In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th Social Science Book Solutions Chapter 16 Rural Development and Employment Guarantee Scheme Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 16 Rural Development and Employment Guarantee Scheme
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Text book Exercises
Objective Type Questions
Mp Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 MP Board Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions
(Choose the correct answer from the following)
Chapter 16 Social Science Class 10 MP Board Question (i)
The National Rural Guarantee Act is –
(a) Right to work
(b) Responsibility of work
(c) Right to information of a work
(d) All the above
(a) Right to work
Scheme Relating To Irrigation Is MP Board Class 10th Question (ii)
The National Rural Guarantee Act was formulated
(a) In 1948
(b) In 1985
(c) In 2001
(d) In 2005
(d) In 2005
Rural Development 10th Notes MP Board Question (iii)
Employment under National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is made available for –
(a) 100 days
(b) 150 days
(c) 200 days
(d) One year
(a) 100 days
Rural Development Class 10 Notes MP Board Question (iv)
Scheme relating to irrigation is –
(a) Nirmal Neer Yojna
(b) Sahastra Dhara Scheme
(c) Vanya Upayojna
(d) Bhoomi Shilp Yojna
(a) Nirmal Neer Yojna
10th Class Social 16 Lesson MP Board Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- Aim of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is to generate ………………
- Such members of families are given work under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme who have ………………
- If it is not possible to provide employment to a person holding a Job Card, then he is given ………………
- Wages are paid to a Job Card holder as per ……………… Act of 1948.
- To arrest rain water form draining out from the hillocks devoid of vegetation, the work is done under ……………… Scheme.
1. Employment
2. Job Card
3. Unemployment allowance
4. Minimum Wages
5. Community Development
Chapter Number 16 MP Board Class 10th Question 3.
Match the Following:
1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (e)
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Rural Development Class 10 MP Board Chapter 16 Question 1.
Which law has been enacted by the Government of India to enforce ‘right to work’?
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
Question 2.
Which type of work is provided for giving employment under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act?
Under this scheme the works taken up are related to water, forests, land and agriculture or construction and improvement/repairs of roads.
Question 3.
How many women out of the total number of applicants are benefited under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
Women are given preference while giving employment; there is a provision in the scheme that are third of the people employed are women.
Question 4.
Who does the work of redressal of complaints relating to Job Cards?
Arrangements have been made for attending to the complaints under the scheme, at every level, i.e., from Gram Panchayat level to District level.
Question 5.
When is the applicant paid extra amount towards minimum wages?
If it is not possible to provide work within a radius of 5 kilometres from the residence of the applicant.
Question 6.
To whom unemployment allowance is paid?
If a person doesn’t get work within 15 days from the date of application, he/she is entitled to unemployment allowance.
Question 7.
Name any one scheme under community development works programme?
Water harvesting and augmentation of water resources.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Short Answers Type Questions
Question 1.
State the objectives of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
The main objectives of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme are:
- To provide atleast 100 days employment to the adult members of each family living in rural areas who are willing to do unskilled labour.
- To create permanent assets in rural areas.
Question 2.
Explain about the availability of employment under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
For providing employment to the people of rural areas, certain works have been specified under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. The works specified in the Act are as under:
- Augmentation and conservation of water resources.
- Afforestation/plantation programme to prevent drought conditions.
- Canals and small/medium irrigation projects.
- Irrigation facilities, horticulture development and land improvement programme on the lands of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, families living below poverty lines beneficiaries of land development programme or beneficiaries of the ‘Indira Awas Yojana’.
- Development and improvement of traditional water resources.
- Land development works.
- Flood control/protection, drainage arrangements in areas of water clogging.
- Perennial roads in rural areas.
- Any other work notified by Central Government in consultation with the ‘state government.
Question 3.
Explain the procedure of formulation of the Five Year Plan?
After Independence, in order to make plans for the country the Planning Commission was set up on 15th March, 1950 for the country. By now 11 Five Year Plans have been prepared by this Commission and implemented by Government of India. At present the Eleventh Five Year Plan was being implemented on 1st April 2007.
The main guiding principles of the five year plans in India are ecomonic equality, social justice, self – dependence, improvement in efficiency and productivity.
In different plans out of above directive principles, emphasis has been laid on different facts due to changes in situations and problems.
Question 4.
State the special features of any four schemes under Community Development works?
Some of the schemes under Community Development works are as under:
- Water harvesting and augmentation of water resources
- Plantation
- Construction of canals
- Irrigation.
Question 5.
State the role of Gram Panchayat in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
The role of Gram Panchayat is important in the implementation of this scheme. The Gram Panchayat has to perform the following functions:
- Registration of families of the village and to give Job Cards to families whose names have been registered.
- To accept applicat from people for employment and give them information as to where the work will be made available.
- To prepare proposals for works as per the decisions of the Gram Sabha.
- To get the estimate of the proposed works prepared from a Sub -engineer.
- To indicate estimate of expenditure on labour, material and other heads of expenditure in the proposal.
- To start works approved by the Programme Officer or Chief Executive Officer of the Janpad Panchayat.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
State the meaning, objectives and special features of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
As per the present situation, it is necessary to provide employment to the rural people as and when they need. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has been enforced keeping these objectives in view.
The main objectives of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme are:
- To provide atleast 100 days employment to the adult members of each family living in rural areas who are willing to do unskilled labour.
- To create permanent assets in rural areas.
The special features of this scheme are:
- All adult members of the families living in the rural areas notified by the Central Government are eligible to get benefit of this scheme.
- All the adult member of a registered family of the Gram Panchayat to whom Job Card has been issued will be eligible to apply
for unskilled work. - If a worker is injured during the work, necessary facility for treatment and in case of physical disability or death during the work compensation is given.
- If a person doesn’t get work within 15 days from the date of application, he/she is entitled to unemployment allowance.
Question 2.
What is National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme? Explain its importance?
Under this scheme, a family shall be eligible to get work for 100 days in one financial year.
The importance of National Rural Employment Scheme are:
1. It helps in solving the problems of poverty unemployment and starvation in rural areas.
2. It helps in reducing migration of rural population to urban areas.
3. It provides opportunities of employment to women and makes them self-dependent economically.
4. Useful assets are created in rural areas. It helps in imporving the economic condition of people of lower income bracket and they get the ownership of assets/ infrastructure created under the scheme.
5. Panchayati Raj Institutions are strengthened and they get an opportunity to play useful and important role in the scheme.
6. This scheme will help develop a system where the rural social setup will develop in such a way that there would be equality among different sections of the population (because of employment opportunities provided to rural unemployed poor.)
Question 3.
What is the meaning and importance of Social Audit?
Audit is a process under which is checking is carried out of the work/scheme implemented and expenditure incurred on it. In the social audit of the works taken up under the National Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme, details of the works undertaken, expenditure incurred on them, labour employed and material used on the works is given.
Importance of Social Audit:
It is a wellknown fact in the absence of provision for inspection of a work/project, there is every likelihood of slackness in the work, irregularities in the accounts, corruption and other irregularities so also people with selfish interests take undue advantage of the ignorance of the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regularl social audit of the schemes so that benefits of those works reach the target groups and possibilities of slackness in work and corruption are avoided. Really speaking schemes and their social audit are integral to each other. Only effective social audit can help in ensuring the ultimate success of the works.
Further some main importance of social audit are:
- Transparence in the schemes.
- Important in ensuring participation of common people.
- It helps in realisat of responsibility.
- It helps in making them aware about their rights.
- It is helpful in making the scheme effective.
- It is helpful in controlling irregularities.
Question 4.
Explain the arrangements made for redressal of complaints at different levels under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme?
Arrangements have been made for attending to the complaints under the scheme, at every level, i.e. from Gram Panchayat level to District level. Complaint books have been kept in these offices and any body can register complaints in these books.
Gram Panchayat Level:
Every six months the Gram Sabha carries out inspections of the works executed and in case of any irregularity, the matter is forwarded to the Sub Divisional Officer (S.D.M.) after passing a resolution to that effect. On receipt of a complaint the Sub Divisional Officer constitutes an enquiry committee. The enquiry committee comprises of a Panch of the same Gram Panchayat (who is not a member of the construction and development committee), sub – engineer of the Janpad and a social worker nominated by the Sub Divisional Officer.
The Janpad member and a block level officer of the same Janpad Panchayat are also included as members of this committee. On receipt of enquiry report, it is read out in the Gram Sabha by the Secretary. If the Gram Sabha feels that there has been an irregularity, it may send it to the Sub Divisional Officer for taking action in the matter. The Sub Divisional Officer takes necessary legal action under sections 40, 89, 92 or 100 of the Panchayat Raj and Gram Swaraj Act, 1993.
Janpad Level:
If a complaint is received relating to the Janpad level or Programme Officer (C.E.O. Janpad), the District Programme Co – ordinator (Collector) constitutes an enquiry committee. The committee submits its report to the District Programme Co – ordinator and if any officer is found guilty, the District Programme Co – ordinator himself/herself takes disciplinary action or sends the report to the concerned department for suitable action.
District Panchayat Level:
In case of a complaint against the Chief Executive Officer of the District Panchayat the District Programme Co – ordinator (Collector) or the Additional District Programme Co – ordinator, the Divisional Commissioner constitutes an enquiry committee. In case the concerned officer is found guilty the Divisional Commissioner himself/herself takes disciplinary action or sends the report for suitable action to the concerned department.
State Level:
At the state level, the complaints are disposed by the M.P. State Employment Guarantee Council.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Additional Important Questions
Question 1.
Multiple choice Questions
Choose the correct answer from the following:
Question (i)
Availability of employment under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is based on the principle of –
(a) First come first served
(b) Local migration
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
(a) First come first served
Question (ii)
Any physical work which a person can do without any skill or special training in known as –
(a) Unskilled physical labour
(b) Skilled physical labour
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these.
(a) Unskilled physical labour
Question (iii)
The National Rural Employment Scheme is an important step towards improvement in the –
(a) Rural economy
(b) Urban economy
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
(a) Rural economy
Question (iv)
Nandan Falodyan Scheme is related to –
(a) Plantation
(b) Irrigation facility
(c) Horticlture/Fruit plantation
(d) Land Improvement
(c) Horticlture/Fruit plantation
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- As per the census 2001, …………… % of the population lives in villages.
- In the year 1973, the share of agriculture sector in the Gross Domestic Product was about …………… %.
- The Job Card is issued on the basis of the …………… survey.
- The Sub Divisional Officer takes necessary legal action under Gram Swaraj Act, ……………
- In Madhya Pradesh Projects have been formulated under the ……………
- There is a provision of …………… to ensure transparency and people’s participation in the works.
- National rural employment …………… to ensure transparency and people’s participation in the works.
- 74.27
- 45
- B.P.L
- 1993
- State plan
- Social audit
Question 3.
True and False type questions:
- The people are economically insecure due to limited employment opportunities in rural areas.
- There is a provision in the Rural Development and Employment Guarantee Scheme that one third of the people employed are women.
- The wages are paid weekly or maximum on fortnightly basis.
- There is not any provision for free treatment in case of an injury sustained during the work.
- Every worker is entitled to the minimum wages fixed by the State Government
- If the card is lost, then a new card can be obtained on payment of prescribed fees.
- The family should be registered in the local Gram Parrehayat.
- Gram Sabhas and Gram Panchayats have been given responsibility of implementation of the scheme.
- Madhya Pradesh has predominance of Scheduled Tribes population.
- True
- True
- True
- False
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True.
Question 4.
Match the following:
(i) (d)
(ii) (a)
(iii) (b)
(iv) (c)
Answer in One – Two Words or One Sentences:
Question 1.
Where does real India live?
Real India lives in villages.
Question 2.
How many villages are there in India?
Around seven lakh.
Question 3.
When Was the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act notified?
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was notified on September. 7, 2005.
Question 4.
Write the full form of NREGA?
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Question 5.
Who does dispose the complaints at State level?
At the State level, the complaints are disposed by fee M.P. State Employement Guarantee Council.
Question 6.
Define wage rate?
Rate of wages under section 6 of the relevant Act.
Question 7.
Define unskilled physical labour?
Any phsical work which a person can do without any skill or special trainning.
Question 8.
What do you mean by the term ‘adult’?
A person who has attained the age of 18 years.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is the goal of NREGA?
NREGA fosters conditions for inclusive growth ranging from basic wage security and recharging rural economy to a transformative empowerment process of democracy.
Question 2.
Define wage seekers?
The wage seekers are the primary stake holders of the Act. Their exercise of choice to demand employment is the trigger of key processes.
Question 3.
Explain partial employment?
Partial employment is a situation where the worker employed for a part of the year and for the remaining period he/ she is unemployed.
Question 4.
Define financial year?
Government for purposes of financial accounting, the year commences from 1 April of the year and ends on 31 March, this a called financial year.
Question 5.
Who is a Programme Officer?
Any officer who is appointed to execute works under the scheme under section 15, sub – section (1) of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
Question 6.
What do you mean by latent unemployment?
This is a situation which is normally seen in a family carrying, out a business or agriculture or running a cottage industry and where all the members of the family do one or the other work although there is no need of all the persons of the family for that work, i.e. more number of people engaged in that work in comparison to actual manpower needed for it.
Question 7.
What do you mean by transparency in NREGS?
There is a proper system laid down for implementing a scheme/working, its timely inspection and monitoring and where facts, information etc., about the scheme/any other matter is made public or is made available on request i.e., facts are not kept confidential.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write a short note on coverage of NREGA?
The Act was notified in 200 districts in the first phase with effect from February 2nd, 2006 and then extended to additional 130 districts in the financial year 2007-2008 (113 districts were notified with effect from April 1st, 2007, and 17 districts in UP were notfied with effect from May 15, 2007). The remaining districts have been notified under the NREGA with effect from April 1,2008. Thus NREGA covers the entire country with the exception of districts that have a hundred per cent urban population.
Question 2.
What are the roles and responsibilities of Gram Sabha for implementation of NREGS?
The Gram Sabha has been given the following rights and responsibilities under the Act:
- It will recommend works to be taken up under NREGS.
- It will conduct social audits on implementation of the Scheme.
- In addition, it is suggested that the Gram Sabha be used extensively as a forum for sharing information about the Scheme.
Question 3.
What are the roles and responsibilities of Gram Panchayat for implementation of NREGS?
Gram Phanchayat (GP):
The Gram Panchayat is the pivotal body for implementation at the village level. Where Part Nine of the Constitution does not apply, local councils/authorities as mandated by the State concerned Will be invested with corresponding responsibilities.
The Gram Panchayat is responsible for the following activities:
- Planning of works
- Receiving applications for registration
- Verifying registration applications
- Registering households
- Issuing Job Cards
- Receiving applications for employment
- Issuing dated receipts
- Allotting employment within fifteen days of application
- Executing works
- Maintaining records
- Convening the Gram Sabha for social audit
- Monitoring the implementation of the Scheme at the village level.
Question 4.
What are key Stakeholders?
The key Stakeholders are:
- Wage seekers
- Gram Sabha
- PRIs, specially the Gram Panchayat
- Programme Officer at the block level
- District Programme Co-ordinator
- State Government
- Ministry of Rural Development.
Question 5.
Explain which art the schemes under the beneficiary oriented schemes.
Some of the beneficiary oriented schemes are in M.P. as:
- Irrigation facility
- Land improvement
- Plantation
- Irrigation
- Horticulture/Fruit plantation.
Question 6.
Name some of the facilities provided on work sites to – the workers under the Employment Guarantee Scheme.
Certain basic facilities are to be provided to the workers at the sites of works started under the Employment Gurantee Scheme like:
- Safe drinking water and shelter for rest.
- First aid facilities and medicines in case of injury, accident or sickness.
- If there are 5 or more children below 6 years of age with the working women, a separate women worker shall be entrusted the job of looking after such children.
- If a worker is injured during the work necessary facility for treatment and in case of physical disability or death during the work compensation is given.
Question 7.
What is the procedure to procure work under the Employment Guarantee Scheme?
All adult members of the families living in the rural areas notified by the Central Government are eligible to get benefit of this i scheme. Under the scheme, a family shall be eligible to get work for 100 days in one financial year. According to the availability of works (employment), the 100 days work may be divided among all the adult workers of a family. For obtaing employment it is necessary that (0 The family should be local resident of the Gram Panchayat.
- The family should be registered in the local Gram Panchayat.
- The family should obtain a Job Card from the Gram Panchayat.
- The family (should apply for work as unskilled worker on the basis of the Job Card.
- Family should be ready to work as unskilled labourer.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 16 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What a Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme should have?
A Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) will be expected to cltirify, inter alia, the following matters:
1. Specify the implementing Department in the State.
2. Specify a senior officer in the State as State Programme Co – ordinator.
3. Specify the District Programme Co – ordinator.
4. Lay down the mode of recruitment for Programme Officers, supportive staff and other required professional services, and make interim arrangements till regular Programme Officer is appointed.
5. Define the relationship with the Block Development Officer.
6. Clearly delineate Agency – wise the roles and responsibilities for each task mandated in the Act and elaborated in the Guidelines. Establish co – ordihation mechanisms among them, fixing clear accountability for each task, since activities under the Act are justiciable and the people and the Implementing Agency should know in whom the legal obligation for getting a task done vests.
7. Delineate the Fund Flow system for the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
8. Specify the cheque – signing authorities at the District, Block (Programme Officer) and Gram Panchayat levels.
9. Specify the procedure for payment of unemployment allowance.
10. Specify the authorities for administrative and technical approval of works and define their powers.
11. Specify the procedure for maintenance of accounts, maintenance of muster rolls, material, unskilled wage and skilled wage
content of the works and audit arrangements for internal and social audit.
12. Specify procedures for making entries in the Job Cards and for cross – checking them to avoid wrong entries.
13. Specify systems for measurement of works and rates of payment there of and methods for making this information transparent.
14. Specify the system of payment of wages. Possibility of payment through accounts in the bank or post office may be considered.
15. Specify procedures for social audit, public accountability and implementation of the Right to Information Act.
16. Specify grievance redressal mechanisms at the Gram Panchayat, Intermediate Panchayat, District and State levels.
17. Specify the terms and conditions of the Chairperson and Members of the State Employment Guarantee Council, time, place and procedure of meetings.
Question 2.
What are the salient features of the NREGA?
Some of the salient features of the NREGA are:
1. Adult members of a rural household, willing to do unskilled manual work, may apply for registration in writing or orally to the local Gram Panchayat.
2. The Gram Panchayat after due verification will issue a Job Card, The Job Card will bear the photograph of all adult members of the household willing to work under NREGA and is free of cost.
3. The Job Card should be issued within 15 days of application.
4. A Job Card holder may submit a written application for employment to the Gram Panchayat, stating the time and duration for which work is sought. The minimum days of employment have to be at least fourteen.
5. The Gram Panchayat will issue a dated receipt of the written application for employment against which the guarantee of providing employment within 15 days operates.
6. Employment will be given within 15 days of application for work, if it is not then daily unemployment allowance as per the Act, has to be paid. Liability of payment of unemployment allowance is of the states.
7. Work should ordinarily be provided within 5 km radius of the villages. In case work is provided beyond 5 km, extra wages of 10% are payable to meet additional transportation and living expenses.
8. Wages are to be paid according to the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 for agricultural labourers in the State, unless the Centre notifies a wage rate which will not be less than Rs. 60 per day. Equal wages will be provided to both men and women.
Question 3.
Draw a logo for NREGA?
Question 4.
What is Job Card? How is it obtained? What is the procedure for getting unemployment allowance?
Job Card is a description of the person registered for securing employment:
The Job Card is issued on the basis of the B.P.L. survey. This Card has all the information relating to the family for it is issued. The Job Card is valid for five years for the date of issue and is renewed by the Gram Panchayat within one month from the date of expiry.
If a person doesn’t get work within 15 days for the date of application he/she in entitled to unemployment allowance. But the aggregate amount of unemployment allowance and the minimum wages already paid to that family will not exceed an amount which is equal to 100 days minimum wages.
A person who has applied for work, does not do the entrusted work, and does not present him/herself on the work within 15 days and remains absent for a week or more or for more than a week in one month without the permission of the implementing agency, such person shall not be entitled to unemployment allowance for a period, of 3 months.
Question 5.
State which are the schemes under the Community Development works?
The Community Development schemes included in list 1 para 1 (4) of the National Rural Employment Gurantee Act. Some of the works are as under:
- Water harvesting and augmentation of water resources.
- Plantation
- Construction of canals
- Irrigation.