MP Board Class 8th Social Science Solutions Chapter 11 Economic Development
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 11 Text Book Exercise
Choose the most suitable alternative:
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Solution Chapter 11 Question 1.
In India the total percent of working people in agriculture is:
(a) 50 percent
(b) 60 percent
(c) 70 percent
(d) None of the above
(b) 60 percent
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Chapter 11 Question 2.
The total contribution of agriculture in. Indian G.D.P. is:
(a) 26 percent
(b) 36 percent
(c) 42 percent
(d) 100 percent
(a) 26 percent
Class 8 Social Science Chapter 11 Economic Development Question 3.
The industrial development:
(a) lessens dependence on agriculture
(b) improves life style
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
(b) improves life style
Fill up the blanks:
- India, Nepal, China, Pakistan are ……………. countries and Japan, Singapore, Britain and U.S. are …………. countries.
- The industrial development brings ………….. for the country and citizens.
- The modern iron and steel plant was set up ……………
- The cotton cloths from India are exported to prominent countries …………..
- The slow pace of economy increases ……………..
- developing, developed
- Prosperity
- At Porto-nova in Tamil Nadu in 1830
- U.S., Britain, Russia, France, Eastern Countries of Europe, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka and African countries
- Poverty.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 11 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Describe The Major Economic Problems Class 8 Question 1.
What is poverty?
Poverty is the inability to secure minimum requirements of life, health and efficiency. One is unable to get minimum requirements for life such as food, clothing, housing, education and health due to poverty. Poverty leaves bad effect on the life and health of man.
Class 8 Social Science Chapter 11 Question 2.
What is unemployment?
Unemployment is a situation in which people are willing to work for income but they are unable to find work.
Economic Development Class 8 Question 3.
Which are mineral-based industries?
The industries based on raw material like iron, steel, cement, chemicals are called mineral-based industry.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 11 Short Answer Type Questions
Chapter 11 Social Science Class 8 Question 1.
How was our economy in ancient times?
In the ancient times Indian economy was rich and developed. India was independent in economy. The industry of pottery, metal, buildings were in advanced stage during the Indus Valley Civilization. In the medieval time Indian silk was in so high demand that Roman people were ready to give gold equal to the weight of Indian silk, Indian trade of cotton, silk, cotton clothes and spices was on the peak and our economy was rich in ancient times.
Social Science Class 8 Chapter 11 Question 2.
What do you mean by small scale industry?
Cottage and small scale industries is the traditional industry as it needs little money and goods are made by the family members. The farmers when they have no work they earn money by this industry. These industries produce various traditional products like baskets, small toys, bides, ropes, envelopes, papad, mats, bade, spices and weaving items etc.
The Slow Pace Of Economy Increases Answer Question 3.
What is sustainable agriculture?
Most of the farmers in India still use traditional tools for farming. They cannot make use of refined seeds, fertilizers and pesticides due to’poor economy and it also affects production. Their food production is consumed by their family members.
Mp Board Class 8 Science Solution Chapter 11 Question 4.
Write the names of Cottage industries.
Some of the Cottage industries are:
- Small toys making
- Carpet weaving
- Papad making
- Basket making
- Bidi making
- Rope making
- Badi making
- Mat weaving
- Paper envelope making
- Spices preparing etc.
Mp Board Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Question 5.
What is Gramin Rozgar Guarantee Programmer?
The Central Government has passed the “Gramin Rozgar Guarantee Yojna” Bill, 2005. Under this bill a provision has been made to provide to one adult person of every family a 100 days job in the periphery of 5 Km near his residence. This scheme will be in force in 600 districts of the country by 2010.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Chapter 11 Long Answer Type Questions
Chapter 11 Sst Class 8 Question 1.
How agriculture is helpful in economic growth?
The whole country depends on agriculture for its food requirements. Through agriculture, we get cereals, vegetables and fruit; it also supplies raw materials to various industries. Many industries, in India, depend on agriculture for their raw material for example, jute, sugar, cotton, cotton textile. Good crops raise the farmer’s income. With increase of income, the farmers purchase various items of daily life manufactured in industry. Agriculture is the backbone of our economic growth.
8th Class Social 11th Lesson Question 2.
Describe the mineral-based industry.
Such industries based on raw material like iron, steel, cement, chemicals are called mineral-based industries. The first iron and steel plant was set up at Porto nova in Tamil Nadu in 1830. Modern Iron and Steel plant was set up in Jamshedpur in 1907. India has chemical industries under which fertilizers, artificial fibers, rubber, plastic goods, paints and medicines are made. Transport equipment like rail engine, motor cars, bus, truck, motorcycle, aeroplane and ships industries have been set up in India. These industries provide employments in large number to our people.
Class 8 Sst Chapter 11 Question 3.
Describe the major economic problems.
The major economic problems are:
- Pulsation growth
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Price List
- Corruption
1. Pulsation growth:
The rapid growth of population in India is the major problem in the development. In 1951 the population was 36 crore which increased to 102 crore by 2002. The main causes of population growth are poverty, illiteracy, desire to love boy to run family and child marriages. The population increase impedes in the economic growth of nation. This leaves impact oil the lifestyle of people, the expansion of food grains and industries are not possible at the rate of increase in population.
2. Poverty:
Poverty is a very complex problem and requirements include minimum needs in respect of food, clothing, housing, education and health. Poverty leaves bad effect on the life and health of man. The working capacity decreases and poverty continues. Some people are living below the poverty line. Poverty is an obstacle in economic growth.
3. Unemployment:
A person who is not gainfully employed is called an unemployed person. In other words, unemployment is a situation in which a person mentally and physically is willing to work for income but is
Project Work unable to find it. Even the educated and skilled persons are unemployed in our country. Its main cause is slow growth of our economy.
4. Price List:
The continuous and uncontrolled price rise leads the economy to crises and poor became poorer. The price rise increases economic inequality and poverty, with the sincere efforts of govt, and citizens the price rise could be brought under control.
5. Corruption:
To get own’s word done in favor people pay either money or other things to a person or any agency is called corruption. Stealing of taxation also corruption. The corruption creates economic inequality. All the above problems are obstacles in our rapid economic growth.
The Government And Economic Development Class 8 project work:
Fill in the given table with the prices of 10 goods used in your home.