MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition: Visual Stimulus

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MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition: Visual Stimulus

1. Harish wants to make a speech at the assembly titled Patriotism and the Young on Independence Day. He notices the chart given below in the paper and decides to use it as the basis for his speech. Using the chart and your own ideas write out the speech in about 150-200 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 1
In the present day it has become imperative to make the young people of India realize the importance of being patriotic for acquiring political strength which was. always keenly felt by the leaders of India’s national movement.

While the call for throwing out the British struck a responsive chord in every Indian heart, the significance of the campaign in favour of patriotism has seldom seen fully appreciated. We should take pride in being Indians and value the unity in diversity that our culture possesses. When a foreign leader praises our country or an Indian wins an international award, are the times when our pride for our country should soar high. A wave of nationalist fervor should sweep our countrymen on hearing the National Anthem, while seeing the National Flag being hoisted and while seeing the Republic Day parade. The plant of patriotism which sprouted when India gained her independence, was the culmination of more than a century of sacrifices offered by numerous soldiers at the altar of national freedom. At, when we hear or read about the sacrifice of these soldiers, we should try to keep alive in our hearts the sacred memory of those great martyrs who made tremendous sacrifices for the attainment of freedom. From their memories should we derive our inspiration of patriotism?

Just as it is the moral duty of everyone to maintain and preserve good health, it is the bounden duty of our countrymen to build up their patriotism so that they can exist in this violence-ridden world with self-respect and proudly proclaim, ‘We are Indians’.

MP Board Solutions

2. ABC Bank, a private bank is celebrating its 10th anniversary in Jaipur. A director of the company, is requested to give a short speech on the bank’s service to the town. Study the information given, and together with your own ideas, write a speech stressing the importance of this public service and make some practical suggestions too. Write your speech in about 150-175 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 2
As a director of ABC Bank (Ltd.), I feel extremely privileged in reading out the achievements and services rendered by our bank during the last ten years in the historical and beautiful city of Jaipur.

We came to Jaipur with a dream ten years ago to build up a nationalised bank to cater to the demands of the people. “Customer satisfaction” has been our motto ever since. Today our bank is regarded as one of the most prestigious banks of the city having 15 local branches all over Jaipur. Our bank has felicitated the growth and development of many small-scale industries by providing almost 60% of the total loan to them. We have also offered modest loans of 7% and 9% to housing and medical aid respectively. In our move towards advancement we have not ignored even our rural sector and have provided farmers with 24% of the loans I feel our greatest achievement during these ten years has been our attitude of ‘service before self which is imbibed most naturally by each and every person associated with our bank. Our attitude has indeed been rather successful as is evident from the increasing number of people who have their accounts in the various branches of our bank. To further enhance and strengthen our services, it is our proposal to fully computerise all the branches of our bank in the near future and to further propagate the idea that for us each of our customers is special in his own right.

With this 1 would like to conclude my speech by congratulating all the employees who have contributed greatly towards the development of our bank.

3. A survey was conducted to find out how teenagers spend then free time. The following trends were observed. Using the data given in the pie-chart given below together with your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic “How teenagers spend their free time?” Write your answers in about 150 words giving your own reasons and conclusions for the trends.
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 3

“How Teenagers Spend Their Free Time?”
By : XYZ ‘

With the changing times the priorities of all teenagers have also changed The revolutionisation of modern times has made the teenagers of today’s aware of more and more options to spend their free time.

Recently a survey was conducted by the ‘Weekly “Magazine to determine ‘ “how teenagers spend their free time?” It clearly indicated that about 50% of the girls and 40% of the boys spend most of their time watching television programs. These programs include movies, songs and serials or the sports channels on television. Though there are also about 30% boys who spend their leisure time in playing indoor and outdoor games, only 5% girls spend their time in playing these games. Reading comics and General Knowledge Books still holds good with almost 25% girls but barely 10% boys spend their time on reading books. Talking to friends comes next on the teenagers’ priority list. 15% girls and about 10% boys spend time in chatting with their peers. With so much to occupy their friends in their free time, pursuing a hobby has taken a complete back seat with the teenagers. Hardly 5% girls and 10% boys collect materials for their hobbies. Thus, we note a steady downward trend in the percentage of teenagers who now pursue a constructive recreational activity as they are more prone to indulge in options that are easily accessible to them.

4. Gauri sees the-rowing scene as he looks out of his bedroom window. He is alarmed at the way his city has changed in the past five years. He writes an article for his city newspaper expressing his alarm and painting the present position cautioning people against environmental pollution. Write the article in not more than 150-200 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 4
In this vast universe, the earth is so far the only planet to be endowed with an environment that can support life-form with which we are familiar. What sustains life on earth is a thin cover of air and water encasing the earth and known as the biosphere. Without that our planet would have been just another lifeless, desolate form spinning around in the musky depths of space.

But nature has been suffering due to the thoughtlessness of mankind. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the two main ingredients that sustain life, have been polluted. The air that we inhale is polluted due to the smoke emitted by vehicles and chimneys of industries, indiscriminate felling of trees and over-population. Water becomes contaminated due to a variety of pollutants. Water-borne diseases have always posed a threat to mankind. The use of loudspeakers on various functions and occasions causes noise-pollution. The atmospheric garbage in a permanent or chronic state is fouling our environment at a fantastic pace. It is a serious concern today for environmental scientists and enlightened statesmen all over the world regarding man’s misuse and abuse of nature and his deliberate fouling of the atmosphere under the guise of modernisation, automation and scientific or technological progress. If we. do not undertake ways and means to check environmental pollution, it will gradually lead to our doom, for one day may come when nature might be in no mood to stand any more abuses; and excesses at the hands of humanity.

MP Board Solutions

5. You Anand/Anandi. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly in your school about the increase in violence and social unrest in your area, interpreting the data given below. Also give suggestions to curb them. Write your answer in about 150-200 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 5
It is indeed unfortunate that there is a visible increase in the cases of violence and social unrest in our area in the past few years. Some anti-social elements are working very hard and have as good as succeeded i in disturbing the peace and harmony of our area.

No longer do the people of our area feel a sense of security while walking on the roads and there is constant fear in the minds of the people j that some unnecessary violence may crop up anywhere. A data study shows a constant and steady rise in the number of cases of violence during the last six years. In the year 1992-93, the number of cases of violence was ten. and these cases have gone up by almost four times during the last 5-6 years. If effective and concrete steps are not taken up by the police and local authorities to curb the cases of violence, our area will surely end up as being declared as one of the most troubled areas of the city l where it will become almost impossible for the common man to even exist peacefully.

The anti-social elements, who are bent upon disturbing the peace of our area, should be dealt with very strictly so that just thinking about the severity of the penalty for causing social unrest should make them feel scared constantly. Each and every one of us should also make an effort to voice our protest against this increase in social unrest more loudly and emphatically and ensure, that our complaints are seriously dealt with by the concerned authorities so. that our lives can be more secure and peaceful.

So, the need of the time is to collectively stand up against the increase in these violent activities so that we can make our area a better place to live in without having to fear constantly about the next hour.

6. You are Varun/Aruna. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly of your school about the increase in road accidents in your city, using the following data. Also give suggestions to curb them. Write your answer in about 150-200 words. [10 Marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 6
We at our school have decided to observe the Road Safety Week by making students aware about the hazards and dangers they face while walking on the road. It is extremely important to keep in mind and follow the traffic rules while one is on the road considering that there has been a constant and steady rise in the number of road accidents in our city.

It is indeed unfortunate that due to the carelessness of pedestrians- and drivers alike, there has been an increase in the. road accidents in our city. The number of road accidents has gone up by more than 100% in the past four years. A data study shows that while there were 50 cases of road accidents in x the year 1995, the number went up to 110 in the year 1996 and after a gradual yet steady rise, in the year 1999 the number of road accidents has gone up to as many as 205. Let us not forget that life is precious and a valuable and precious thing as life should not be wasted by losing it due to sheer carelessness. We must always remember that traffic rules are made keeping in mind the safety of the people and so it becomes our duty to observe these rules. The result of rash and negligent driving is always dangerous so one should always practice patience and restraint while driving. Likewise while talking on the road, pedestrians should be alert and vigilant so as to avoid any untoward incident. Only if each and every one of us makes a combined and collective ;
effort can we possibly lessen road accidents and make our city a safe place to walk in.

7. Based on the cartoon given below and your own ideas, write a letter to the editor on-the need to educate people about s keeping the environment clean. Write your letter in not more than 750 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 7
75 M.G. Road
New Delhi
The Editor
The Daily News, New Delhi
3 March, 20xx

Dear sir,
It is indeed unfortunate that people have adopted a most callous attitude about keeping the environment clean.

The air, that we breathe in, the water that we drink and our whole surroundings have become polluted. It is indeed high time that we stopped nature’s suffering due to the atrocities at the hands of human beings. If each and every one of us, in our own little way, help in keeping the environment clean, we will be leading more cleaner and healthier lives. This awareness about cleansing the environment will also enable us to hand over to our future generations an environment where living will be easy and hygienic.

Unless we do not realise the need to keep the environment clean soon, it may be too late to repair the damage done.

Yours sincerely

8. You come across the following advertisement for graduate students. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper expressing your views on the lack of job opportunities and counseling to the youth after class X.
Write the letter in your answer sheet in not more than 150 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 8
The Editor
Jaago Bharat
New Delhi 10th March, 20xx

I had the opportunity of going through the advertisement on page 3 of your 5th March 20xx issue regarding expert counseling to students who want to study in USA. I thought I must write to you in the hope that through the medium of your esteemed newspaper 1 am able to bring to light a fact that is troubling me most.

It is most astonishing that we Indians are more concerned to impart counseling for foreign universities for graduates whereas our own Xth standard students lack not only the ]ob opportunities but also the avail¬ability of a counseling centre for them after they pass out their Matric Examination. Our priority at present should be to try and help the students of Xth standard to choose the proper career and field in the most formative years of their life. Times have greatly changed and life has become much more complex. There is an infinite variety of jobs and vocations and hence a Xth standard student is confused as to what his next step should be. So, it is the duty of our society to assess the native intelligence of the child, develop and groom it and decide where it should be placed.

To successfully harness this concept may take time. So, let us seriously divert our attention on to the accomplishment of this target.

Yours sincerely,

MP Board Solutions

9. Sunil Surana is an active member of the Youth Wing of the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). He saw the following scene on one of the roads. He decided to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, protesting against cruelty to animals. Using the information in the picture, to-gether with your own ideas, write the letter in your answer sheet in not more than 175-200 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 9
13, Bairn Road
Puri (Orissa)
The Editor,
The Bugle, Bhubaneshwar
2nd March, 20xx ;

Dear Sir,
I am an, active member of ike Youth Wing of the SPCA and am writing to you to protest against the cruelty to animals after I witnessed the most overburdened bullock-cart on the road, the terrible weight of the burden almost making it impossible for the poor bull to even move.

This is an example of just one of the innumerable cruelties towards animals ! by man. !

Man has become so self-centered that to suit his own selfish means he does not mind inflicting any kind of unspeakable cruelty on animals as long as his own purpose is duly served. This cruelty may include over burdening animals rather mercilessly to carry loads from one place to another, using the cane to make the animals perform to amuse the children, caging them, selling them or even slaughtering them. It is hard to believe that man, who himself is a member of the living species, can treat another member of the same living species (animals) so terribly so as to even deny them the very right to live and survive. It is high time that we realized that it is highly improper and wrong on,our part that we are being most cruel and inhumane in our treatment to animals and find effective means and ways of remedying our folly. Even if each one of us decides to take one step in a positive direction it will be a most healthy sign.

I sincerely hope that through your esteemed newspaper 1 am able to put forth to the readers the need for a change in our attitude of taking animals for granted to serve us in each and every way that we think is possible.

Yours faithfully
Sunil Surana

10. Harish has to make a speech at the assembly on The Qualities Required for Success. He notices the chart given below in the paper and decides to use it as the basis for his speech. Using the chart and your own ideas write out the speech in about 150-200 words. [10 marks]
MP Board Class 9th Special English Composition Visual Stimulus 10
The present-day generation is very conscious and highly aware about the most important things or qualities in life and the qualities required to attain success. Knowledge, by far, is regarded as the most important thing in life by the young people. Knowledge leads to excellence of the mind; it facilitates the creation of a critical, creative outlook, seeking the happiness of all and perfection where attainable. Love is regarded as another important virtue which enables one to win over people and value human relationships. The money factor is also important because it enables us to live a life of comfort and be free from daily worries such as how to make both ends meet. Thirst far fame and hunger far power are also considered as essential ingredients in modern life without which it becomes almost difficult to fulfill our aims and ambitions.

If one is fortunate enough to follow and abide by those virtues which are considered important in our present life, one must not ignore the most essential factors that ensure success. It is an old saying that ‘hard work never goes waste’. So, one should never give up on hard work. True talent and sincerity to do work also help us to be successful. Relying solely on one’s luck is regarded as a sign of foolish behavior because luck also favors only those, who think and work positively. Good contacts also help us to be successful but gone are the days when one needed only contacts to be successful. The most encouraging factor in the present day is that if .one has the talent and the inclination to do hard work, it is certain enough that slowly but surely success will definitely come one’s way and hindrances such as lack of money or contacts can very easily be overcome. The right approach to be successful is ‘To do as much as you can and then pray to God to fill in the blank.

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