For those looking for help on Class 10th English can use the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English The Rainbow Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree Questions and Answers prevailing for free of cost. Download the MP Board Class 10th English Solutions Chapter Wise PDF through the direct links available and take your preparation to the next level. The MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree covers all the topics and subtopics within it. Practice using these MP Board Class 10th English Solutions PDF and test your preparation level and bridge the knowledge gap accordingly.
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree (W.B. Yeats)
If you have any queries take the help of the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree and learn all the topics in it effectively. Make use of the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English be it Passages, Meanings, Comprehensions, Sentence Correction, or any other random topic of your choice. We have everything covered and you can Practice them often to score better grades in your exam. By going through the MP Board Solutions for Class 10th English Chapter 14 Lake Isle of Innisfree Questions and Answers you can attempt the actual exam with utmost confidence.
Lake Isle of Innisfree Textbook Exercises
Chapter 14 English Class 10 Mp Board Lake Isle of Innisfree Vocabulary
I. Distinguish between the following pairs of words:
Rows—Boys are standing in rows.
Rose—He rose to greet his uncle.
Be—Be honest
Bee—The bee gathers honey from the flowers.
Peace—India believes in peace and prosperity.
Piece—I gave him a piece of advice.
Veil—Muslim women wear veils.
Well—I am quite well.
Morning—I got up early in the morning.
Mourning—She kept mourning for days when her daughter died.
Shore—The ship has reached the shore.
Sure—I am sure of success.
Heart—Do not take my words to heart.
Hurt—He was hurt while playing football.
II. Describe in your own words the following:
a lake, a river, the sea.
- A lake is a large area of water surrounded by land.
- A river is a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel.
- The sea is the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands.
Mp Board Class 10 English Chapter 14 Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words.
Mp Board Class 10 English Workbook Solutions Chapter 14 Question 1.
What does the poet want to do after going to the lake Isle of Innisfree?
After going to the lake Isle of Innisfree, the poet wants to build a small cabin in a secluded place. He will grow vegetables for his own use near his cabin. He will also have a hive for his honey bees.
Class 10 English Chapter 14 MP Board Question 2.
How does peace come to the poet in the lake Isle of Innisfree?
At dawn, the poet will hear cricket’s song. He would hear the song of the linnets flying all around in the evening. He would view the stars glimmering in the sky at midnight. All these beauties of nature would bring him peace of mind.
The Rainbow Textbook (Special English) Class 10 Solutions MP Board Question 3.
What impressions do the varying times of the day leave on the poet’s mind in the lake Isle of Innisfree?
The varying times of the day leave a deep impression on the poet’s mind. The melodious sounds of small insects like cricket attract the poet in the morning. Several insects flying in the sky in the evening create a lively atmosphere for him. The noon gives a purple coloured brightness for him. It cheers his heart.
Special English Class 10 Mp Board Solution Chapter 14 Question 4.
How does the poet hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore in the lake Isle of Innisfree?
Sometimes the poet is far away from Innisfree. He is standing on the roadside or on the pavement. Even then he hears in the deep core of his heart the low sounds of lake water lapping with the shore in the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Mp Board Solution Class 10 English Chapter 14 Question 5.
How do the lines in each of .the three quatrains of the poem rhyme?
In the 1st quatrain ‘Innisfree’ rhymes with ‘honey bee.’ and ‘made’ rhymes with ‘glade.’
In the 2nd quatrain ‘slow’ rhymes with ‘glow’ and ‘sings’ rhymes with ‘wings.’
In the 3rd quatrain ‘day’ rhymes with ‘grey’ and ‘shore’ rhymes with ‘core.’
B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words.
Class 10 English Mp Board Solution Chapter 14 Question 1.
Why does the poet want to go to the lake Isle of Innisfree?
The poet is standing on a London pavement. It is a noisy and crowded place. Innisfree is a lovely island. It is situated in a lake. It is a place of great natural beauty. It is free from din and bustle of modern world. It gives peace to the poet’s mind. He finds a world of difference between London and Innisfree. Therefore, he wants to go to the Lake Isle of Innisfree. The sounds of the lake beckon him. He dare not resist their strong and sincere call.
Mp Board Solution Class 10th English Chapter 14 Question 2.
What is the significance of the nine bean rows with which the poet wants to build a hive for the honey-bee in the lake Isle of Innisfee?
The poet longs to grow vegetables and plants for his own use. He would grow nine-bean rows. The honey bees will hum loudly all around. Their sweet humming will produce a sweet music. The honey bees build their hives which are like nine-bean rows. The bees will confuse it as their hive and gather honey there. In this way, the poet will enjoy the musical humming of the bees. He would also get honey and vegetables. It would grant his soul satisfaction, charm and peace.
Chapter 14 Hindi Class 10 Mp Board Speaking Skill
I. I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and ivattles made:
Nine bean-roivs will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
The poet here dreams of simple unadorned life close to nature on an island. According to him, life in London is full of disgust and boredom. He decides to sail to Innisfree and make for himself a small hut by the side of the Sea. Only in such a heaven the poet can have peace and contentment. Compare and contrast life in the city and life in the country. Discuss with your friends.
Life in the city versus life in the country.
Life in the City | Life in the County |
City life has numerous attractions and advantages. There are facilities of trade, employment, recreation, education and advanced medical aid. There are glamour, hotels, clubs, cars and of course fashion models. There are different modes of transport and communication. Everything is available in plenty. The life of the people is hectic and hasty. People do not waste time in gossips and quarrels. A big city is like the garden of Eden. But there is pollution every-where in the city. | A village is free from the din and noise which damages physical health. The country is slow but steady. People do not suffer from hypertension. There is crowdfree and open atmosphere. People live in the lap of nature. Atmosphere is free from air pollution. Fresh air, water, milk and vegetables are in plenty. Life is not showy and artificial. The rural games are healthy. They are simple in mind, speech and action. Rural life is heavenly life. |
II. Speak on your recollections of childhood with the help of the following clues:
companions, games, carefree life style, school, old friends and sweet memories
I am sixteen years old. I have many recollections of my childhood. I had a number of companions. We used to play kabaddi and football. We had no cares or worries. Our lifestyle was carefree. I used to study in a public school. I used to go to school in the school bus. A few students of my class were my close friends. We used to tease the naughty students. We used to help our friends in studies. We used to bathe in a lake every morning. We went out for the morning walk daily.
The Lake Isle Of Innisfree Extra Questions And Answers MP Board Chapter 14 Writing Skill
Mp Board Solution English Class 10th Chapter 14 Question 1.
You have been to a sight seeing trip to a lake recently. Make a diary entry of your experiences.
18th June, 20xx 10 P.M.
Our class decided to go to Sultanpur lake for a sight seeing trip. We had hired a bus. We reached there at sunrise. We heard the songs of birds. There were a large number of tourists there. We took photos of birds and trees. We splashed water of the lake on one another. We sat on the grass. We took tea and snacks. Then we bathed in the cool water of the lake. We had a cultural programme. Many tourists joined us. We spent four hours there in full joy and pleasure.
Mp Board Class 10th English Solution Chapter 14 Question 2.
‘Nature has a remedy for all’. Elaborate the thought.
Nature has a Remedy for all. An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a well known saying. The apples come direct from woods. A morning walk in open spaces makes one healthy. The sick people go to hills and countryside. They regain health. All the herbs are found in natural surroundings. The money-minded persons trade in honey, hides, timber and fuel woods. They get these items direct from forests. All the nutrients, medicines and minerals are provided by nature. Fresh water comes from nature. In short, nature caters to the needs of all. As such, nature has a remedy for all. It is the best healer. It provides us with mental peace and joy.
Class 10th English Mp Board Solution Chapter 14 Think It Over
English Class 10 Mp Board Chapter 14 Question 1.
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow. But he cannot learn, feel, change, or grow. Chained by his attitudes he is a slave. He has forfeited his freedom. Only a person who risks is free. Think and write your views on it.
Risk can be defined as the probable and potential loss arising out of uncertainties. Uncertainties arise due to changes taking place in the prevailing environment. A person who invests money in banks does not get as much profit like the person who invests in business. He may avoid suffering and sorrow for some time but he will regret forever. Such a person remains static. He fails to get extra benefits. If a country does not take risk in driving away encroachers it would lose both its land and prestige. One who does not enter a river for fear of risk can never go across it. Risks are the stepping stones to success.
Question 2.
A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes longer. Ponder over it.
For self-attempt.
Things To Do
Prepare a project of a historical/educational visit. Take help of the points given below:
- peer/group which undertakes the project
- selection of the place to be visited and time of the visit
- learning activities:
- the geography of the place
- the history of the place
- important people of historical personalities of the place
- important events connected with the place
- guide and counsellor
- allotment of job/work’
- budget (approximate expenditure)
For self-attempt.
Lake Isle of Innisfree Additional Important Questions
A. Read the stanzas and answer the questions that follow:
1.I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
and a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine beanrows will I have there,
a hive for the honey bee,
and live alone in the bee-loud glade.
I shall have some peace there, for peace
comes dropping slow,
dropping from the veils
of the morning to where the cricket sings,
there midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon
a purple glow and evening full of the linnet’s wings. (Page 122) (M.P. Board 2012)
(i) Identify the poem and the poet.
(ii) What does the poet mean by ’I will arise’?
(Hi) Why does the poet want to go to Innisfree?
(iv) What does the poet want to do after going to the Lake Isle of Innisfree?
(i) The poem is Lake Isle of Innisfree and the poet is WB Yeats.
(ii) The poet means to say that he will build a cabin and live there.
(iii) The poet wants to go there for peace.
(iv) The poet will enjoy peace and bliss of nature.
2. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow
And evening full of the linnet’s wings. (Page 122)
(a) The poet of the above stanza is
(i) Robert Frost
(ii) William Wordsworth
(iii) John Keats
(iv) W.B. Yeats
(b) Find the word from the above stanza which is opposite in meaning to ‘midday’.
(c) Find the word from the above stanza which means same as ‘shine’.
(d) Who sings there in the morning?
(a) (iv) W.B. Yeats
(b) midnight
(c) glow
(d) A cricket sings there in the morning.
I. Match the following:
1. The poet wants to go – (a) the bees back to
2. His cabin will be of – (b) crickets’ song at dawn
3. He will have a hive for – (c) Innisfree
4. He will hear – (d) beckons him
5. The sound of lake water – (e) clay and thin sticks.
1. (c), 2. (e), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d).
II. Pick up the correct choice:
(i) ’Lake Isle of Innisfree’ is composed by:
(a) W.B. Yeats
(b) John Keats
(c) William Wordsworth
(d) Milton.
(a) W.B. Yeats
(b) A. And a small – (hut/cabin) build there.
B. And live alone in the – (bee-loud/beloved) glade.
C. There midnight is all a – (glitter/glimmer) and noon a purple glow.
D. I hear it in the – (large/deep) heart’s core.
A. cabin
B. bee-loud
C. glimmer
D. deep.
III. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:
1. Innisfree is a little island in Lough Gill.
2. The poet intends to have twelve bean-rows there.
3. Peace drops there from the veils of the morning to where the circket sings.
4. There the noon is full of linnet’s wings.
5. The poet hears lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore.
- True
- False
- True
- False
- True.
IV. Fill in the following blanks:
1. And a small cabin build there of ……………. and wattles made.
2. And live ………….. in the bee-loud glade.
3. There ……………… is all a glimmer.
4. There evening is full of linnet’s ………..
5. He hears …………. water lapping with low sound.
- clay
- alone
- midnight
- wings
- lake.
B. Short Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)
Question 1.
What does the poet hear and see in Innisfree? What effect does it have on him?
The poet hears cricket’s songs in the dim light of the dawn in Innisfree. He hears the songs of. the linnets flying here and there. He sees the stars glimmering in the sky at midnight. All these beauties of nature
bring peace to the poet’s mind.
Question 2.
What does the poet hear in his ‘heart’s core even when he is far away from Innisfree?
The poet was standing on a london pavement. He had spent most of his boyhood in Sligo. He had visited Innisfree many times. He hears the sound of the lake water beating against the shores of the lake. He hears it day and night in his heart.
Question 3.
‘And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings.” Elaborate the idea contained in these lines.
The poet feels that he has been transported to Innisfree. He hears the cricket singing somewhere near him in the twilight of the morning. It is singing songs of a care free life. The poet hopes to get some slow dropping peace by hearing the cricket’s song.
Question 4.
Explain: ‘Bee-loud glade’ and ‘Evenings full of the linnet’s wings’?
The honey-bees are humming loudly all around. Their sweet humming is producing sweet music. It brings the picture of lovely glade to our mind. Linnets keep flying all around in the sky in the evenings. They are also producing a sweet music. It brings the picture of lovely evenings to our mind.
C. Long Answer Type Questions (In about 50 words)
Question 1.
The poet W.B. Yeats is greatly inclined towards nature. Justify.
The poet visited the Lake Isle of Innisfree many a time in his teens. He lives in London but is fed up with its rat-race. He wants to go back to Innsifree. He will build a small and simple cabin in a secluded place. He will enjoy the sights of birds crickets and linnets and hear their songs. He will enjoy the glimmer of stars at midnight. The purple glow of sun at noon will provide charm to his weary soul. The flowing water of the lake and its low sounds will gladden his heart. This shows that he is greatly inclined towards nature.
Question 2.
What are the ideas contained in the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree?
W.B. Yeats is fed up with the rat-race going on in London. He wants to go back to Innisfree. The old memories of the lake Isle haunt him. He thinks of building a small and simple cabin there. He would grow beans there. He would enjoy the constant working of nature. He would seek peace hearing the songs of crickets and linnets. The natural sights of starry nights and glowing noons will grant his soul satisfaction, fascination and peace. He will feel charmed at the sight of lapping water flowing towards the shore slowly. The ideas of peace, beauty, happiness and satisfaction are contained in this poem.
The poet wants to go back to Innisfree, a place devoid of all the fret and fury of the world in turmoil. He longs to spend his life these days in peace. He will be happy there.
Summary in English
The poet wants to go back to Innisfree as soon as possible. He will build a small cabin there with clay and thin sticks. He will grow vegetables (beans) in rows. He will have a hive for the bees. He will live alone in his beloved glade.
The poet hopes to get peace by hearing cricket song at dawn and enjoying the glimmer of stars at midnight. The purple glow of the sun will amuse his weary soul at noon. The song of linnets will provide him with joy in the evenings. He hears the sound of lake water constantly in the core of his heart. It beckons him. He dare not resist the strong call. Therefore, he desires to go there immediately.
Summary in Hindi
कवि यथासम्भव शीघ्र ही वापिस इनिजफ्री जाना चाहता है। वह मिट्टी तथा पतली लकड़ियों से वहाँ एक छोटी कोठरी बनाएगा। वह पंक्तियों में सब्जियाँ (सेम) उगाएगा। वह मधुमक्खियों के लिए छत्ता बनाएगा। वह अपने प्रिय वनीय स्थान में अकेला रहेगा।
कवि को आशा है कि वह प्रातः झींगुरों के गीत सुनकर और आधी रात में सितारों की टिमटिमाहट का आनन्द लेते हुए शान्ति प्राप्त करेगा। दोपहर को सूर्य की बैंगनी चमक उसकी थकी हुई आत्मा को आनन्दित करेगी। शाम को उसे लिनेट चिड़िया का गीत आह्लादित करेगा। वह अपने हृदय के केन्द्र में निरन्तर झील के पानी की कलकल ध्वनि सुनता रहता है। वह उसे पुकारती है। उसमें उसकी सशक्त आवाज का विरोध करने का साहस नहीं है, इसलिए वह तुरन्त वहाँ जाना चाहता है।
Some Important Pronunciations
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