suspicion and despair. I can only hear the sound of the various objects around me. I feel like striking against ‘some object. I feel totally confused.

Question 2.
How can the handicapped person be helped and encouraged to lead a happy life? Write your views.  (150 words)
There is no equality in the world of human beings. Some are far above in social hierarchy whereas the others are much below. They are less fortunate. A great number of children are born normal in every respect. In spite of that there is a considerable number of handicapped children in every state and society. Those who are blind, polio victims or mentally retarded fall in the cetegory of the handicapped. Some persons become permanently disabled as a result of accidents at farms, factories or on the road.

It is a sin against God to look down upon them or to neglect them. It is our moral duty to give them the best type of help. We should not give them alms. It would turn them into beggars and generate inferiority complex in them. Rather, they should be given vocational training. This will enable them to earn their living independently. Some welfare associations and the government are doing a lot for them. They should be provided accommodation at cheaper rates. They should be given scholarships during school days. They also need community support throughout their lives.

Think It Over

Question 1.
It does not matter what good qualities you possess. What matters is how you display them? Think and mention a good quality of your friend which pleases you.
Man is a bundle of qualities. You may be sincere, courteous, obedient, useful and truthful. These qualities are like cash and costly ornaments in one’s safe. If you display them, people will learn about them. Heroic qualities are revealed at the time of war. One of my friends is very hospitable to guests. It pleases me so much that I feel pride in being his friend.

Question 2.
Helen Keller once said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Ponder over those things and write about them.
There are many beautiful things in the world. We see, hear, smell, taste and touch them as per our requirement. They are visual or tactile things. The spiritual and mental qualities can neither be seen nor touched. Sympathy, kindness, compassion, gentleness, strength of character, tenderness, patience etc. are qualities of heart and soul. We can simply feel them with the heart. They ennoble one’s soul. They are counted among the best and the most beautiful things in the world.

Question 3.
In the lesson Helen Keller wants to see her teacher on the first day before anything else. Can you think, why? Write whatever comes into your mind.
A teacher is the noblest creation (creature) of God. Teaching is still considered as a respectable profession. He leads an honest life and prepares students to face life. Helen’s teacher had all the qualities of head and heart. She opened the outer world for her. She was sympathetic, tender and patient. She helped Helen in the accomplishment of the difficult task of her education. She also enabled her to face the odds of life heroically. She had compassion for all humanity. She was a woman of character. Therefore, Helen wanted to see her teacher on the first day before anything else. It is because teachers are only next to God. They always cause the welfare of students.

Things To Do
Perform the action according to the instructions given in the table below. Also write the way you feel. Could you do it correctly?

S.No.Action to be performedInstructionCould you do it? Write the way you feel.
1.Take a jug of water and water the plants.Do it blind folded.
2.You have forgotten to bring your English textbook. Tell your friend the fact and re­quest him to give you his book.Do it without speaking a word. Use only gestures.
3.Bring football from the sports room to the playground.Hold your right-foot in your right hand and go hopping on one leg.


  1. No, I could not do it. I felt dizzy.
  2. No, I could not do it. I felt like a fish out of water.
  3. Yes, I could do it. I feel pleasant.

Three Days to See Additional Important Questions

A. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow:

At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If
I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I ivere given the use of my eyes, say, just three days… (Page 113)

(a) The above extract is taken from
(i) The Last Leaf
(ii) The Bet
(iii) Three Days to See
(iv) Refund

(b) Find the word which means the same as ‘wish’.
(c) Find the word which means opposite to ‘sad’.
(d) What was the narrator’s calculation about sight?
(a) (iii) Three Days to See
(b) Longing
(c) Pleasure
(d) The narrator’s calculation was that sight is the most delightful of all senses.

2. At midnight my temporary respite from blindness would cease, and permanent night would close in on me again. Naturally in those three days I should not have seen all I wanted to see. Only when darkness had again descended upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen… (Page 115)

(a) Find the word which means same as ‘come down’.
(b) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘permanent’.
(c) Give noun form of ‘naturally’.
(d) Could Helen see everything she desired to see in three days?
(a) descended
(b) temporary
(c) Nature
(d) No, Helen desired to see a number of things. She could not see everything she desired to see in three days.

I. Match the following:
1. Darkness makes one – (a) the joys of sound
2. One who cannot see – (b) cries out with longing to see all the things.
3. Helen Keller’s heart at – (c) are insufficient to see all that times Helen wanted to see
4. Three days of sight – (d) finds things through more touch
5. Silence would teach one – (e) more appreciative of sight
1. (e), 2. (d), 3. (b), 4. (c), 5. (a).

II. Pick up the correct choice.
(i) Three Days to See’ is written by:
(a) Hugh Chesterton
(b) John Milton
(c) Thor Heyerdahl
(d) Helen Keller
(d) Helen Keller

(ii) A. I should devote to a …………. (hurried/hasty) glimpse of the world past and present.
B. I should try to…………… (prod/probe) into the soul of man through his art.
C. Now I begin my ……………… (rounds/trips) of the city.
D.Only when darkness had again …………… (descended/dismounted) upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen.
A. hasty
B. probe
C. rounds
D. descended.

III. Write True’ or ‘False’.
1. Helen Keller had turned totally blind, deaf and dumb at the age of 19 years.
2. Helen longs her eyes to be restored just for three days.
3. On the first day she would look into the faces of her dear friends and an innocent baby.
4. On the second day she would view the magnificent ponorama qf light at sunrise.
5. She would spend the 3rd day in the works day world of the present.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True.

IV. Fill in the following blanks:

1. Helen Keller has now and then tested her ……………. friends to discover what they see.
2. The first day would be a ………….. day.
3. The city would become Helen’s on the second day.
4. Of all the senses, the ……………….. must be the most delightful.
5. Helen would see ………………. and she would be compassionate.

  1. seeing
  2. busy
  3. destination
  4. sight
  5. suffering.

B. Short Answer Type Questions. , (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
What do you know about Helen Keller’s life?
Helen Keller was born in 1880. She had turned totally blind,deaf and dumb when she was less than two years old. She learnt to read, write and even speak under the guidance of Mrs. Sullivan, her teacher. She graduated from Radcliff College at the age of 24. She published several books. She was no doubt a wonderful lady.

Question 2.
Does she curse the human beings to be blind and deaf like her?
No, she does not curse the human beings to be blind and deaf like her. She wishes that they should have the experience of blindness and deafness for a short period. Blindness would make them more appreciative of sight. Similarly, silence (deafness/ dumbness) would teach them the joys of sound.

Question 3.
What was the result of Helen’s testing her seeing friends?
Helen was blind. She wanted to test her seeing friends to discover whether they see or not and what they see. Most of the persons are least observant. One of her friends had recently returned from a long walk in the woods. When she was asked about her observations, she simply replied ‘Nothing in particular’.

Question 4.
What did Helen consider impossible?
Helen was totally blind. She found hundreds of things of interest through mere touch. Her friend had told her that she had observed nothing in particular during her hour-long walk through the woods. She considered it impossible.

Question 5.
When does Helen consider herself fortunate?
Helen feels the leaves, smooth skin of a silver birch and the rough bark of a pine. She also touches the branches of trees. She takes full interest in them. Sometimes she places her hand gently on a small tree. She feels the happy quiver of a bird in full song. Then, she considers herself fortunate.

Question 6.
Why does Helen like to gaze her teacher’s face?
Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy was Helen’s teacher. Her face had the living evidence of the sympathetic tenderness and patience. She had perfected the tough job of Helen’s education. Helen likes to gaze at i her teacher’s face to cherish its memory in her heart.

Question 7.
When would Helen realize that she had left much unseen?
Helen’s temporary respite from blindness would come to an end at midnight. Permanent night would close in on her again. She would have left many things unseen. Darkness would again descend upon her. Then she would realize that she had left much unseen.

C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)

Question 1.
‘Three Days to See’ is an apt title. Justify. (M.P. Board 2016)
Helen Keller had got blind when she was under two years. She touched the things of her‘interest with her hands. She judged the symmetry, shape and size of the beautiful objects of nature through her hands. However, she was not mentally satisfied. She longed to see everything with her own eyes.

For this, she wanted her eyes restored just for three days. She would see her benefactors, the innocent babies and homely objects. She would also view things of art and natural beauty. She would see heroes in their colourful costumes and the lofty buildings. In the end she realizes that the period of three days was short. The story revolves round three days. Hence, it is an appropriate title.

Three Days to See Introduction

This is an extract from Helen Keller’s autobiography. In this extract she expresses her wish to spend three days with her eyesight restored. She tells us to make the best use of our senses and enjoy the beauty and pleasure around us.

Three Days to See Summary in English

Helen Keller had turned totally blind, deaf and dumb when she was only 19 months old. She faced the odds of life bravely and with determination. She considered it a blessing if each human being turned blind and deaf for a few days during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight. Silence would teach him the joys of sound.

She asked a lady what she had observed in the woods. She got the reply ‘Nothing in particular’. She felt surprised. She herself found hundreds of things to interest her through mere touch. They gave her pleasure. She longed to have her eye sight restored for three days.

On the first day, she would like to see those persons who had made her life worth living. Her teacher was Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy. She would outline her face to cherish it in her memory. She had enabled her to stand firm in the face of difficulties. She would also see all her dear friends and assess their inner beauty.

She would also observe the innocent beauty of a baby. She would also like to see the trusting and faithful eyes of her dog. She would also like to see her household goods especially the printed books. She would see the natural beauty in the woods and the horses ploughing the fields and the contented farmers.

On the second day she would view the panorama of light at sunrise. She would have a glimpse of the past and the present progress of mankind. She would see the artistic beauty. She would see the actions of the actors in a theatre or cinema hall.

On the third day she would view the revelation of beauty at dawn. She would see the working people in the city and the godly structures. I shall show my emotions by viewing the people’s smiles, determination and suffering. Again she would run to a theatre and appreciate the music of a funny play. Then the permanent darkness would make me realize how much I had left unseen.

She advised the people to make the most of all the senses and enjoy all the Godly blessings. Who knows when they might lose their senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch?

Three Days to See Summary in Hindi

हेलन केलर 19 महीने की आयु में पूर्णतः अंधी, बहरी और गूंगी हो गई थी। उसने जीवन की विषमताओं को वीरता तथा दृढ़ संकल्प से झेला। वह इसे वरदान समझेगी यदि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपनी पूर्व प्रौढ़ आयु में कुछ दिनों के लिए अंधा और बहरा हो जाए, अंधकार उन दृश्यों को अधिक सराहने वाला बना देगा। पौन रहना उसे ध्वनि के आनन्द से अवगत करा देगा।

उसने एक महिला से पूछा कि उसने वन में क्या देखा था। उसे उत्तर मिला कि ‘कोई विशिष्ट चीज नहीं’। वह आश्चर्य में पड़ गई। केवल स्पर्श मात्र से वह सैकड़ों चीजों को रोचक पाती थी। वे उसे आनन्द प्रदान करती थीं। वह इच्छा करती थी कि उसकी दृष्टि तीन दिनों के लिए वापस आ जाए। पहले दिन वह उन व्यक्तियों को देखना पसन्द करेगी जिन्होंने उसके जीवन को जीने योग्य (सार्थक) बनाया है। श्रीमती ऐने सुल्लीवान मेसी, उसकी अध्यापिका थीं, वह उसके चेहरे का रेखाचित्र बनाएगी ताकि सदा उनकी याद बनी रहे।

उन्होंने से विषमताओं का मुकाबला करने के लिए दृढ़ता से खड़ा होने के योग्य बनाया था। वह अपने सभी मित्रों को भी देखना चाहेगी और उनके आन्तरिक सौन्दर्य को आंकेगी। वह एक शिशु के निर्दोष सौन्दर्य को भी देखेगी। वह अपने कुत्ते का भरोसा करने वाली और वफादार आँखों को भी देखेगी। वह अपने घरेलू चीजों, विशेषकर छपी हुई पुस्तकों को भी देखना चाहेगी। वह वनों के प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य, खेतों में हल को खींचते हुए घोड़ों और संतुष्ट किसानों को देखेगी।

दूसरे दिन वह सूर्योदय के प्रकाश के समूचे दृश्य को देखेगी। वह मानव की भूतकालीन तथा वर्तमान की प्रगति की झलक देखेगी। वह कलात्मक सौन्दर्य को देखेगी। वह किसी रंगमंच या सिनेमा हाल में अभिनेताओं की अदाओं को देखेगी। तीसरे दिन, वह ऊषाकाल में प्रस्फुटित होते हुए सौन्दर्य को देखेगी। वह शहर में कार्यशील व्यक्तियों तथा भव्य इमारतों को देखेगी।

वह लोगों की मुस्कान, दृढ़ संकल्प तथा कष्टों के प्रति अपने संवेग दिखाएगी। फिर वह रंगमंच में जाएगी और किसी हास्यपूर्ण नाटक के संगीत की सराहना करेगी। फिर पूर्ण रूप से अंधकार होने के कारण वह महसूस करेगी कि उसने कितनी बातें बिना देखे छोड़ दीं। उसने लोगों को नसीहत दी है कि सभी इन्द्रियों का पूर्ण आनन्द लें और भगवान द्वारा बख्शी हुई नियामतों का रसास्वादन करें, कौन जानता है कि किस समय उनकी दृष्टि, सूंघने, सुनने, चखने तथा स्पर्श करने की शक्तियां चली जाएं।

Three Days to See Word-Meanings

Mp Board Class 10 English Chapter 13
Class 10 English Chapter 13 Question Answers MP Board

Three Days to See Some Important Pronunciations
Mp Board Class 10th English Chapter 13

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