Enhance your subject knowledge with MP Board Class 9th General English Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters and learn all the underlying concepts easily. Make sure to solve the MP Board Solutions for Class 9th English PDF on a day to day basis and score well in your exams. MP Board Class 9th English Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters are given after enormous research by people having high subject knowledge. You can rely on them and prepare any topic of English as per your convenience easily.
MP Board Class 9th General English Letter Writing: Informal and Formal Letters
Informal Letters
Q. 1. Write a letter to your friend mentioning your hobbies.
10, Raghava Pura, Ram Nagar,
10th Feb, 20…
Dear Neetu,
I am well here and hope the same for you. I want to share my hobbies with you as vacations are near. I am very fond of collecting stamps, visiting different places and listening to music. I am fond of travelling. I have visited many places like Gwalior, Agra, Mathura etc. I plan to visit Rajasthan in these vacations. More on meeting. Lots of regards to elders and love to youngers. Rest is O.K.
Waiting for your letter,
Q. 2. Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about your visit to your favourite park/ picnic spot.
Ram Pal Singh 26/102,
Ashok Nagar, Kanpur
Dear Raj,
I am fine here and hope the same at your end also. As our exams are over, what are your plans for your vacations? I am planning to go for a picnic to The Kanha Kisli National Park on 14th of this month. If you wish, you may also join us. Rest is fine. Pay my regards to elders and love to youngers.
Waiting for your letter,
Q. 3. Write a letter to your father to send you Rs. 500 as you have to pay your fees and buy some books and stationery.
Answer: .
Examination Hall
15th July, 20….
Dear Father,
How are you and other family members? I am fine here busy with my studies. I have to pay my fees and buy some books and stationery. So kindly send me a sum of Rs. 500 soon. Convey my best regards to mother and lots of love to Pappu.
Yours loving
son Ashu
Q. 4. Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday party.
10, Prabhu Nagar Indore
20 March, 20….
Dear Raj,
Hope you are fine there. I am also in best of health. Today I am writing to you because I want to invite you in my birthday party on 28 March. Many of our friends will be coming. We shall enjoy a lot. It will be a great fiin. So please come definitely and inform me when are you coming here.
I shall wait for your reply.
Yours as ever Tarun
Q. 5. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.
20, Shubham Colony
Bhopal (M.P.)
Dated 10 Aug, 20….
Dear Sonam,
Hearty congratulations to you. I am glad that you have got a brilliant success in the High School Examination. I saw your name in the merit list. We all became very happy to hear the news. You will have to give a nice dinner party to our friends when you come here.
Please inform me when you are reaching here.
Yours as ever
Q. 6. Write a letter to your father telling him about your hostel life.
Nehru Hostel
Room No. 10
Dated 10 July, 20….
Respected Father,
Warm Regards. Hope you are fine there. I am also fine here. You might be worried about me since I am residing in hostel. I wish to inform you that now I am settled here.
The hostel life is quite different from that at home. It is quite more disciplined. We have to wake up early in the morning and take care of our things -ourselves, do everything ourselves. My room mate is also very good and other boys in the hostel are also very co-operative. There are fixed timings of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food that is served is of good quality. But I miss the taste of mom’s food. I miss home and everyone a lot. But I have adjusted here. Please don’t worry about me.
Give my regards to mom and love to Chhotu.
Yours obedient son
Q. 7. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your brother.
54, Shankar Shah Nagar,
December 15,20….
Dear Rohan,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and happiness. You will be glad to know that the marriage of my elder brother has been fixed. The ceremony will take place on 30th December. You should come earlier. Mother remembered you and asked me to inform and invite you as she considers you also as her son. So, please come as soon as possible. There are lot of arrangements to be done and I would need your help and assistance. Please inform about your arrival.
Yours sincerely
Q. 8. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in games regularly.
10, Ashok Nagar
May 25,20….
Dear Himanshu,
Hope you are doing well there. Today I have received a letter from mother. She has also sent me your progress report. Though you are doing well in studies, but you are.not taking part in games. That is the reason that you are weak in health. I advise you to exercise regularly and take active part in games and sports. There is a saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
Write me soon about your health.
Yours affectionately
Formal Letters
Q. l. Write an application to your Head Master requesting him to sanction you a scholarship.
The Headmaster,
Janta Junior School,
Respected Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that I am a student of your school. I study in class IX. My father is no more. He was the only supporter of my family. My mother is unable to have my study continued.
Therefore, I request you to sanction me scholarship to enable me to continue my studies. For this kind’favour I shall be highly obliged.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Mukul Jain
Roll No. 7
Class IX A
Dated : 10th October, 20…
Q. 2. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to provide you free text books.
The Head Master,
Govt. Middle School
Respected Sir,
I beg to state that I am the student of your school studying in class IX. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a farmer. He is unable to bear the expenses of my studies. I am a very good student. I shall be highly obliged if you provide me free text books. Then only I shall be able to continue my studies.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Rahul Sharma
Roll No. 21
Class IX B
Dated : 6th July, 20….
Q. 3. Write an application to your Headmaster to grant you sick leave for three days.
The Headmaster
Government Middle School,
Subject : Application for sick leave for three days.
Respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of IX-A. I am ill therefore I would be unable to attend the school. Kindly grant me leave for three days from 16 Oct., 2008 to 18 Oct., 2008.
I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently,
Manish Garg
Roll No. 16
Class IX-A
15 October, 2008
Q. 4. Write a letter to the district magistrate about nuisance caused by the use of loud speakers.
31, AshishNagar
1st April, 20….
The District Magistrate.
I want to draw your attention to the nuisance caused by the use of loud-speakers. I am a student of graduation and my examinations are near. It is a time when all the students are busy day and night preparing for the examinations. Their success depends upon the proper use of their time and the concentration of their minds. It is regrettable that majority of citizens do not realise the importance of this time for students. They enjoy full liberty to use loud-speakers at their highest pitch to celebrate every occasion that comes to their hands. The result is that we are unable to make preparations in the right way.
I therefore request you to kindly impose a ban on the use of loud-speakers for the period of University Examinations and punish those who are found guilty.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Raj Malhotra
Q. 5. Write a letter to M/s Shiva Furniture, Gwalior placing an order for school furniture.
12, Modem Public School Datia (Gwalior) 10 March, 20….
M/s Shiva Furniture
Fort Road, Gwalior
Subject : Order for school furniture.
Dear Sirs,
Please send the following items of furniture for our public school at the above address. These items should be suitable for the age group of 10 to 14 years. It will be your responsibility that the items supplied by you should be of the specifications passed by M.P. Govt. Administration.
All the items should be sent through State Bank of India, Datia Branch.
1. Desks – 500
2. Chairs – 200
3. Stools – 500
4. Tables – 25
Yours faithfully
Manish Sharma
Q. 6. Write a letter to the Editor, Competition success to send you the magazine by post regularly every month.
10, Jawahar Nagar,
Ratlam (M.P.)
Jan 30,20…. To,
The Manager
Competition Success
Subject—Sending Competition Success every month.
I wish to be a regular subscriber to your magazine competition success. I am enclosing herewith a cheque of Rs. 500/- as the annual subscription.
Please send me Competition Success on the above address regularly commencing from the February 20—issue.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Ritu Das
Q. 7. Write a letter to the Director, Career Plus, 10, Kamla Park, Bhopal seeking information regarding their Postal Courses for computer science.
20, Goel Market
Gwalior (M.P.)
July 4,20…. To,
The Director
Career Plus
10, Kamla Park
Subject : Information regarding 2 year Postal Course in Computer Science.
I am a student of class IX of Modem Public School, Gwalior. I am interested in joining your career computer postal course. It would be kind of you, if you send me the following—
1. Information regarding your postal course :
(a) Charges for the whole course.
(b) Delivery of lessons, months and dates.
(c) Contact programmes, place dates.
2. Any other information regarding your postal course.
Hoping for an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Rahul Verma
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