MP Board Class 8th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1
Write the correct options to the following questions:
(i) Under whose leadership English fleet reached India.
(a) Duplex
(b) Robert Clive
(c) Captain Hokins
(d) Charles IInd
(c) Captain Hokins
Question 2.
The ban on the import of Indian clothes was slapped an act in England in:
(a) 1700
(b) 1813
(c) 1793
(d) 1716
(a) 1700
Question 3.
Which book has mention of Sanyase Revolt against British:
(a) Geet Govind
(b) Anand Math
(c) Kamayani
(d) Ein-e-Akbari
(b) Anand Math
Question 4.
The Varna system in ancient times was based on:
(a) Religion
(b) Karma
(c) Yagna
(d) Caste
(b) Karma
Question 5.
Who said, ‘Democracy is the govt, of the people, by the people and for the people:
(a) Abraham Lincon
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Karl Marx
(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
Question 6.
What is called the upper layer of the earth?
(a) Earth crust
(b) Rocks
(c) Hydrosphere
(d) Atmosphere
(a) Earth crust.
Question 7.
Narmada River makes shapes at its mouth-
(a) Estuary
(b) V-shaped valley
(c) Waterfall
(d) Oxbow
(a) Estuary
Fill in the Blanks:
- Alivardi Khan was made Nawab of Bengal in ……………
- The Act in 1843 was passed to check …………… custom.
- The khadi revolt was led under the leadership of ………….
- …………. is easy and useful to impart education.
- In our country as per constitution …………. form of governance is established.
- The 80 percent area of earth is covered by ………….. rocks.
- Bhedaghat ……………… in Jabalpur is worth watching.
- 1740
- Slavery
- King Tirahsing
- Mother-tongue
- Democratic
- Sedimentary
- Gorge
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 1 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
On which ground Dalhousie made Avadh province a part of the British government?
In 1856 Nawab of Avadh was accused of having misgoverning his state and thus it was annexed to British rule by Dalhousie.
Question 2.
When and who established the Asiatic Society?
In 1784 Sir Villiam Jones founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Efforts were made to study Indian History and Culture through this society.
Question 3.
Who opposed use of new cartridges at Barrackpore?
In Barrackpore Mangal Pandey had stood against the introduction of the new Cartridges and he had been executed.
Question 4.
Which are our National festivals?
26th January (Republic day), 15th August (Independent day) and 2nd Oct. (Gandhi Jayanti) are our national festivals.
Question 5.
Which is called ‘Fourth Estate’ of democracy?
Free press is the fourth estate of democracy.
Question 6.
What is called the originating site of earthquake?
The place, where earthquake originates, is called earthquake epicenter.
Question 7.
What is Loess?
Fine particles of sand suspended in wind are called Loess. They are carried over long distances much away and deposited there as Loess. The most important Loess region of the world is in north China.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 1 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention any one of the reasons of English success in India?
There are many reasons of English success. But their policy of Divide and Rule was one of them.
Meaning of the policy of Divide and Rule:
The policy of Divide and Rule’ means to create differences among the people on the basis of caste, region, religion etc. it aims at creating disunity among the natives. The British Government wanted to keep its hold over the conquered people i.e. Indians by dividing them. The main features of the British policy of “divide and rule’ were can be given as below:
- They divided India into two parts, viz. the British India and the Indian States. They provided more facilities to the people of the British India in comparison to the people living in the Indian States. This created differences among the people.
- They followed a systematic policy of dividing – the Hindus and the Muslims, favouring one section against another at one time.
- The British provided opportunities of employment to the sons of the Zamindars and land-lords. It created unrest among the middle class people.
- They practiced the policy of‘Divide and Rule’ in military administration also. The troops were organised on the basis of region, caste, tribes, etc.
Question 2.
What was the Ryotwari System?
Ryotwari System: A system of land revenue introduced in Madras and Bombay
Presidencies. The cultivator in this case would pay fifty percent of his produce to the govern¬ment every year.
Question 3.
Describe about Ramosi Revolt?
The Ramosi tribe in the Western Ghats under the leadership of Sardar Chitar Singh revolted against British Rule in 1822. They plundered the region nearby Satara.
Question 4.
Define the role of tourism in national integration?
Tourism right from the start had been the important factor of National integration. Tourism helps sense of unity and offers opportunity to know our vast country. Tourism brings us very close. People know the problems of each other and this build equal feelings and equal outlook among the people. It is also helpful to know the development in culture, economy and industry. Thus tourism is a means of national integration.
Question 5.
What do you mean by Non-Alignment?
(a) Non – alignment – Non – alignment means keeping away from aligning with any other group or power bloc. Pt. Nehru with some other government premier developed Non – alignment as a global movement.
Question 6.
Why the plains are called Cradle of Civilization?
Plain-The smooth wide and low lying having low height is the area known as plain. The plains are suitable place for human habitat because people fulfill their needs of food, clothes, housing and other necessities. Hence, all the civilizations of the world originated in plain areas. Thus, the plains are known as ‘Cradle of civilization’.
MP Board Class 8th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 1 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe the battle of Buxar?
The English had brought Mir Qasim as the Nawab of Bengal in place of Mir Jafar, thinking that Mir Qasim would as a better puppet. But the English were disappointed Mir Qasim attempted to become independent of the English. In the process, he dismissed the officials loyal to the Company and withdrew the trade concessions granted to the British. This annoyed the English. This also led to the battle between the English in the one hand, and the Nawabs of Bengal and Awadh as also the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam on the other. This battle is called the battle of Buxar. (1764)
The following were the consequences of the battle of Buxar:
- The English defeated the natives and this paved the way for the English to became the virtual ruler of India.
- The English East India Company secured the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
- The Mughal Emperor though got the areas of Allahabad and Kora, but lived himself under the protection of the Company.
- The Company promised to pay Rs. 26 lacs every year, but soon after stopped paying it.
- Mir Jafar was again appointed as the Nawab of Bengal and in the meantime the Company amassed huge money.
- The Nawab of Awadh became dependent on the Company as the letter’s troops were stationed in Awash to protect the Nawab.
Question 2.
Describe the law and order system of British Rule in India.
In 1774, the Supreme Court was established at Calcutta. For sometime, the English judges of this court tried to apply English law because they knew no other law. But the Indians did not like it. So an Act 1781 restricted the application of English law to Englishmen only.
But as conditions changed, the need for definite codes applicable to the Indian subjects were keenly felt. The Bengal Regulation of 1793 was passed. It bound the courts to take decisions on the rights of persons and property of the Indians.
The court applied the principles of justice, equality and goods conscience. The laws were printed and published in English and Indian languages. In 1883, the government appointed the Indian Law Commission. The courts were reorganized. Every district came to have a civil and criminal Court. There were Courts of Appeal. The Indians were made to feel that the “rule of law” was being established, which implied that everybody was equal in the eyes of law.
The establishment of law and order was necessary for a peaceful living. This was the purpose for which the police force was organised in India by the company. It was during Cornwalli’s period that the police was given a regular shape in 1791. A superintendent of Police was appointed at Calcutta and soon, such officials were appointed in other cities.
The districts were divided into thanas and each thana was put under the charge of Daroga. Though the police was to maintain law and order, it never became popular. It soon earned much notoriety far its corruption and harassment of the common people.
Question 3.
Write about the status of farmers and artisans of India before 1857?
1. The introduction of land laws by the British had a vary bad effect on the economic life of the farmers. They were doomed. They had to mortgage or sell their land because they could not pay the revenue in time. The ownership of lands was inequitable.
2. Land became a saleable property. The new land laws introduced the use of cash currency in the field of agriculture.
3. Cash crops and plantation products became commodities for sale in markets. So land laws helped in an indirect way the Indian agriculture production. Poppy cultivation was encouraged. Cotton, jute, tea and coffee and other cash crops were grown in abundance for profitable export trade. The merchants and Zamindars earned huge profits, but the benefits did not reach the cultivators. Some of the main points that affected the indigenous industries by the Industrial policy of the British Government are as under:
- The British officials did not patronize the Indian goods.
- Restrictions were imposed on the entry of Indian textile products by laws passed in Britain 1700 A.D. and 1720 A.D. Steps were taken in India and in Britain to serve the interest of the British traders and manufactures at the cost of the Indian industries.
- The company’s agents in India forced the , products or goods or charge 20 to 40
percent less than the market price. - They manipulate the prices of raw cotton. This almost wiped out the cotton textile industry in India.
- The British goods coming to India were exempted from duties, but the Indian exports of Britain were subjected to high import duty. The free trade policy proved ruinous to Indian industries.
The Indian artisans were ruined by this policy. They lost their job and they became poorer.
Question 4.
Communal-ism is a threat for unity of Country. How?
Communal-ism is a force that has played a negative role in our country. It has divided the country into two parts. It has led to communal riots. At times, these forces of communal-ism result in conflicts among the different communities. These conflicts eat away the vitality of our country and strike at our unity and integrity. To cover up the evil of communal-ism, we must respect each other’s religion.
Question 5.
W rite about the important of voting in democracy?
Ans. In a democracy, the people of the country elect the government. Only the citizens of the country have the right to vote. They elect their representatives who for the legislature. To choose a right kind of representative there is a great importance of voting. We should vote who possess the following qualities:
A voter should keep in mind the following considerations before voting:
- He should vote only for a person who can serve the cause of the people with devotion and dedication. He should be well abreast with the qualities of the candidate.
- He should cast his vote in favor of able, honest, selfless candidates.
- He should not vote under any kind of threat or temptation whatsoever because the efficiency of the government depends mainly upon his judicious exercise of vote.
- At the time of voting, he should rise above caste, creed or provincial and linguistic feelings because such considerations weaken the very spirit of democracy. Such considerations strike at the root of national unity and pollutes the social atmosphere.
- He should not vote for such candidates who defect their party after elections. Defection corrupts the political life of the country, brings self-interest to the fore and throws people’s interest into the background.
In a democracy voting plays a important role.
Question 6.
Describe the types of Volcanoes.
Volcano is an opening on the earth crust, in the form of lava which emits molten magma, rock pieces, gases and steam on the surface of the earth usually with great noise and thunder. The lava and other material comes out through deep tissues in the crust. Sometimes, this material gets deposited around the opening of volcano called vent and forms a conical volcanic mountain.
There are mainly three kinds of volcanoes:
1. Active Volcano:
There are volcanoes which keep on erupting frequently. Mount Etna Sicily and Barren Island in the Andaman Nicobar Island in India are examples of active volcano.
2. Dormant Volcano:
Volcanoes which have not erupted for quite a long time but there is possibility that they may erupt any time. Such volcanoes are called sleeping volcano or dormant. The Visuvious near Naples in Italy is an example of Dormant Volcano.
3. Extinct Volcano:
Volcanoes which had erupted a long time before but have not erupted for the last four years are known as extinct volcano. Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in East Africa is an example of extinct volcano.
Question 7.
Mention the land forms made by the erosion of rivers.
The work of river in upper course. The river is powerful agent of gradation. In order to understand the work of river as running water it is divided into 3 parts each part depicting its work from origin to the final destination i.e. sea. Upper part is described as childhood of the river, middle course as youth and lower courses as the old age.
Upper course. When the river originates from glaciers, it flows very swiftly down the slope. The river takes along the stones and rock material etc. with its strong current. Thus the water,, boulders, moving along with the river cause deepening of the bed and also widening of the banks. The river in its upper course is busy in erosion and transportation of material which results into formation of many peculiar land forms.
Some of them are as follows:
Gorge. The river flows through an area which is made up of hard rocks. It cuts constantly the floor of the river (called river bed) and forms a deep and narrow valley which looks like I letter of English. Thus a gorge is formed.
V-shaped Valley:
V-shaped valley is formed when the river passes through an area having heavy rainfall and its bank made up of soft material. The river banks due to rain get widening and the river bed goes on deepening. Thus, giving rise to a valley working, the shape of English alphabet ‘V’.
Waterfall, is a sudden descent of water over a big vertical step formed in a river bed. It is generally formed at the edge of river, hard rock over laing a soft one. The waterfall, the river water falls down almost vertically along its course.
When the waterfall instead of falling straight downwards falls through the rock by hoping suipping and leaping some ladder by the land form is made it is called rapid.
A series of rapids are called cascades. Alluvial fans. Is a semicircular inform and points up streams. It is broader than alluvial cone but its height is less. The Himalayas, Rockies and Anders form alluvial fans. Oxbow lake, Natural lever and flood plains, delta and Estuary are formed by the erosion of rivers.