In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th Social Science Book Solutions Chapter 15 Economic Development and Planning Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Chapter 15 Economic Development and Planning
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Text book Exercises
Objective Type Questions
Mp Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions
(Choose the correct answer from the following)
Chapter 15 Social Science Class 10 Question (i)
Economic planning results in –
(a) Improvement in living standard
(b) Increase in economic welfare
(c) Increase in life expectancy
(d) All of above
(d) All of above
Class 10 Social Science Chapter 15 Question (ii)
The per capita income of the country is calculated on the basis of –
(a) That country’s population
(b) The world’s population
(c) States population
(d) Other country’s population
(a) That country’s population
Define National Income Class 10 Question (iii)
Prof. Amratya Sen has considered basis of development as – (MP Board, 2009, 2013)
(a) Prosperity
(b) Self – dependency
(c) Public Welfare
(d) Foreign Trade.
(c) Public Welfare
Source Based Questions Class 10 Sst Question (iv)
Developed countries utilise natural resources –
(a) Very little
(b) Do not use
(c) Little bit
(d) On a large extent.
(c) Little bit
Mp Board Class 8 Social Science Solution Chapter 15 Question (v)
How many five years plans have been completed in India till now – (MP Board, 2010)
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) 11
(d) 11
Class 10th Social Science Mp Board Solution Question 2
Fill in the blanks:
- The standard of …………… increases by economic development.
- India Vision 2020 was published in the year ……………
- …………… constructed physical quality of life index.
- According to World Bank that country is developed country whose per capita income is …………… rupees or more per year.
- The period of tenth plan was from …………… to ……………
1. Living
2. 2003
3. Prof. Morris
4. 4,53,000
5. 2002, 2007
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Class 10 Social Science Mp Board Solution Question 1.
What is the meaning of economic development according to Mercantilism?
For the mercantile economists an economic development is based on the previous metals like gold or silver.
Class 10 Sst Mp Board Solution Question 2.
During which period of time is national income calculated?
National income is calculated from 1st April to 31st March every year.
Mp Board Solution Class 10th Social Science Question 3.
What are the basis of calculating human Development Index?
Basis for calculating human Development Index are:
- Life expectancy at time of birth for measuring a long and healthy life.
- Rate of adult literacy and total enrolment ratio.
- Per Capital Gross Domestic Product.
Social Science Class 10 Mp Board Solution Question 4.
According to the World Bank, what must be per capita income of the developed countries?
The World Bank in its development report of 2006 has used the measure of per capita income to distinguish between developed countries and developing countries. According to this report those countries having per capita income Rs. 4,53,000 or more are considered as developed countries and countries having per capita income Rs. 37,000 or less are considered as developing (low income) country.
Class 10th Mp Board Solution Social Science Question 5.
What are the main measurement of measuring economic development?
Actually facilities of health, education, housing, nutritive food, drinking water etc., provided to common people should be included in the development. Therefore as an alternative for the national and per capita income, importance is given to human development indicators for measuring economic development.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Short Answer Type Questions
Mp Board Solution Class 10 Social Science Question 1.
What is national income? How is it calculated? Write. (MP Board 2009, 2011)
National income is the income of a country. It is obtained by adding the monetary values of the commodities and services produced in a country’ in a year. One of the methods of measuring economic development is in terms of an increase in country’s real national income over a long period of time. National income refers to the total value of all the final goods and services produced within a country plus income earned from other country.
Mp Board Solution Class 10th Sst Question 2.
What is per capita income? Write the formula of calculating it. (MP Board 2010)
When the National income of a country is divided by its total population then we get its per capita income.
The following formula is used to calculate the per capita income of a country:
Per capita income gives us an idea of the standard of living of the peopl of country. If the per capita income is increasing in a country it means that the lives of the people of that country are becoming happier It means their standard of living is improving.
Question 3.
What is the main objective of making Human Development Index? (MP Board 2009)
Human development is index term. It consists of economic and social development. Human development is the end of all human activities, whereas social development is mean to it. Economic development consists of structures which support indirectly the economic system. It consists of education, health, environment, housing and civic amenities, etc.
Question 4.
Which are the developed and developing states of India?
In India some states are comparatively developed states and some states are developing states. We can classify 15 big states of India on the ground of per capita income into two classes i.e. developed states and developing states. Punjab, Maharashtra, Haryana, Gujarat, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, are included in list of developed states while Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa and Bihar etc. states are in list of developing states.
According to the census of 2001, 90% of total population of the country resides in these states. Out of this 48% population resides comparatively in developed states and 42% population resides in the developing or backward states.
Question 5.
What is India Vision 2020?
What is Vision India 2020? Write. (MP Board 2009, 2011, 2013)
In January 2003, The Planning Commission of India has issued an important document named India Vision 2020. According to this document till the year 2020, India will be included in the category of developed countries. As a result of this, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy will be completely eradicated from the country.
The Planning Commission has estimated that by the year 2020, 135 crore of country’s population will be better nourished, will have good living standard and be completely healthy. Average age of the population will increase.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain old and new concepts of Economic Development? (MP Board 2009)
In ancient time a special place was given to materialistic prosperity under economic development at global level. The mercentile thinkers of Germany and France considered gold and silver as the basis of development. The concept of development kept on changing with time.
According to classical economist Adam Smith, economic development is the increase in. goods and services of a country. Karl Marks considered economic development as the establishment of socialism J.S. Mill’s opinion about economic development is totally different. He considered economic development as to follow the principle of cooperation for welfare of people and economic development.
Among the new economists Paul Albert considers economic development as the increase in real national income by use of all productive resources by a country. While in the opinion of Williamson and Bustricks development is the increase in the per capita income of the people of a country. The opinion of D. Bright Singh is different from all these, in that economic development involves not only increase in money income but also improvement in social welfare. Prof. Amirtya Sen, honored by Nobel Prize has also given special importance to social welfare.
Meir and Baldwin has defined economic development as “Economic development is a process whereby an economy’s real national income increases over a long period of time.”
Question 2.
State the meaning of Human Development Index and discuss its components?
The quality of life index prepared and published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is termed as Human Development Index. The United Nations was the first to prepare and publish Human Development Index in the year 1990. Human Development Index studies the following three basic hurrtan capabilities:
- Living a long life (Longevity)
- Being knowledgeable (Educational Attainment)
- Enjoying decent standard of living (Red per capita GDP).
Question 3.
Distinguish between developed and developing economies?
Developed Economy:
- This economy is economically sound. Its people have higher standard of living.
- The main occupation of people is industry.
- Modern technology is used.
Developing Economy:
- This economy is not financially sound. The standard of living of general masses is lower.
- The main occupation of people is agriculture.
- Generally old techniques of production are used.
Question 4.
Explain the meaning of Economic planning in India anc state the main objectives of planning in India?
After the independence, in order to make plans for the country the Planning Commission was set up on 15th March, 1950 for the country. By now 11 five – year plans have been prepared by this commission and implemented by Government of India. At present the Eleventh Five Year Plan has been started from 1st April, 2007.
The main guiding principles of the five – year plans in India are economic equality, social justice, self – dependence, improvement in efficiency and productivity. In different plans out of above directive principles, emphasis has been laid on. different facts due to changes in situations and problems. In brief the basic objectives of Indian plans are as below:
- To obtain high rate of development
- To obtain self – dependency
- To obtain economic stability
- To increase social welfare
- To obtain social and economic justice
- To increase the opportunities of employment
- To increase the standard of living
- Poverty eradication.
Question 5.
State the success and failures of planning of India? (MP Board, 2010)
The following are the factors of success:
1. Increase in National and Per Capita Income:
At the current prices the national income of India was only 9142 crore in 195051 which rose up to 28,46,762. In similar manner, during this period the per capita income increased from Rs. 255 to Rs. 25,716. Thus it is clear that the national income as well as per capita income both increased rapidly during the period of the planning.
2. Increase in Rate of Saving and Investment:
Some portion of the national income is invested (used for production) for the economic development. In each plan high targets of saving and investments were fixed for this which have nearly been achieved too. The gross saving and investment rates in the year 1950 – 51 (on current prices) were only 8.9 and 8.7 per cent of gross national product which increased to 32.4 and 33.8 percent in the year 2005 – 06.
3. Development in Agriculture Sector:
Agricultural production has increased extensively due to economic planning. The production of food grains increased to 2083 lakh tonnes in the year 2005-06 which was only 508 lakh tonnes in 1950 – 51. During this period as a result of green revolution high yielding seeds, chemical, fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation facilities etc. were expanded. Along with this in agricultural sector infrastructure developed too.
4. Industrialisation:
There has been a remarkable increase in industrial sector through five years plAnswer:Today India has become the tenth largest industrial country of the world. India’s progres can be estimated by the fact that the contribution of India b manufactured goods in the foreign trade is gradually increasing. Iro: and steel, engineering, goods, chemical and cement etc.
5. Education and Health:
At the beginning of planning, there were 27 universities, but now they are 389 in number, the literacy rate of the country in 1950-51 was 16.6 per cent which increased upto 64.8 percent in 2001.
Failures are as follows:
1. Slow Progress in per Capita Income:
In spite of economic planning in India, the growth in per capita income has been very slow. Still today 21 per cent of population in India is living below poverty line.
2. Regional Imbalance:
As a result of planning, the regional imbalance in the country should have decreased, but there has been no significant change. Uttar Pradesh, Orrisa, Bihar, etc. states are still backward states while the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, etc. are included under the category of comparatively developed states.
3. Increase in Prices:
The prices are continuously increasing since the period of planning. On the basis of 1993-94, the whole sale price index, number has risen to 2079 in December 2006. It is estimated that during the period of planning the prices increased near about 27 times.
4. Increase in Unemployment:
An important objective of economic planning was to reduce unemployment. But the unemployment kept on increasing a.t the end of each plan. In the beginning of first five year plan, where 33 lakh people were unemployed which is now estimated to about 4 crore.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Additional Important Questions
Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
Multiple Choice Questions:
(Choose the correct answer from the following) (MP Board 2009)
Question (i)
In ancient time India was called –
(a) Golden Triangle
(b) Golden Bird
(c) Golden Ring
(d) Golden Country
(b) Golden Bird
Question (ii)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is known as –
(a) IMF
(b) World Bank
(c) RBI
(d) UNO
(b) World Bank
Question (iii)
The peroid of 10th plan is –
(a) 2002 – 2007
(b) 2001 – 2008
(c) 2003 – 2008
(d) 2004 – 2009
(a) 2002 – 2007
Question (iv)
How many persons were unemployed in beginning of first plan – (MP Board 2009, Set B)
(a) 25 lac
(b) 33 lac
(c) 43 lac
(d) 35 lac.
(b) 33 lac
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- The writer of the famous book Arthshastra is ……………..
- The First Five Year Plan was started in ……………..
- Shri Mannarayan was related to the ……………..
- Kautilya
- 1951
- Gandhiyan plan
Question 3.
True and False type questions:
- The years 1966-67, 1967 – 68 and 1968 – 69 are known as the Rolling Plan.
- Indian Planning is based on the Russian model.
- Prof. Amartya Sen is related to the Planning Commission of India.
- True
- True
- False
Question 4.
Match the column:
1. (c)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (b)
Answer in One – Two Words or One Sentence
Question 1.
Mention three objectives of planning in India.
- Self – Sufficiency
- Social Justice
- Higher rate of growth.
Question 2.
How many five – year plans have been completed so far after independence?
Ten five – year plans have been completed.
Question 3.
Name the sector which was given top priority during the First Five Year Plan?
Agriculture was accorded top priority.
Question 4.
What are the essential things for analysing the economic planning?
Two things are essential in economic planning such as:
- Pre – decided aims which have to be accomplished.
- Description of the use of available resources to obtain the pre – determined aims.
Question 5.
Name any three types of economics?
- Capitalist Economy
- Socialist Economy
- Mixed Economy.
Question 6.
What are the three sectors of enterprises on the basis of ownership?
- Private sector
- Public sector and
- Joint sector
Question 7.
Define national income?
It is defined as the total value of all the goods and services produced within a country plus income coming from abroad.
Question 8.
What does consumption mean?
The use of goods and services is called consumption. In other words, reduction in utilities is termed as consumption.
Question 9.
What are primary activities of an economy?
Activities that are associated with land and water such as farming, cattle rearing, fishing and mining are called primary activities.
Question 10.
What is per capita income?
National income divided by the total population of the country is termed as per capita income.
Question 11.
What is Human Development Index?
The quality of life index prepared and published by United Nation’s Development Programme (UNDP) is termed as Human Development Index.
Question 12.
Mention the formula for the calculation of Human?
Development Index.
Human Development Index = Life expectancy index + Educational attainment
Question 13.
Define longevity?
Life expectancy at birth as known as longevity. It means the number of years a newly born baby is expected to live. Longevity in India at present is 63 years.
Question 14.
Identify different thrust areas of human development.
Health, Gender Equity and Gender Empowerment are the thrust areas of human development?
Question 15.
What basis of development has considered by Prof. Amartya Sen? (MP Board 2009)
Social Welfare.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
State briefly the main features of capitalist economy?
- Factors of production are owned by the individuals.
- Economic activities are carried out with the sole motive of project.
- Producers are to choose occupation of their own choice.
Question 2.
State briefly the features of socialist economy?
- Government is the sole producer of goods and services.
- All properties belong to the government.
- Economic decision are taken by the central planning authority.
Question 3.
Define national income in the words of Professor Marshall?
According to Professor Marshall, the labour and capital of country, acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds. This is the true net annual income or revenue of the country or the national dividend.
Question 4.
What are the advantages of a capitalist economy?
- Economic freedom.
- Maximum utilisation of resources.
- Higher standard of living.
- Increase production.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How is planning useful for economic development?
It is rightly said that India is rich country inhabited by pocrs. We have got abundance of resources lying undiscovered, untapped and unexploited. This is due to the fact that we did not formulate plans to make the best possible utilisation of these resources. After independence we adopted planned developmental economy aiming at higher rate of growth self – reliance and balanced economic development. Planning creates employment opportunities, economic stability and allround economic development of the country.
Question 2.
Give any two objectives of economic planning?
Two objectives of economic planning are as under:
(a) High Growth Rate:
It was felt after independence that we were an undeveloped economy. It was necessary to accelerate the pace of agricultural and industrial growth for the rapid economic development of the country. This is why, we adopted planned developmental economy to attain high growth rate.
(b) Social Justice:
Our society has been victim of social injustice and inequality of income. There is wide disparity in income and wealth of individual. There are regional imbalances resulting in social tensions. Under these circumstances the planner formulated our five
year plans with an aim towards social justice.
Question 3.
What is a Socialistic Pattern of society?
Socialist pattern of society means that the basic criterion of determining the lines of advance must not be private profit but social gain and the pattern of development and the structure of socioeconomic relations should be so planned that they result not. only in appreciable increase in national income and employment but also greater equality in income and wealth. The benefits of economic development must accure more and more to the relatively less privileged class of society, and there should be progressive reduction in the concentration of economic power.
Question 4.
Distinguish between:
- A Capitalist Economy and a Socialist Economy
- Economic and Non – economic Activities.
A Capitalist Economy:
- Private ownership on means of production.
- Freedom of enterprise.
- Profit is the main motive.
- Efficient use of resources.
- Free working of price mechanism.
A Socialist Economy:
- Government ownership on means of production.
- No freedom of enterprise.
- The main motive is social welfare and service.
- Inefficient use of resources.
- Interference by the government in the economy.
Economic Activities:
- Activities which contribute to the flow of goods and services.
- These activities are included in national income.
- Examples: Farmers, doctors, technicians etc.
Non – economic Activities:
- Activities which do not contribute to the flow of goods and services.
- These activities are not included in national income.
- Examples: Religious activities, social works etc.
MP Board Class 10th Social Science Chapter 15 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Discuss the contribution of agriculture in National Income?
Contribution of Agriculture to National Income. About 45% of our national income is earned through agriculture. Nearly 67% of our people earn livelihood through agriculture and its allied activities.
1. Contribution of Agriculture to Employment:
About 67% of our working population is engaged directly or indirectly with agriculture.
2. Agriculture is Source of Government Revenue:
State government earn land revenue and some states have taxed agricultural income.
3. Contribution of Agriculture to Industry:
Agriculture lays down sound foundation of our industries in the following ways
- Agriculture supplies us food and fodder.
- Agriculture contributes to trade also. Trading in food grains is all based on agriculture.
- Agriculture is main source of our exports.
- Agriculture is the foundation stone for economic development.
- Agriculture is major source of raw material for industry. Jute Cotton, Sugar, tea, Coffee, oil, Silk, Tobacco etc. are based on agricultural product.
- Agriculture is the source of capital formation.
- Agriculture supplies healthy manpower.
- Agriculture sector purchase goods of industrial sector.
Question 2.
Give any five suggestions for increasing the growth of national income?
In order to increase the national income following measures should be adopted:
1. Increase in the Rate of Savings and Investment:
In order to increase the national income productive activities must be increased. Modem large scale industrial venture requires huge amount of capital. It requires that there must be sufficient savings and investment in the productive activities.
2. Improvement in the Technique of Production:
In case we want to increase our production at faster rates we will have to introduce new technology in the field of production. It will increase the production and consequently national income will be multiplied.
3. Discouraging Increase in Populations:
Our economic development is eaten up by exploding population. It reduces our per capita income also. If we want to increase our national income we will have to check population explosion.
4. Discouraging Price Rise:
After independence inflationary pressure is Jbeing continuously felt. The commodities have become very costly, so savings are very little. Low savings and lesser capital formation is adversaliy affecting our national income.
5. Increasing Exports:
In order to increase our industrial production we will have to import latest machines equipments and technology. It requires foreign exchange, which can be earned by exporting our surplus agricultural.
Question 3.
Describe the construction of Human Development Index. What are its levels ?
Construction of Human Development Index Three basic factors of life are utilised in the construction of Human Development Index. These factors are:
- Life expectancy at time of birth for measuring a long and healthy life.
- Rate of adult literacy and total enrolment ratio.
- Per Capita Gross Domestic Product.
First of all indicators of these three factors are prepared separately to calculate Human Development Index. Then after their average is calculated whose value is presented between 0 to 1. The indicator of most developed country stands near 1 and most undeveloped country’s indicator stands near 0. On this basis, the countries of the world are classified into the following three classes according to their level of development.
1. Highly Human Developed Countries:
Those countries whose indicator is measured 0.8 or more are considered highly developed.
2. Medium Human Developed Countries:
Those countries are considered to be medium human developed countries whose indicator is measured from 0.5 to 0.8.
3. Low Human Developed Countries:
Those countries are considered to be low human developed countries whose measure of Index is below 0.5. Under the development programme of United Nations Organisation Human Development Index has been published for 177 countries. According to these indexes 63 countries are high human developed, 83 are medium and 31 are low human developed.