In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th Social Science Book Solutions Chapter 19 Consumer Awareness Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 19 Consumer Awareness
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Text book Exercises
Objective Type Questions
Chapter 19 Social Science Class 10 Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions
(Choose the correct answer from the following)
Mp Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Question (i)
When was the Consumer Protection Act enforced –
(a) 1986
(b) 1996
(c) 1968
(d) None of above
(a) 1986
Social Science Class 10 Chapter 19 Question (ii)
The meaning of consumer awareness is –
(a) Alertness towards self – rights
(b) Alertness towards self – duties
(c) Alertness towards both, self – right and duties
(d) None of above.
(c) Alertness towards both, self – right and duties
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Solution Chapter 19 Question (iii)
Consumer awareness is necessary for –
(a) Protection from exploitation
(b) High standard of living
(c) To check harmful consumption
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.
Consumer Awareness Is Necessary For Mp Board Class 8 Question (iv)
Producer can be arbitrary regarding quality and price of commodity in –
(a) Competition
(b) Monopoly
(c) Agro products
(d) None of the above.
(d) None of the above.
Class 10th Social Science Mp Board Solution Mp Board Question (v)
Agmark is a mark of safety for –
(a) Jewellery
(b) Agriculture Products
(c) Woollen clothes
(d) Electronic equipments.
(d) Electronic equipments.
Consumer Awareness Chapter Class 10 Mp Board Class 8 Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- Electronic equipments are labelled with ………….. mark.
- Consumers have right to ………….. against adulterated food.
- The World Consumers Day is celebrated on ……………
- To show scarcity of goods despite of its sufficient supply is known as ……………
- Agmark is labelled on …………… related products.
- Hallmarks
- Safety
- 24 December
- Black marketing
- Agriculture.
Consumer Awareness Class 10 Mp Board Class 8 Question 2.
Macth the coloumn:
1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (e)
5. (b)
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Consumer Awareness Class 10th Mp Board Class 8 Question 1.
What is buyer of commodity or service called?
A consumer or purchaser of the commodity is called buyer.
Class 10 Consumer Awareness Mp Board Class 8 Question 2.
What is meant by consumer’s exploitation?
The process by which a consumer is misleaded and adulterated with Someone is called consumer’s exploitation.
Mp Board Solution Class 10 Social Science Class 8 Question 3.
State any two kinds of consumer exploitation?
Adulteration, overcharging, under weighing and misleading.
Mp Board Solution Social Science Class 8 Question 4.
What does the selling of a ticket of cinema in an increased price than its fixed price called?
Misleading the consumer creating artificial crisis of tickets.
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Chapter 19 Question 5.
What is the consequence of having limited information about a commodity?
Due to limited information about a commodity a consumer is trapped and exploited.
Class 10 Social Science Mp Board Solution Class 8 Question 6.
What is monopoly?
The prodution or sale of a commodity is done by only a single person or institution, the process is called monopoly.
Social Science Mp Board Solution Class 8 Question 7.
When is the National Consumers Day celebrated?
To bring awareness towards the right of cosumers through awareness camps on the occassion of National Consumer Day celebrated on 24 December every year.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Short Answer Type Questions
Mp Board Solution Class 10th Social Science Class 8 Question 1.
Illustrate with examples the meaning of consumer awareness?
Consumer awareness is needed to protect the consumer from the exploitation. It safe guards their interest and removes their ignorance, unawareness and literacy about the goods. Following are the main facts classify the need of making consumers ware:
- To achieve maximum satisfaction
- Protection against exploitation of producers
- Control over consumption of harmful goods
- Motivation for saving
- Construction of healthy society.
Question 2.
How is a consumer awareness helpful in keeping a check on anarchy and harmful consumption? (MP Board 2013)
Having full of the knowledge regarding commodity, e.g., quality, advertisement and expiry date a consumer can keep aware himself.
Question 3.
What is ISI?
It is a mark which standardise the quality of industrial and consumer goods.
Question 4.
What is Consumer Protection Act?
After that in 1986, the Consumer Protection Act has been passed by the Government of India. This act is famous as ‘Copra’. The main objective of this act is to decide the complaints of the consumers immediately and to make legal proceeding easy. A three tier judiciary system has been established under Copra at district, state and national levels to resolve the disputes of consumers. The court at district level hears the cases related to the claims up to Rs. 20 lakh. The claims from Rs. 20 Lakh to Rs. 1 crore are heard in the state level courts. The courts at national level hears the cases with the claims of more than. Rs. 1 crore.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe the necessity and importance of consumer awamess? (MP Board 2009, 2012)
The following needs of consumer awareness are:
1. To achieve maximum satisfaction:
The income of every individual is limited. He wants to buy maximum goods and services with his income. He gets full satisfaction only by this behaviour. Therefore it is necessary that he should get tire goods which are measured appropriately and he should not be cheated in any way. For this he should be made aWare.
2. Protection against exploitation of producers:
Producers and sellers exploit the consumers in many ways as underweighing, taking more price than the market price, selling duplicate goods etc. Big companies through their advertisment also mislead the consumers.
3. Control over consumption of harmful goods:
There are several such goods available in market which cause harm to some consumers. For example, we can take goods like cigarette, tobacco, liquor etc. The consumer education and awareness motivate people not to purchase such goods, which is very beneficial for them.
4. Motivation for saving:
The awareness controls people from wastage of money and extravagancy and inspire them to take right decision Such consumers are not by attraction of sale, concession, free gifts, attractive paking etc., due to which people can use their income in a right way and can save more.
5. Knowledge regarding solution to problems:
The consumer class is cheated due to illiteracy, innocence and lack of information. Therefore it becomes necessary that the information about their rights should be provided to them so that they cannot be cheated by producers and sellers. Through consumer awareness they are also made known to the proceedings of laws so that they can solve their problems.
6. Construction of healthy society:
Every member of the society is a consumer. So, if the consumer is aware and rationale, then complete society becomes healthy and alert towards their rights. In such a situation it is not possible for producers and sellers to cheat or deceive them.
Question 2.
How do the producer and traders exploit consumers?
Describe the main types of consumer exploitation? (MP Board 2009, 2013)
In this age of capitalism and globalisation the main objective of each producer is to maximise his profit. In each and every possible way the producer are trying to increase the sale of their products. Therefore in fulfilment of their aim they forget the side of consumers and start exploiting them. For example, overcharging, under weighing, selling of adulterated and poor quality goods, misleading the consumers by giving false advertisement etc.
Today a consumer faces difficulty in selecting the right commodity, due to expansion of commercial activities and availability of varieties of goods and services in the economy. The companies give attractive advertisement and information also to attract consumers but many times it is not proper and complete. Therefore the consumers are cheated and exploited.
The following factors are more responsible to exploit consumers:
- Inferior quality
- High Prices
- Adulteration and Implirity
- False or incomplete information
- Artificial scarcify, black marketing and hoarding
- Wrong measurement.
Inferior quality:
Sometimes the purchased goods are of lower quality, for example medicine sold after its expiry date, some times electronic devices either burn itself or burn the consumers through electric current. In this way the consumer is cheated and exploited.
Adulteration and impurity:
Adulteration means mixing of some cheaper material in a quality commodity. This causes harm to health of consumers. White stone chips mixed with rice, colour in spices, Khesari in tuar pulse, mixing of harmful substance in other costly items as ghee, oil etc. So as to earn more profit. Sometimes people develop disability of hands and legs due to consumption of adulterated food.
False or Incomplete Information:
Many times producers and sellers provide wrong and incomplete information to the customers. Due to this, the customers are trapped by purchasing wrong items and their money gets wasted. The correct and complete information about the goods is not given to the consumers regarding the price, quality, expiry date, impact on environment, conditions of purchasing the goods. Therefore after purchasing the goods the consumer becomes harassed.
Artificial scarcity, black marketing and hoarding:
Some times at the time of festivals etc., the traders in order to earn undue profit create an artificial scarcity of goods through hoarding and then by black marketing, they charge higher prices. Sometimes the traders say that a particular commodity is not available. But afterwards on repeated request of the customers they provide goods on double price. Kerosene oil, sugar etc. are such goods for which the sellers show scarcity and take high prices.
Question 3.
Why are the consumers exploited? Discuss any four reasons?
Why are the consumers exploited? Explain the causes. (MP Board 2009, 2011)
The following four reasons are as follows:
1. Lack of knowledge:
The main reason for exploitation of consumers is lack of knowledge. Several consumers do not have the knowledge about the price, quality, services related to commodities. Therefore, they simply trust the facts told to them by the sellers and purchase goods, thus become trapped and are exploited.
2. Limited information:
In this age of globalisation the market is full of avariety of products. Producers are free to produce. There are no fixed laws for quality and fixation of prices. There is lack of proper and correct information regarding different aspects of goods j such as price, quality, structure, terms of their use, laws of purchasing etc. Therefore the consumers selection becomes wrong and they have to bear economic loss.
3. Monopoly:
Monopoly means the right on the production and distribution of a commodity of a producer or a group of producers. In the state of monopoly producers have arbitrary behaviour regarding the prices and the quality and availability of the goods. As a result, they succeed in exploiting consumers.
4. Consumers indifference towards the market:
There is a large group of such consumers who behave indifferently regarding purchasing. There are some consumers who think as what to do, everything is alright, leave it, why to take cash memo, whatever good the shopkeeper gives is good, things should be cheap, good and durable, what is the need of the standardisation marks like ISI and AGMARK etc. The producers take full advantage of this indifferent behaviour of consumers and succeed in exploiting them.
Question 4.
What is meaning of standardistation? State standardisation of different products. (MP Board 2009, 2010)
Maintaining quality, grades, size and constituents of the product is called standardisation. Standarsation of products is an important measures taken by the government to protect the consumer from lack of quality and varying standards of goods. In India, these, standards have been achieved through Bureau of Indian standard (BIS), which is earlier known as the Indian Standard Institution (ISI), has the responsibility of laying down the standards for industrial and consumer goods on a scientific basis and certifying the goods that met the prescribed quality and standards.
Government try to maintain the standard of things in a number of ways:
- Every producer is liable to be prosecuted.
- For certain articles, an ISI mark is a must to ensure its high quality and genuinity.
- As far as food items are concerned, it is essential to indicate, its weight on each and every packet.
- The producers of medicines have to print the date of manufacture as well as the date of expiry on the medicine.
Question 5.
What measures will you take so that you are not cheated in the market as a consumer? Discuss also the legal measures of protection.
Following are the main measures to protect oneself from exploitation as consumer:
1. Consumer’s education:
Consumer’s education and awareness is the most important measure for the solution of exploitation. The government has made several laws for the protection of consumers. But it is observed that they are not known to general public. Therefore proper education of consumers right should be provided to them.
2. Purchase of standardised goods:
Several types of goods are available in the market. But for the safety against exploitation consumers should always buy standardised goods. Goods which are marketed as ISI, AGMARK and HALLMARK are considered standardised goods.
3. Taking of cash memo or receipt:
To take cash memo along with purchase of a good is very important. Due to this the legal proceeding can be done in case of the quality of good is inferior or does not work properly before the given period of time.
4. Not to be lured by advertisements:
Big companies publicise their products by attractive advertisements through television or other media. The advertisements are shown in such a manner that it has a psychological effect on consumers and so they become desperate to purchase the goods. But the reality is this that the consumer should be alert and aware of advertisements. Before the purchasing of goods the consumer should completely verify its quality, price and quantity etc.
5. To complain collectively:
A consumer alone cannot do anything against the producers and seller, but if complaint is lodged collectively then it has more effect.
6. To verify the expiry date:
Whenever we purchase a medicine, we should always check the expiry date. After this date the medicine has no effect and there is also a possibility of its bad effect. The similar is the case with tinned food. Therefore, it is essential to check the expiry date before purchase.
Question 6.
What are the rights of consumers? Why are these rights provided to them?
Write is brief the rights of consumers. (MP Board 2009)
Consumers have the right to buy good commodities and services from the market. The protection of law has been provided to him so that a producer or seller cannot cheat him in anyway. Generally a consumer has got the following rights:
1. Right to safety:
This is essential for producers that they should obey the rules related to the safety of consumers. The reason is if the producers do not obey these rules, then the consumer may have to bear a big risk. For example, in pressure cooker there is a safety valve which if faulty can lead to a fatal accident. The manufacturers of the safety valves should fix a high quality for it. If manufacturers do not do this, then the consumers can take help of consumers’ law.
2. Right to be informed:
When we purchase any product we see that some special informations are written on the packet. Such as Batch number of the commodity, manufacturing date, expiry date, address of manufacturing company of the good etc., when we purchase any medicine, then we get the direction regarding its side effect and dangers. When we purchase clothes, then we should have the wasting directions.
3. Right to be choose:
Consumer also have the right to choose goods and services possible at competitive prices. The seller can not force the consumer to buy a certain product.
4. Right to be heard:
The consumer interestes should receive due consideration at appropriate forms. They must be assumed that their complaints and grievances about the goods and services will be heard.
5. Right to seek redressal:
Consumers have the right to seek redressal in case of being cheated and exploited by the producer. The government has set up many consumer courts for the specific purpose.
6. Right to consumer education:
The consumer must be educated about their rights which have been granted by the law to protect their interest.
Question 7.
Describe about consumer’s movement in India?
The consumer’s movement was started due to the dissatisfaction of the consumer’s. There were many reasons of consumers dissatisfaction like lack of food stuff, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration etc. In order to deal with such problems for the first time in 1955, Essential goods Act was passed. Through this the efforts were made to control production, distribution, price and supply of essential goods.
After this, in 1976 Weight and Standard Measure Act was passed to systematise the measurement and weight. After that in 1986, the Consumer Protection Act has been passed by the Government of India. This act is famous as ‘Copra’. The Consumer Protection Act has contributed a lot in making the consumer movement extensive in India. These courts along with deciding the disputes of consumers also guide them.
The Department of Consumer Affairs of the Government of India has launched several schemes to make the consumers aware, such as establishment of consumer organisations in every district, and consumer clubs in schools etc. To bring awareness towards the right of consumers, Awareness camps are organised at different levels. In India, 24th December, is celebrated as the ‘National Consumers Day’. As a result of consumer movement in India awareness has increased among consumers sufficiently. Today, there are more than 700 consumer organisations working. But due to the indifferen behaviour of consumers the number of effective and recognised organisations are very less.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Additional Important Questions
Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions
(Choose the correct answer from the following)
Question (i)
National Consumer Day is celebrated on
(a) 20 December
(b) 22 Decemeber
(c) 24 December
(d) 26 Decemeber.
(c) 24 December
Question (ii)
The mark of Agmark and ISI is given to
(a) Industrial goods
(b) Agricultural goods
(c) Consumer goods
(d) Both (a) and (c).
(d) Both (a) and (c).
Question (iii)
Essential Goods Act was passed in the year of –
(a) 1953
(b) 1954
(c) 1955
(d) 1956.
(c) 1955
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- Golden jewellery are marked by ………………
- Weights and Standard Measures Act was passed in the year of ………………
- Consumer ……………… is necessery.
- The Consumer Protection Act inforced in ……………… (MP Board 2009)
- Hallmark
- 1976
- Awareness
- 1986.
Question 3.
True and False:
- ISI is related to the right of Consumer Act.
- Government passed the Right to Information Act in 2005.
- Producer of a goods is itself the seller of the goods.
- The mark which standardises the quality of agriculture products is called Agmark. (MP Board 2009, Set D)
- False
- True
- True
- True.
Answer in One – Two Words or One Sentence:
Question 1.
What do you mean by consumer awareness?
Consumer awareness means creating awareness of a consumer towards his rights and duties.
Question 2.
Who is consumer?
Consumer is a person who buy commodity from the market. We all are consumers.
Question 3.
What is inflation?
The sharp and persistent rise in the price level is known as inflation.
Question 4.
Mention two beneficiaries of price rise?
- Debtors
- Farmers
Question 5.
Mention three sufferers of price rise?
- Salaried people
- Creditors
- Middle class.
Question 6.
What do you mean by standardisation of product?
Maintaining quality, grade, size and elements of the product uniform is known as standardisation of product.
Question 7.
What is public distribution system?
Distribution of essential commodities through government controlled points of distribution is termed as public distribution system.
Question 8.
Mention two acts concerned with the standardisation of product?
- The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) Act, 1937.
- The Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986.
Question 9.
Name the beneficiaries of price rise.
- Debtors
- Agriculture
- Exporters
- Job seekers
- Manufactures, wholesalers and retailers
Question 10.
Name the sufferers from price rise?
- Wage earners
- Salaried people
- Middle class,
- Tax payers
- Creditors and
- Importers.
Question 11.
Name the father of Consumer Movement?
Ralph Nadar a consumer activist is known as the father of consumer movement.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is high prices?
Generally the shopkeepers take more price than the fixed retail price according to their own wish. You might also have experienced that we buy a costly commodity from a shop and the same good is in less price in another shop. If we show him the printed price then he gives us some excuse such as local tax etc.
Question 2.
Why the consumer protection organisations are less effective?
As a result of consumer movement in India awareness has increased among consumers sufficiently. Today, there are more than 700 consumer organisations working. But due to the indifferent behaviour of consumers the number of effective and recognised organisations are very less.
Question 3.
Name the consumer courts at the district, state and national levels?
- District Forum.
- State Consumer Commission
- National Consumer Commission.
Question 4.
Establish relationship of price rise or fall of goods with their demand?
When the price of goods supply tends to fall and their supply tends to increase. When the price of goods falls the demand for goods tends to rise and their supply tends to fall.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How inflation is stimulant to growth?
According to Therwal and Brown A slow and steady rate of inflation provides the most powerful aid to the attainment of a steady rate of economic progress. According to this school of thought deliberate deficit financing through forced savings and channelising them to capital formation will increase output and result in all-round progress. Inflationary financing is justified theoretically on the ground of low rate of voluntary savings in under developed countries, in elastic tax structure and structural rigidities.
Question 2.
Mention factors leading to, consumer exploitation?
- Illiteracy and ignorance of consumers
- Fatalism of consumers
- Compromising attitude
- Unrecorded sales
- Non – standard product
- Dishonest manufactures and sellers.
Question 3.
Write any five duties of consumer? (MP Board 2009)
Write the duties of consumer? (MP Board 2009)
The duties of consumers are:
- Consumers should look at the quality of goods
- Consumers should look at the guarantee of the products and services.
- Consumers should ask for cash memo, wherever possible.
- Consumers should purchase goods marked with ISI, AGMARK, etc.
- Consumers should form consumer awareness organisation.
- Consumers must make complaints for their genuine grievances.
Question 4.
How can a consumer protect himself against exploitation?
Write any five measures to save the consumer from exploitation. (MP Board 2009)
A consumer protects himself against exploitation through the following rules of carefulness:
- To take bill, receipt, guarantee cards etc., and to preserve them carefully.
- To increase or decrease the consumption according to the supply of commodity.
- To have die knowledge of consumer protection laws.
- To discourage the black marketing and smuggling.
- One must complaint about the actual problems whether the price of product may be too less. Due to this the cheating tendency of the sellers is reduced.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 19 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain briefly sufferers of price rise?
Adverse Consequences of Price rise (Sufferers from Price rise):
1. Wage earners:
As wages do not increase in proportion to the rise in price level, wage earners are the most hard hit.
2. Salaried people:
The real purchasing power of money has fallen in India due to inflation. The salaries do not increase in the proportion to a rise in price level. Therefore, the salaried people are loser in inflation.
3. Middle class:
The middle class is the worst sufferer in inflation. Owing to an abnormal rise in the cost of living, they are most exposed to the evil consequences of inflation.
4. Creditors:
Creditors are also losers, because they had lent out, when money was dearer; and is being paid back, when it has become cheaper.
5. Tax payers:
Tax payers are also hard hit during the inflation period. They have to bear the increasing tax burden, which government imposes to meet out its increasing expenditure.
6. Importers:
As importers have to pay more in terms of rupees, so they are losers. Inflation generates widespread unrest. It has threatened political and social stability. This is why, we plan to achieve ‘growth with stability’. Price stability is undoubtedly a basic requirement for overall stability.
Question 2.
Explain briefly factors leading to consumer exploitation?
Factors Leading to Consumer Exploitation:
Inspite of a lot of cry about consumer awareness, it is felt that the consumer is being exploited even now. The following factors are responsible for the exploitation of consumers.
1. lliteracy and ignorance of the consumers:
The majority of our population is illiterate and ignorant. They cannot differentiate between right quality and sub – standard quality of goods. They cannot read the names and constituents of the product. Due to these weaknesses they are befooled.
2. Fatalism of consumers:
Many consumers think that whatever is supplied to them at whatever price is the gift of God. The substandard quality of goods was fated to them. No one else is responsible for their misery.
3. Compromising attitude:
Indian consumers are by nature compromising. They are not habituated of making complaints and fight with the sellers. There is no one to safeguard their interest, if they^are not going even to complain about the cheating. In law also tire aggrieved party has to move the court.
4. Unrecorded sales:
Most of the sales remain unrecorded, so no suit can be filed against such sales. In practice, we do not insist on receipts and cash memos. Consequently we are cheated and no one can help us.
5. Non – standard product:
Generally products being used by the majority of people is non – standard. There is no guarantee for non – standard product and the poor consumers are cheated.
6. Dishonest manufacturers and sellers:
The manufacturers and sellers are dishonest both in the manufacturing and supplying product. They manipulate the deal in their favour and cheat the consumers.
7. Lengthy legal process:
The educated and literate consumers also avoid filing suit in the consumer courts, because the suit lasts long. It takes long time and the consumer has to remain in tension about decision of the case.
Question 3.
Make a list of different legislations enacted to protect consumers interest?
Legislations Ensuring Consumer Rights: In order to protect consumer’s interest the government has enacted the following legislations:
- The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) Act, 1937.
- Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
- Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1974.
- Environment Protection Act.
- The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976.
- The Prevention of Goods Adulteration Act, 1976.
- The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1946.
- The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969.
- The Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980.
- The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986.
- Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Question 4.
Explain briefly, what remedies are available to consumers?
Remedies Available to the Consumer:
- To remove the defect pointed out by the appropriate laboratory from the goods supplied.
- To replace the defective goods with new goods of similar description which are free from any defect.
- To return the complainant the price paid for the goods or the charges paid for the services.
- To pay the aggrieved consumer such amount as may be fixed by the Forum as compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to the negligence of the opposite party.
- To remove the defects or deficiencies in the services supplied.
- To discontinue the unfair trade practice or the restrictive trade practice or not to repeat them.
- Not to offer the hazardous goods for sale.
- To withdraw the hazardous goods from being offered for sale.
- To provide for adequate costs to parties.