MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 16 State Government

MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 16 State Government

MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 16 Text Book Questions

Choose the correct alternatives from the following

Question 1.
The no. of states in our country at present is:
(a) 28
(b) 27
(c) 35
(d) 25
(a) 28

Question 2.
The term of Vidhan Sabha is:
(a) 6 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 5 years
(d) 5 years

Question 3.
The no. of subjects in the State List are:
(a) 97
(b) 62
(c) 42
(d) 22
(b) 62

MP Board Solutions

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The members of the Vidhan Sabha are known as …………..
  2. …………… presides over the meeting of the Vidhan Sabha
  3. The total number of members in Madya Pradesh Vidlian Sabba is ………….
  4. The minimum age to be a member of Vidhan Sabha is ……………


  1. MLA or Members of the Legislative Assembly
  2. Speaker
  3. 230
  4. 25 years

MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 16 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When does a bill passed by Vidhan Sabha become a law?
After a bill is passed by Vidhan Sabha, it is sent to the Governor for assent If die Governor so decides he can sent it to the president for consideration. After the signature of the Governor or the President, the bill becomes a law.

Question 2.
Name the Lists mentioned in the Indian Constitution.
The Lists mentioned in the Indian Constitution are:

  • Union List
  • State List
  • Concurrent List
  • Residuary List

MP Board Solutions

MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 16 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the qualifications required to become the member of the Vidhan Sabha?

  • He has to be a citizen of India.
  • He Must be of minimum 25 years of age for seeking membership of Legislative Assembly and 30 years of age for Legislative Council.
  • He must not hold any office of profit, under the State or Central Government
  • He must not be mentally unstable or bankrupt

Question 2.
Describe the formation of the Vidhan Sabha.
The representatives of the Vidhan Sabha are elected in such a way that the seats are proportionately represented. If a person is elected from more than one constituency then he will have to resign from the rest retaining only one seat If there is a controversy about the election of any candidate, then a petition can be filed in the High court. After accepting the petition, the High Court gives its verdict It can also be against the candidate.

A person can appeal to the Supreme Court if the Vedict goes against him. The verdict of the Supreme Court is final.
The term of Vidhan Sabha is 5 years. In a case of emergency, it can be dissolved, Vidhan Sabha has a speaker and a Deputy Speaker. The Speaker conducts the business of the state Vidhan Sabha. The Deputy Speaker discharges duties in the absence of the Speaker.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Explain the powers and functions of Vidhan Sabha.
Vidhan Sabha performs two main functions:

  • To make laws – It ipakes laws in the subjects of the state List and concurrent List.
  • To pass the budget – It passes budget of die state.

Beside these two main functions Vidhan Sabha has another important function, public welfare, through various medium information regarding Government policies and departmental proceeding. The member of the Vidhan Sabha performs this function through the process of asking questions.

The members of the ruling party or the Government has to answer it The Vidhan Sabha controls the work of the Government department In this way it does not let the Government be despotic towards any one group.

The Government may not take any step, which is against the welfare of the people at large. In this regard the Vidhan Sabha may apply various motions like stop work motion, calling attention motion, by asking questions, proposal to make a cut in the budget etc.

In case there is a serious situation, then a no confidence motion can also be passed against the Government The Vidhan Sabha controls the finances of the state. It passes a budget every year which deals with income and expenditure and is presented in the Vidhan Sabha. After it is passed in the Assembly, it is sent to the Governor for his assent.

MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions